SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

But that’s obviously not the case. He does have the vortex and it is usable. No matter how you look at it, Akuma has options at virtually any range on screen. So what if some of his options are 100% safe? The same applies to every other character in the game.

The throw nerf wasn’t a lazy fix for the unblockables. The dev blog explicitly said that they had loopable setups (ie. vortex) in mind when they made the change. Blaming the unblockable is just a more convenient way for Gouki players to justify their rage.

Then Capcom is only dumber than i though because it doesn’t even do that. Again it only proves my point not disproves it.

Again the only thing this chnage modifies is the unblockable. Safe jumps and other set ups still work fine.

To say there are only 5-6 characters who get completly shut down and have no hope of escaping outside a random reversal or wait for a fuck-up on Akumas part, then counter this with saying how hard you need to work against others is a bit silly.
It shows how the character is imbalanced and deserves nerfs unless Capcom can buff the other characters without throwing balance out the window like in AE.

“Everyone else Akuma has to work hard and carefully use his options to keep someone mixed up” This is the problem in my opinion, why should you not have to carefully use your options? No character should be able to go into auto pilot and shut down another.

Nothing in the game should ever be an automatic win and nothing is, BUT every character should have at least one option, not most.

I dont play as Akuma, but I dont have to to see the problem with these two posts. A Vortex that shuts down a character completely outside of normal reactions etc isnt a “Full Vortex”, and cant be compared to how the Vortex works against others, its broken tech.

Edit: This thread is moving too fast to keep up lol.

How does this:
"We have made modifications taking into account the overall gameplay balance, as well as his potential for loop setups."
imply that they were trying to remove his okizeme/safe jumps?

I find it laughable that some players think they’re actually smarter than the devs. You guys are looking at one character at a time. The dev team has to consider the entire cast when making a change. It doesn’t make sense to narrow down the throw nerf to something like a highly situational unblockable when a character like Blanka has an easier unblockable that works at more ranges against more characters.

They are free because the character design sucks not because Akuma is so good. Nerfing Akuma doesn’t stop Gouken from sucking.

That’s bullshit. How do you think characters are made? They’re all based around one character, and balanced solely for that? Bad matchups aren’t because one character has an advantage, no, clearly the disadvantaged character sucks and should be ignored. Those matchups are non-canon and should be banned from tournaments.

SRK Low Tier Hero #34537687:
“Akuma and that safe ass auto pilot vortex. Damn him! :annoy:”

Tier Whore Scrub Akuma Main:
“It’s not always safe. :sad:”

SRK Low Tier Hero #39467667:
“How dare you claim that Akuma’s offense should be 100% safe. Dee Jay doesn’t even have an EX demon flip that he can throw two unblockable projectiles out of! Self righteous assholes. Let’s talk about how much Gen sucks now. :coffee:

I guess you can read my post and then educate me what I can do other then to random reversal and pray to a figment of 90% of the worlds imagination.

In the scenario you gave, that’s it. It ends there. There is not hard knockdown into another safejump.

I’m not whining about Gouken, it’s just that he is mainly the only character I play so this is the only scenario I can speak on without fear of being wrong about something.

Most characters have a safe jump set up, I’d assume all but I’m just saying most. The thing is Akuma also has a throw built into that set up right? And that throw leads right back to square 1. It’s not like if I eat the throw I took my damage for just blocking and now we start over. I’m on the floor and I am put right back into the situation where I am forced to guess between “just block” or do a reversal, essentially square 1 again.

If I do a reversal there will be two outcomes - I will hit you if you went for the throw, deal 200 damage, and push you to full screen. Situation is reset after I got my damage.

If you safe jumped - I lose a bar, eat a level 3 focus into some combo ending with a tatsu sweep. Not only have I just taken more damage then you risked (even when you break it down by percentage of health is my guess) and lost an EX bar, but I’m now back at square 1. You got a hard knockdown and another safe jump/throw guess.

See the difference there in the guess right and guess wrong? I’m taking a shitload more risk then you. Which is fine, I got knocked down. I guess my problem lies in the fact that it leads right back into the same thing when I guess wrong and it is a reset situation for you when you guess wrong.

Even when I guess right and block the high/low mixup I’m still not out of the woods yet. I now have to contend with getting frame trapped into a hard knockdown and put back at square 1 or getting tick thrown and going back to square 1. Only after I have successfully navigated the safejump/throw/high/low mixup and THEN done the same for the frame trap vs throw afterwards am I out of the woods so to speak.

When you take all of this into context, no sane person is going to reversal 5 times in a row just hoping to catch you doing a demon flip throw. I don’t even have 5 bars to try and I don’t have enough life to try anyway. It’s because of this, ALL OF THIS, that demon flip throw is made safer. I’m not saying it is unpunishable, of course it is, but when you put it all together, it is an awfully huge risk to take to try to punish it with very little reward. The damage you get for successfully reversing it is secondary to the fact that you got Akuma off of you.

Again, I’m just speaking from the perspective of Gouken cause that’s who I play. I’m not whining about the situation I’m just pointing out that saying demon flip is unsafe as if that negates everything else is just funny when you take all of his options and moves in that particular setup into context.

I’ve never asked for this to be nerfed, though I have lamented how futile the situation is for Gouken. I have wished that Gouken had something to deal with this that wasn’t completely disastrous for him though.

Would love for counters to be unbreakable but I also know how retarded that would be in other matchups such as against Adon.

At this point it just is what it is. Deal with it and move on (this is in general, not directed at you or anyone, cause I’m sure someone on SRK will read this and take a great personal offense to it). The game just isn’t that serious. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, right?

But do answer me one question, with the +2 nerf, how many frames will someone have between the throw until you can hit them with the first frame of palm on their wakeup in 2012? is it 5? That might be worded weird. What frame reversals will beat the palm set up in 2012 is my question basically.

Ok then. Guess theres no point in having an opinion in this as you dont even read posts properly.

Pretty sure 90% of the time it starts with:

Tier Whore Scrub Akuma Main:
“whinge, moan, rant, cry. Why dont they stop nerfing good characters and buff the shit ones like Gouken and DeeJay, just because they suck doesnt mean we have to. :sad:”*

*SRK Low Tier Hero #39467667:
But Balance cant work like that, they need to do both ends of the specturm not just buff everyone.

Tier Whore Scrub Akuma Main:
*"whinge, moan, rant, cry.**You have no idea how hard it is to use Akuma effectivly, you have no Idea the troubles we have seen, Noone knows our sorrow, your just a low teir scrub man… gtfo.

And the thread goes off the rails for another 10 pages*

My smiley usage was better than yours. :arazz:

Cant we all just get along? :lovin:

Akuma vortex is very low risk and pretty high reward if you ask me, the only real risky option against most characters is throw and it´s almost guaranteed because no one with a clue will take the risk of trying to avoid it.

Of course it happens time to time that you miss one df throw and lose half life, but it´s not common. And how many times do you see df throw work? It´s almost 100% free damage you get on every match.


pretty much all akuma players dont realize how good their character is, its like theyre in denial or something

This topic needs to die as soon as possible…

…but Akuma players do realize how good their character is. It is the main reason why they want the character to remain unchanged.

Akuma’s low health keeps him in check IMO. I am a bit suprised he is getting multiple nerfs, but the devs are smart so I trust they know whats up.

I like the part where we stop talking about Akuma.

But to a more important matter they need to buff the T&A in this game discuss.

…we could talk about the return of TKCS instead? :rofl:

no garganta talk?