SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Get lost troll.

There’s no need for that, everyone knows Rose is the slut. Saying that, Juri does have some hardcore potential with the PC MOD crew. I know I wouldn’t be wasting my time putting stubble on Ryu’s chin, that’s for sure…

you still crying?

Get lost troll, you don’t have anything useful to say.

Err… Reeeeaally not sure where the trolling is coming from actually.

Dude’s been here for like ten freaking years. He’s been here almost half as long as I’ve existed. I’m pretty sure if he were a genuine troll he’d have been banned by now.

OK, which characters are still looking bad and can’t compete against B tiers?

Rose is still looking pretty mediocre so far.

Rose and probably Gouken still is all I can think of.

+Fuerte, maybe DeeJay

Gouken’s Denjin buff looks nice, but in the end it’s still a buff to an ultra, something I personally don’t like.

Although, I have heard that his new is the shit. I guess we’ll find out. (though I don’t think 1 normal is gonna change much)

As for Hakan? Maaaan, I dunno. Starting off oiled (for RH oil duration no less) is kinda… odd. Like, it’ll definitely take some getting used to for Hakan players, but for everyone else it’ll be a shift as well. Rather than fighting for space as he is now, he’s gonna have to fight to get in (I use the term “fight” loosely; getting in while oiled isnt too hard) and oil some more.

The other buffs are, more or less, negligible for him. If lk oil dive is a functioning anti-air (I doubt it will be, but its possible) then cool, we get an obnoxious AA to use and also get oil with.

If c.hp being two hits means its more safe on block, then I’ll welcome that too as it’ll be a very good tool to close space with, especially with a dnc.

The stun fix is… alright, I guess. I mean, Hakan wasn’t a character who could stun easily, he just did damage. So it was incredibly rare to notice this glitch (I never have, actually).

Overall, yeah, the only one you’re gonna see praised is the most gamechanging, the oiled start. It is pretty huge.

YES HAKAAAN!!! He is gonna be so godlike in 2012. I had already been playing a bit him in AE and he is so much fun. I’m gonna main him in 2012. He got a lot of help in the 2012 version. I’d say his improvements are in line with Makoto from Super to AE. He’s gonna be good. Mid to High Mid at best I’d say. He might be better than Zangief in some instances.

There I fixed your post. No need to thank me. I’m just doin my job. Kachow! :sunglasses:

Give me a Fei player that likes to preemptively stop Akuma’s st. rh with cr. fp and I’ll give you a Fei that’s on his back. If you read your opponent and you see that Fei is attempting to use cr. fp as a means to stop the rh then it’s easy to simply bait the cr. fp and punish it with sweep. All the Fei players I play don’t even like to use fp as a poke like that because If it whiffs they’re eating a sweep 80% of the time (assuming I’m looking for it), it simply has too much recovery to be used that way very often. Cr. mk can be dealt with the same way, though it’s certainly much more difficult to reaction whiff punish so you have to rely upon more prediction, which is dangerous because you just can’t be throwing out cr. rh as Akuma willy nilly as you show. Point is though, you can train the Fei player to not throw out pokes like that, which opens up an avenue to start pressuring with the cheap ass st. rh. Personally, I’ve never really had a problem with it whiffing on Fei, perhaps every once in a while at max range the second hit will whiff.

I agree the sweep isn’t very viable as a poke since anywhere other than max range you eat rekka. But it’s still very useful as a whiff punishing tool. I’ll leave the random poking to cr. mk and st. rh. I think when everything is considered I don’t see Fei having too much ground advantage if any really, even though Fei is naturally very strong on the ground. I think it’s pretty much a toss up and whoever plays smarter wins the footsie game.

Btw, if you really live in Louisiana you should drive to Texas for one of our tournies, we have really good comp. Def an underrated state, Hsien Chang isn’t the only killer out here. Shame a lot of our folks just don’t travel a lot.

Yea one of these days I would like to drive out that way. I definately have heard of many of the TX players. I played against Wude a lot back in Vanilla.

Youre implying it.

Don’t really know how Gouken’s changes are going to pan out. He’ll be better on his feet but it sounds like nothing’s being done about his poor wakeup. Oh well, plenty of characters have that issue.

Gouken users will continue to be great with him and shitty matchups will get slightly less shit. He’ll have a real focus break finally as well as a powerful new spacing tool with xx lp hadouken.

Goukens changes are like a bad relationship!

Denjin Changes: Nice change honey and should help our relationship in areas (kiss on the cheek)
**Palm setup change: **Whenever you give me things honey something else has to be lost! You should have never taken it away in the first place but made it better so we can last.
**Kongo so called buff: **You have taken the pills and you still can’t get it up and times.
**Hit confirm so called fix: **Your still not hitting the spot at times honey!
**Overhead buff: **The enhancement kinda worked but your still too slow in bed. Stop being lazy
**Super buff: **Honey we need that money to pay our bills and feed our children!
**Far Standing HP and Standing HK active frame buff: **Hmm your lasting longer hmhmhmhm
**Denjin lever spin buff: **I have faith this will help our relationship one way or another!

I feel dirty… I think capcom is cheating on him lol.

All I can say is I’m glad the community isn’t balancing this game.

I’m pretty happy with almost every change they’ve listed for v2012. I think it’s going to be a pretty good game.