SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Jump cancelled specials transfer the unthrowable frames of the jump to the special, which means that Gief couldn’t be grabbed out of the lariat. It’s old tech but it doesn’t see much use because OS DF Throw doesn’t work any more. I just can’t remember if the lariat beat DF throw, or if Gief got hit by OS DP and/or if the spacing was the same afterwards.

Do you? 15-50% health = 10% damage reduction 1%-15% = 25% damage reduction. A character with 1000health potentially has a MAXIMUM of an extra 87 health (If you have 51% health than an attack that does 100+ damage wont be scaled even though you’ll be below 50% after)

Akuma has an maximum of an extra 53 health. So lets do the math real fast. 87 - 53 = 34. 1000 - 850 = 150. 150 + 34 = 187.

So 187 = 230 - 250 according to Akuma players.

Makes sense.

add the combo scaling (which is added after the health scaling) and you’re around 200. That’s quite a lot of difference if you ask me.

Also keep in mind he has 850 stun and the average “punish” combo with FADC does some 600 stun. This mean that you fuck up once and if you guess wrong on your next wakeup you’re stunned and probably dead.

Just look at how much better Seth got by going from 750 to 900 stun.

There are several characters that have combos that scale differently even when done on an opponent that has full health.

eg. Try this Blanka combo on Hawk and Gouki:, close, xx hp ball xx super.

Gen, Sim, Dan, Guile, Vega, all have 900 stun. I don’t see any of them using it as a reason they should be buffed. So why should Akuma be immune to nerfs because he has 50 less?

Compared to SF3 where Q can get more than double Akumas health. Or Marvel where Akuma takes 38% more damage than average, the stamina ratings in this game are fairly condensed. And when the average health is 950, having 850 health is only kind of low instead of a major disadvantage.

In a game where it’s so easy to get caught by random stuff like SF4 (and with the retarded comeback mechanic that are Ultras) it does indeed matter.

I’ve seen Tokido lose to T-Hawk a lot of times (just look on youtube), and the matchup is totally in Akuma’s favour. Most of those times it was because of a mashed 720 that did 80% damage.

This is just an example, but it goes to show that you cannot compare games which are TOTALLY different (marvel, 3s and sf4) and pretend they play the same.

And just in case you didn’t notice, Akuma already got pretty severely nerfed going from Vanilla to Super (especially here) and from Super to AE. Yet in Vanilla he had the same health as now.
I don’t think he needs any FURTHER nerfs, that’s all.
Seth got nerfed really bad from Vanilla to AE, but he got 50 health and 150 stun in return. Akuma got nerfed and didn’t get shit, because he didn’t need it. But he also doesn’t need this stupid batch of ver.2012 nerfs, compensated by a useless buff

Max damage THawk Ultra 1 = 510dmg. Akuma health = 850.

60% is the new 80%

Everyone who plays well for legitimate reasons deserves to have their character remain unchanged. It doesn’t really have anything to do with Akuma. Effort, training, and smart play shouldn’t be the target of nerfs.

I honestly think Capcom don’t look into the changes on the level that people think they do or want them to. Having been through several versions of the game now, it’s clear that all they want to do is make as near a level playing field as they can.

If Akuma doesn’t have any ridiculous match ups and go’s even or better with most of the cast, I’m not sure how anyone could grumble. There are characters that have had far worse, characters that had it and lost it, and characters that never had it and never will.

I wouldn’t put Akuma in any of those categories.

hahha, nice one, this actually made me laugh! Finally a good post of yours! Appreciate the effort

So Akuma players which of the nerfs is the worst? I hear everything from each individual one isn’t that bad (which I agree) but the collection wasn’t warranted (again I agree) to each nerf seemingly dropping him to bottom half-low tier at the extreme (which I don’t agree and think even with everything he lost he’ll be still be top 5-10 as opposed to top 5).

Also take it from a Cammy main, the silver lining from the changes we received is that though our character got nerfed, many feel that it made us better players. Even though wins are less and harder to come by, it forced our play to become more solid.

Akuma was competing (in reality) at a high level because of a lack of bad matchups and strong oki. How well the developers have succeeded in removing his “loop” will determine whether or not the character is still viable. Basically the vortex nerf has the potential to be the most damaging. It’s debatable whether or not they have succeeded. The Japanese will play the matchup with an awareness of the nerfs. The English speaking world will continue to do what they have been doing :lol:.

Tokido’s Akuma does really well because he is able to get maximum reward out of the opportunities given to him (whether it be damage or spacing). His gameplay is basically the maximum of the “loop”. Give him an opportunity and he will crush you. This is my interpretation of why he has succeeded, others may disagree. They are basically trying to limit his ability to do this.

There is also the question of how the changes to other characters will affect the game overall. We all have to wait and see.

Wow you really said “deserves”? Yeah this is ridiculous now, people thinking their characters should be immune to anything but buffs because they “put in work”. Get out of here, Capcom is going to do whatever they think will improve the game, if you don’t like it, don’t play it. Welcome to updates.

…“put in work” to achieve something legitimate. Whether or not we can define what is legitimate is probably impossible but it needs to be a part of the discussion. I feel like this game has existed in a state (it has reached a maximum with the 2012 version) where “good” = “nerf” instead of “stupid” = “nerf”.

I have no problem with the nerf to the Super version of Rose’s Ultra 2. I can view that move in isolation and question whether or not I would want to play the game if the negativity I associate with that move was an accurate representation of how the game played as a whole.

I am not against Yun being nerfed. When I view that character in isolation I question whether or not the risk/reward associated with his offense represents something that would result in a good game if every character kind of played like that.

I do not want to play a game where all characters are limited by the worst character design. I don’t think that Dee Jay is very well designed character. The developers can try to make him better but they shouldn’t be making changes to other characters because Dee Jay can’t compete.

lmfao at all this complaining over a fuckin Top 5 character. So what he got a couple goddamn nerfs. He’ll still be top 8 at worst. You’d think it was some 2i to 3s Sean type nerfage goin on up in here with all the discussion. Good lord…

Let this Akuma discussion slide through, and let’s talk about Gen’s changes instead. I’ve been always wondering how his buffs look like in perspectives of players who don’t play Gen.

You surprised people don’t want to put in work into playing?

…mindblowingly ironic. :rofl:

I’ve been wondering that myself. What exactly do these buffs do for Gen in 2012? They all look awesome. But that may be because his list was so long. Just like Gouken’s. How do Gen and Gouken characters feel their respective characters will fare in 2012?