SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Eh, I thought Juri pinwheel was throwable and had no invuln frames on those moves… Am I wrong?

I dunno, you could be right. I’ve been conditioned never to try to throw anyone on wakeup playing SSF4 online because so many people just mash invincible reversals/supers/ultras. That said, that pinwheel seems to beat my crossup attempts and I’ve never been able to figure out the meaty timing in this game, just doesn’t work like 2D SF games.

You are wrong. EX has some invincibility on start up, and all of them are immune to throw once it becomes active.

Juri’s EX pinwheel fucking sucks. It trades so often, and almost never in her favor.

Really I’ve had instances where I set a jump I’m in the damn thing and can punish guess it’s an online thing.

Really, ASW does good balance patches? Blazblue CS just took the best character and made her terrible. Great balancing :confused:

Here’s a crazy thought: no balance change is ever good because people don’t like change. WOAH

Goddamn, if I bitched and moaned every time I got “randomed out” trying to apply pressure with Makoto I’d be on SRK all day crying about shit.

I played Super Makoto and didn’t spend this much time writing seven paragraph posts about how rough my character has it. Wakeup pressure is inherently risky in a game with wide reversal windows and FADCs, it’s just a part of the game. The fact that Akuma has went this deep into the SF4 series with what is essentially safe wakeup pressure is nothing short of miraculous. Now you guys have to deal with some of the same things just about every other character in the game has to deal with when playing the oki game. Boo hoo hoo.

And no, before you try and make the argument, I don’t lose to Akuma all the tme and am not crying about him I just recognize bullshit when I see it.

…a rabid troll appears out of nowhere…and appears to have posted his trolling in the wrong thread.

Active. Is it one frame active? If not that makes it throwable on wakeup.

Actually, when I posted that I didn’t realize that I was reading page 50 out of 54 in this thread. So my bad on that. Sometimes SRK’s “take you to the last unread post” thing when you click on the thread has unintended consequences, lol.

maybe he means ex is invincible until active?

He said all. I looked in the Juri forum for a quick sticky but didn’t see anything regarding movesets.

Juri’s ex pinwheel…well from Bison’s side of the fence a lot of the same options that I use against chun on her wakeup with meter work on Juri. Oddly enough I am pretty sure I have thrown her out of the startup of ex pinwheel before (unless the person decided to ex fireball for some reason while I am on top of them).

no, after cs litchi still ended up A tier in cs2 although they did do other characters that weren’t high tier ( ragna ) pretty dirty. but thats more because of the universal midscreen nerf than arc just intentionally raping him.

and regarding juri ex pinwheel, i believe the move isn’t invincible until the 3rd active frame. and yes, it’s ass as an reversal since it trades or get thrown until it’s 3rd frame.

I’m just going to test it at home tonight. I know I’ve thrown her out of regular pinwheel. Gouken’s wakeup is better then Juri, I’m pretty sure of that.

You can EX flip against EX uppercuts and get a max punish (excluding cammy), you can EX parry and beat any non armor breaking normal/move, EX tatsu will beat throws.

What’s Juri got? Going to have to test.

I really wish someone would tell me what this mythical 100% safe wake up pressure is because I haven’t seen it.


Almost everything Akuma does is safe, thats why Tokido is so gdlk.
I kid, I kid.

i play gouken and off a hard knockdown he has 100% safe divekick options vs most characters that beat or make 3 frame srks whiff and he has option selects to cover every option except block. Lots of characters have safe options vs certain portions of the cast, as a blanka player too, i know that i have to block on wakeup vs certain characters because my reversals are punishable on hit and there are optionselects to cover my other escape options. if you have srk fadc you can apply safe pressure to link blockstrings. you can’t do that with lots of characters.

not to mention its fucking annoying at the same time