SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I still remember the SBO quals where an Abel player had Mago’s Fei beat but that c.HP nerf cost him the match pretty much.

I’m sorry the Abel players name escapes me I know his favorite alt is the original in white.

Edit: Nekojita

Nekojita, I think.

…all that I want is for people who put effort into the game to be rewarded for it. It doesn’t have anything to do with Akuma or any other character.

Use the updates to try to make weak characters better (Super Makoto was done well) and remove things from the game that are legitimately stupid. We will end up with a better game in the end.

Sadly this will never happen since Capcom doesn’t know what is the right way of balance but then again the same can be said for us.

Edit: that and for some characters the think buffing the useless ultras are the answer or fix input problems that should have been fixed a long time ago isn’t a buff.

OK fair enough but Abel didn’t need to be nerfed that hard ( how many players are using Abel in the USA in AE compared to Super ? there’s a reason for that ) & my point was as unnecessary as Abel players thought his nerfs were, they happened, the players dealt with it. They didn’t complain ad-nauseum page after page like the Cammy/Akuma players.

If it were possible to do that i think Capcom would be going down that route, but there are lots of arguments on srk that state that it doesn’t work.

another page, another pool of salt, courtesy of akuma players

LOL woodenTEETH is making out like all rose players did was herpderp the whole match and then u2 for the victory. Rose has had the lowest damage output since vanilla. U2 itself didn’t do much damage. How did rose players do the other 70 percent of damage to the opponents health? Did it just magically vanish?
Nerfing U2 because it is a stupid mechanic is a warranted argument, though whether it was really as unfair as people made it out to be is a different story. Were any of her matches even super unfair?

you guys clearly dont seem to be winning if all thats happened is crying. off the top of my head I can think of maybe 5 akumas that actually win/have won. how many in the US actually make noise? Sans tokido, eita, -6, Toxy and momochi who doesnt even PLAY akuma anymore, who in the US actually does ANYTHING with akuma? JR? lol okay.

fireball DP is NEVER bad. combined with an incredibly safe vortex, multiple escape options, two extremely viable ultras, and some fantastic normals, akuma will not be bad in 2012. top 5 character? probably not. top 10? maybe we’ll have to see how it plays out. I dont see him dropping below top 15 characters in the game.

edit: not touching the rose shit again.

The char itself has a dominating moveset. That does not make its players best at fundamentals. I’ve seen crappy akumas, and most of them could land that stupid sweep and safely demon flip into damage+knockdown.

…it was just bad game design. I don’t think that Rose is herp derping anything in any version. The character represents traditional Street Fighter. I have nothing bad to say about Rose other than that Ultra.

I agree that it isn’t easy. The number of characters in this game make it a lot harder than it could be.

And that is where you are wrong.

You have to be able to play footsies because Akuma’s pokes don’t dominate on their own. That tatsu sweep you talk about? You have to land a combo first.

As Akuma you have to play zoning to get in close to play footsies, you have to play footsies to get the knockdown, you have know how to safe jump and OS to keep your opponent in the vortex, you have to know good ground pressure to force another knockdown after a safe jump. And most of all you have to be able to read your opppnent because it is rare for you to have a single OS that beats everything.

Akuma’s move set is good, but at the same time it isn’t autopilot and the people who have bad fundimentals will lose more than they will win. Akuma is a character who thrives on fundimentals. Safe jumps, footsies, zoning, antiair, frame trapping,option selects, and many more. You tell me how those are not fundimentals

The myth is that good characters can’t havr fundimentals. Rather they most of the time are good because they have great fundimentals. The bad characters suck because they often lack these fundimentals

Yea because you clearly have to suck and be losing to complain about changes you believe to be lazy fixes by capcom.

Character’s tier = 1/Character tears

I hope they nerf Akuma more, just to add more salt to the Akuma players.

Who isn’t rewarded for hard work?

The fun of playing the game should be rewarding enough.

…it’s entirely possible that nerfs result in time spent in training mode no longer having any value.

What, like time you already spent for AE? That’s sort of the point.

I don’t follow what you are trying to say.