SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I love putting in work no matter who the character is that I play. Makes me feel like I’ve really accomplished something. XD

Lol! I understand that people now tend to think of me as just a commentator instead of a player, but in Vanilla I was the American Zangief, played in SoCal near two Evo top 8 Akumas, and developed a lot of Zangief technology that later showed up in vids from around the world. I know a little bit about option selects heh (notice a familiar os there?). While I hated getting caught in that blender in the corner, if I was there it usually meant that Akuma had been playing offensively, and I’d much rather deal with an Akuma player coming to me or playing even than an Akuma player running away. Roflcopter was annoying, no doubt, and in Super where Akuma had both copter escape and u2 in teleport (its hitbox hit giant Zangief just fine) it was really frustrating. But imo teleport with u2 is worse than copter. I can do something about copter, I can preemptively jump headbutt or I can jump back mp/hp on reaction if I have the right spacing. About teleport with u2 I can do nothing unless Akuma does a really bad teleport to within range of my spd or st lk. Baiting teleports does very little for me other than pushing Akuma toward the corner a bit, but for a character as mobile and option-heavy as Akuma that’s not as big a deal as it is for others. Not that Zangief gets too many opportunities to play meaty mixups without ex green hand knocking down, ugh (that lost knockdown is a top 5 nerf in SF4 series history). Gief can work so hard to get a knockdown or even just to get close without a knockdown only to watch Akuma get out without hope of pursuit. I hear you on u1 being useful too, it totally is, but if I were you I’d rely on Akuma’s already good punishers and mid range tools and buff my post-copter escapes.

Anyway, point is, in Vanilla if I got knocked down in the corner I had to make very bad guesses, but I was ok with Akuma playing offensively, and if I got a knockdown (which I could do), I could really harrass him with my option selects. Now I have to deal with Akuma playing defensively, I can’t get knockdowns, and a lot of the knockdowns I do get are free escapes for Akuma anyway.

It may be a long list but most of those buffs are really weird and make no sense whatsoever at all. The only ones that matter are the active frames buff on crane (used as AA, it trades too much atm), untech. knockdown with HK gekiro (and meter gain bonus for a completed mk/hk gekiro), and crane FA lvl1 being +3 on block(subsequently mantis FA lvl1 being +3 on hit). I can’t see myself using that pathetic excuse of an ultra mantis U2 just because the start-up is better, the roll buffs are interesting but comboing into roll isn’t really something to do often at all and is just a weird change imo. EX Oga being ‘buffed’ pisses me off the most, they ‘made it faster’ but jap players report hardly any difference in speed, which is a shame because if it was fast we could punish projectiles on reaction with it.


Nothing the Gen community actually wanted was added, instead they dance around us with weird ass changes that have yet to be proven to make him better, I think it won’t atm. Also untechable knockdown from hk gekiro seems huge, but then you realize you cannot combo into HK gekiro with any of the TC’s except for a select few characters, derp.

Hmmm kind of interesting that your two examples where bad MU’s for Akuma in there respective versions.

I don’t beat Rose players with any consistency in AE. I don’t think that she deserved any changes other than the Ultra nerf.

Do you disagree with my examples?

How about this one…remove the ability to FADC blocked shoryus from every character in the game. I think that it cheapens the way that game plays defensively. Get rid of it as soon as possible…

IDK I guess I would have chosen two other characters as an example lol.

Best thing anyone has posted in this thread in a long while.

Akuma’s vortex falls in the realm of “stupid” and he just lost the overhead so it is less domineering. The vortex wasn’t just good vs 3-4 characters, it was strong over a lot of characters as far as I’m aware.

“Akuma not that good anyway, it still takes a lot of work and hardly any good Akumas anyway”

Doesn’t make the vortex any less “stupid”. He’s still going to have lefts, rights, highs, lows, safe jumps, SRK stuffing setups even with this 1 less high at his disposal. It’s not all “doom and gloom” and Akuma wasn’t just the vortex, he still has everything else.

Saying “don’t want to learn new…” makes you sound lazy btw. Welcome to updates, shit changes.

hahahaha sucks for akuma, i hope they fuck him up more lolol. Hes still gonna be gay, idk why all the akuma players are trippin out so much

I have no problem with this discussion. You are basing that criticism of the character on something that you think cheapens the game. You can create that argument without making it comparison based. I don’t think it is wrong for you to want to criticize it.

The “everything else” causes the character to lack noticeably bad matchups…it’s the vortex that pushed the character to be a tournament winner. I am interested to see what happens.

Abel players put 2 years into Abel just to see Capcom destroy him in AE, he was probably the worst nerfed character coming from super, Ultra 1 damage reduced, Ultra 2 made useless, frames added to roll recovery, damage nerf on all versions of tt, one of his best normals cr.fp ruined, no buffs whatsoever, and if you read through this forum you’d never know because Abel players dealt with it by sucking it up or changing their main, these nerfs are going to happen complaining is pointless.

We should do what we can make it known that we don’t want the games to be handled in this way. AE 2012 is a direct result of complaints made by people who should be considered our enemy :badboy:. I can’t accept that it is completely irrelevant.

I wish I could like that twice

Yea lazy us for not wanting to learn new set ups. I mean we shouldn’t be lazy because just look at how much effort capcom put into fixing unblockables.

Abel’s nerfs come down to he has to hit you once more than before and now a couple characters who get eaten by random rolls can deal with them a tiny bit better (PS, Abel still beats Dhalsim etc), since by the end of Super very few Abels picked u2 except in just a couple matchups and cr fierce is still usable.

Imo Blanka, Cammy, Chun, Dhalsim, Guile, Honda, Rose, Ryu, and Zangief were all nerfed worse than Abel was. Blanka’s horizontal balls are almost not usable, ex rainbow is a worse corner escape, and hops are more throwable; Cammy’s main offensive weapon in tiger knee cannon strike is gone; Chun lost damage and important hitboxes; Dhalsim’s limbs and u1 do even less damage than before while the addition of the twins gives him even more bad matchups; Guile got 20-something individual nerfs to damage, frame data, meter gain, and hitboxes; Honda lost antiair lp headbutt and considerable damage; Rose lost her only legit wakeup move; Ryu’s main ground normal was nerfed, his damage was reduced, and he lost copter escape; and Zangief, plainly built around getting meaty mixups in SF4, lost the vast majority of his knockdowns into meaty mixups. Abel was better than all those characters before (except maybe Honda) and he still is in AE (except maybe Honda).

And you know what? I was saying those Abel nerfs were pointless and retarded especially when I saw them for myself.

Just like I though the Ryu c.MK nerf was stupid.

Capcom has a habit of making “WTF” nerfs.

Rose players, Guile players, Honda players, Abel players, etc etc etc didn’t want the game to be handled this way & where did it get them, the same place it’s going to get you, nowhere. Your opinion right or wrong is irrelevant, & your playing the worlds smallest violin HARD, not a good look.

I’m still extremely curious to find out the buffs/nerfs/changes they havent listed

akuma players need better fundamentals. just xcopy tokido after 2012 comes out. im sure you’ll still be fine.

Akuma players probally have some of the best fundimentals in the game. You can’t win without them.

I agree that Capcom makes weird changes sometimes. If Akumas will still have unblockables but against different characters, then that throw nerf is weird, although still not bad balance-wise. But as for the st hk nerf, imo it’s a smart, targeted nerf that will hopefully help some of the characters he beats and not have that much of an impact in matchups he loses. Ex fireball out of ex demon flip sounds weird but who knows, it might end up useful for chip kills or guaranteed ins into mixups against some characters. Compared to the nerfs in AE mentioned above this is totally no big deal.