SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Just because an option is not 100% safe does not mean it isn’t good.

Reipin is saying that Akuma’s tools aren’t in a vacuum, other characters tools can be compared to that tool in terms of how they interact, or which one is better or worse.

When a character has to take a risk to challenge your tool/option that could lead to a full combo punish the risk:reward of said option is still heavily in your favor.

So you said. I believe you called it a random Ultra, as in you got randomed out. You also said something about people getting desperate. That has nothing to do with the high reward of getting to continue the constant 2 chance mixup to keep applying pressure. I suppose those people who got desperate were just doing what gets you out for “free” according to some Akuma players, which is to block.

I know flip throw is unsafe. I have one too. I’m just stating that it is protected by the knowledge of the safe jump and rewarded by the fact that getting the throw isn’t the end of the line pressurewise if you land it (where as once Gouken lands his you can do a crossup that can be auto-reversed).

Of course you don’t agree with me though. I’m just some guy who runs around crying to nerf all the characters so I can win, right? I have some way out of this other than to spend an EX bar and take a stupid huge risk, right? And that risk is equal to yours, right? And as you are reading this you are thinking I am whining about a low tier character instead of just making a solid argument so this is all pointless.

It’s fine, this is exactly why I don’t post in this thread anymore. If this thread is to be believed everyone posting in it is a whiner or crybaby of some sort pointing the finger at everyone else calling them a whiner or a crybaby.

Actually no there are times where your choice of OS can get you punish in a nonrandom eay. Take Viper for instance. OSing LP.SRK is one of the better options since beats or trades with her reversals. The problem is the one option it loses to is back dash which if she goes for she gets a full punish. So once in a while you have to OS EX tatsu to cover this, but if she thunder knuckles on wake up you get hit instead.

There are a couple match ups like that where an OS that covers one set of options not only loses to the other set but results in a full combo yet to run a good vortex you have to occationally go for the unsafe options to discourage the use of ceratin revserals. In fact the Bison is the hardest to Vortex because of this.

Believe it or not, there are only 5 or 6 characters who lose to a single OS and can be safe jumped. Those are the only characters who have to deal with the full Vortex. Everyone else Akuma has to work hard an carefully use his options to keep someone mixed up.

Rightly fucking so. I don’t understand this statement.

Quite easy. Contrary to popular believe the vortex isn’t 100% safe all the time

how is this different from what any other character has to deal with when applying oki pressure? and for 90% of the other characters, pressuring with the correct option dosent lead back into another hard knockdown

i know akuma pays more for a wrong pressure option, but he is rewarded much more heavily when he does the right one.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s entire possible to play Akuma without relying on his okizeme.

EDIT: based upon LoyalSol’s post
Or said another way, most chars have at least one option to punish the one or the other vortex option. Or at least to stay safe to possibly escape the vortex a litttle bit later …

The vortex is good - no doubt - but no automatic win button!

So you want it to be? I respect your opinions as an Akuma player, but you’ve started to single out individual scenario’s as opposed to looking at the nerf as a whole. You chose a character that requires a great deal of thought, and Capcom want to make that art difficult to master. Particularly when that character has one of the largest range of tools in the game.

If removing and/or making one of your 25 way’s to win a match a little harder makes Akuma closer to the balance required what’s the problem?

I don’t see [FONT=Helvetica]anyone else backing you up, unlike Ryu’s cr-mk scenario. It’s one way traffic. [/FONT]

So you are saying you don’t think the risk reward ratio on knockdowns is heavily in akumas favor. So after throw it’s smart to just back off with akuma and rely on your footsies.

I think he’s trolling at this point.

any news? this thread is full with tumors…

Was Gen ever discussed, or did Akuma continue to bury him?

There isn’t any fresh news at this point. No footage, no dev blog, nuthin’.

Maybe I’ll translate the whole pdf file, because there might be some information missing (like 2nd last hit of non-EX Roll of Gen has +8 after FADC as well, not just EX Roll)

how about this…

I am glad Gen got nothing that actually makes that character better. Fuck him. I hate that matchup. They should probably get rid of one of his stances. It’s too overpowered for a character to be able to change all his moves like that.

Why are you excited for DeeJay’s changes. He didn’t get anything useful.

I don’t play Gen at all and I disagree, how about that ?
Do you think you’ll find a lot of players who never use akuma and completely disagree to changes getting him slightly back in line ?

Yea and no one was backing up Copernicus yet he seemed to be right in the end.

And no I don’t want it to be. I am actually trying to give people and insight about how Akuma’s vortex works so they can actually get out of it. If you don’t understand the mix ups then you will always be free to it.

True it is, but that isn’t what people are bitching about now is it? Also without the Oki game Akuma would just be a weaker version of Ryu with no health…Aka E.Ryu in the current AE.

lol I am not trolling rather people get rilled up when you actually try to explain things to them that are contrary to their belief. Frankly if you guys wanted this topic to die off stop quoting me. Simple as that. My alert box gets blown up after every post in this thread which basically says that everyone here can’t let it die.

I do love however, that people always seem to try to take my points to the extreme. SRK (and the internet in general) does love their straw man argument.

I’ll say this, if you play your cards right Akuma can absolutely dominate someone. I will not deny that. His vortex is what makes him stand out from the rest.

And you know what? You are right. When Akuma is on point he gets a lot of bang for his buck. Too bad most SF players out there though don’t understand what is going on. I’ve been trying to educate players about Akuma’s vortex.

The thing is I’ve been pissed about these changes not because not because I feel Akuma is going to fall apart. Rather I am pissed because these changes feel lazy/ignorant by Capcom. They feel like Capcom is taking the easy way out in this round of changes instead of actually addressing issues. For instance the throw nerf was a lazy nerf to unblockables. Some say they wanted to ruin our vortex, but I find that to be BS. It is funny that the 2 frames is exactly enough to make timing the unblockable hard. If they changed it by 1 or 3 frames it would change our set ups against Makoto and Shotos not make it difficult. The problem is there are many characters the unblockable requires different timing that was previously hard to do that the throw nerf will make easier.

So in short the only nerf I truly hate is the s.HK nerf. I can live without the overhead (though it will be annoying) and the throw nerf in the end will be an obsolete change. The funny thing is though if you people stop quoting me I will stop responding.

I have nothing to do with this discussion but ^ that is fucking hilarious.

Games over guys, we can’t possibly understand the depth of our very own Copernicus. You are all wrong it seems, and only the finest of scholars in the future will be able to show your descendants just how wrong you all were.


Yea because that is what I said >_<.

See people do love the straw man around here. I’ve never said I was right, I said appealing to numbers is not a good logical argument. Or in other word just because an opinion is popular doesn’t make it correct.

yes, I do…
