SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

No, you’re imagining it. What I said is what I said. If I didn’t say infallible I didn’t mean infallible.


Rose hasn’t gotten anything useful so far I’m afraid, true. At this point I’m not even expecting anything decent, which is such a shame.

I’m expecting a:
No additional changes since the “SSFIV AE Ver.2012 Beta V1” location test.
or hurtbox increased and U1 damage nerfed

Capcom really hates Rose :confused:

“Nerf: Chin size increased.
Buff: Rose is now voiced by Bruce Cambell.”

I think dudley is going to be (again) one of the worst characters in the game. Hope I´m wrong and the buffs actually can help him to do something.

Oh my god, I can only imagine if they did though… Ugh… Gonna have nightmares with that…

Apart from the nerfs they have given to characters to tone them down, I’d say AE 2012 is a definite a step, even if it is an inch or so, to the right direction. Only problem is that people just aren’t that satisfied about it and, by some crazy logic, think that by maximising a character’s strength will balance the game…

Um, excuse me for saying this everyone but, how does a character who excels in zoning or rushdown get a major buff that enforces that playstyle exactly balance the game. It would a game of cat and mouse at that point, with any one matchup to be COMPLETELY against or for that character instead. If what we want is for a game to be completely balanced, then most of your suggestions would have to be null and void, because we want what best for our character and not consider others, even me to be honest, and we would just be left out in the dust. That’s why we are “PLAYERS” not a “development team.”

Were we to be at their shoes, would we want to favour a character over everyone else and leave them to rot?


Seems like misery loves company around here too often.

I want my old lk sobat kick and lk upkick to hit crouching opponets. I mean… 5 frames unchainable, ass back dash and no wake up game is really bad in this SF4 engine chains, thats all it does though

Deejay doesn’t need anything amazing at all. He survives in this metagame just fine though I don’t mind if they gave him a bit more buffs.

I eagerly await more T. Hawk buffs

give him a faster floor scoot and an overhead.

Sideways, as always.

Gouken needs that little bit of extra spice to make him truly viable, but Capcom can’t give it to him.

Frankly, they perhaps can’t give it to him because given his current moveset and overall character ability, it may stand to make him truly ridiculous. Gouken stands to be a very solid middle of the road character and I suspect his difficult matchups will remain, albeit perhaps a little bit more manageable.

He strikes me as a character that almost needs to go back to the drawing board in terms of some parts of his overall design. Some signature fundamentals should obviously remain, but he needs to trade some of those for something that invokes a bit of a threat.

I’ve often toyed with the idea of throw invulnerability on his counters. He’d then have somewhat of a mini 50/50 of his own in some ways that would remain viable as a guess should opponents instead go to poke him (high, low, or burn a stock to cover both bases) rather than grab him at his many vulnerable moments. Its clear Capcom are nutting out many ideas to try and make him better, but they straddle a thin line I feel. A low hitting 3f lk tatsu with a large hurtbox (i.e. it can trade/be interrupted) would also be an interesting addition.

The location test footage of him showed some promise but his weak areas appeared to remain (kinda like the inverse of Yun - while ‘nerfed’ he still appeared very strong). I guess its also worth considering pseudo-buffs for Gouken by way of opponent nerfs. We’ll see.

The Hakan comments are interesting, but I can’t help but think his buffs are being overstated or we’re assuming too much. Hakan is tricky when oiled, but it certainly isn’t a win-button, and even when he’s greasy he still retains his signature weaknesses. We’ll see though. Worth noting is that a lot of the location test footage of Hakan running a train was one driven by Wildcat. He plays spectacularly no matter what.

I don’t think Hakan’s changes are being overstated at all. Being oiled at the start of every round is… well it’s huge. Hakan is a completely different character when oiled and it’s much easier for him to stay oiled than it is to get oiled, so this one change alone is going to help in making him being oily his default rather than a ‘buffed’ state. He really will be a viable character now, if not an outright scary one.

He has a parry when oily. That says enough.

Oiled Hakan can cancel his dashes


Gouken needs his to be a command normal at the least.

His wakeup sucks and that’s ok. Lot’s of characters wakeups suck.

Lk tatsu will always be worthless on wakeup no matter the frames so long as it remains hittable and throwable on wakeup. eX tatsu needs to hit low and keep the frames the same. Just being able to fadc on wakeup will make a huge difference, but yeah, he doesn’t even need that. a command normal, make super a full juggle and make lp palm go the same distance as super lp palm with ae frame data and have the attack out through the whole dash like a tiger knee. Mp and hp palm back to the normal distance.

In addition to his other buffs that would really be enough imho.

Seriously though, oiled Hakan can be pretty scary.

Hakan’s main “weakness” is a weakness to safe offensive pressure.

When oiled, Hakan literally shrugs off offense. He never has to block. Backdash, backdash normal cancel, spd, ex spd, focus, focus backdash, focus bachdash normal cancel.

So… no, being put into a state automatically where blocking is unnecessary is pretty good. It is definitely not overstated.

Soooooo, how can I beat you now?