SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

We need a new term for fireball uppercutter that won’t get anyone’s panties in a knot.


crying about your still looking very strong charater is pretty damned annoying. more annoying still is the justification of the crying. then comes the chastisers

chastisers definately on the bottom of annoying tier

i always just go with fireball, non fireball, or charge fireball myself

-“Shoto” subset
Non-Fireball(or Anti-Fireball?)
Charge character
Cant think of many others right away but most aren’t mutually exclusive and are tossed around loosely.

The problem is most if you don’t need to come into the Akuma forums and listen. You guys chose to. You only got a case about this thread, but all the idiots keep going “lol look at the Akuma players” and then everyone gets mad if we come in here and defend ourselves.

I am sorry if we think some of the changes do nothing more than force us to relearn everything we have been working on for the last two years. And no I am not talking about loss of viability I am talking about how the throw nerf does nothing to fix unblockables and it does not change our ability to safe jump either. The ONLY thing the throw nerf does is forces us to come up with new set ups. That’s it! Nothing for balance, it is a pointless, lazy, and massive failure of an attempt to fix unblockables.

I don’t understand the complaining in the first place. What exactly was so horrible and undeserved about any of the Akuma changes? Suddenly people are firing up Super Theory Fighter 4 and proclaiming that all of his throw setups are now super punishable and how unfair everything is.

Read again. We are talking about Demon flip throw not ground throw. At least if you are going to criticize us make sure you actually understand what we are talking about.

WHICH IT IS PUNISHABLE and has been since Super came out. Yet all of the ignorant players around here proclaim that all of Akuma’s mix ups are safe which is complete and utter BS. If you want to mix someone up you eventually have to go for an unsafe option.

If you are really into the game, almost everyone gets mad/frustrated if their character gets nerfed, its the natural reaction when something happens that you cant do anything about.

Akuma has low health, so things done to take away pieces of his offensive potency suck if you are an Akuma player. Im not saying all the gripes are legit, but its normal to be ticked.

you maad bro?

Get lost troll.

I never specified which throw, and on purpose. I’m not talking about anything specific. You’re just assuming it’s the “wrong one” so you can do this shit.

Yeah, it’s so punishable. Tell that to Abel, or maybe a meterless Dudley. I’m sure they’ll feel plenty of sympathy. It’s not even a big change. Characters get nerfed. I still don’t see the problem.

Well gee who else in the thread (or any for that matter) was talking about throw set ups being punishable? Huh?

I always love the rebuttle about “Well ask Character who sucks players about…”. So buff the damn characters so they don’t suck. Besides it doesn’t defeat my point about me pointing out how ignorant people are about Akuma’s vortex. I was pointing out not all the set ups are 100% safe like half the scrubs around here keep claiming.

Besides I find it funny how a Gief player is asking Akuma to talk about Abel when Abel-Gief has been one of the most imbalanced match ups in the history of SF4. Wasn’t it 8-2 at one point? Irony at its finest. In all honesty for as many bad match ups as Gief has had, he has also had some of the most dominating match ups as well.

Actually Abel-Gief is not too bad right now apparently. It was terrible in vanilla.

Just like Gief-Akuma isn’t as bad now as it was back in Vanilla or Super. Especially since Akuma can actually be pinned in the corner now. It still isn’t even, but it sure has gotten a lot better for Gief in every itteration.

I would much rather be Abel in abel-gief than gief in gief-akuma

Really I haven’t seen it.

Besides the palm nerf, I don’t see why there’s an issue with Akuma changes at all, tbh. Palm still looks good so, meh. =/

well that would place you into an exception category. most of the gripes are about akuma being poop all of a sudden.

Abel v Gief was a blowup at the start of Vanilla but as Abels found better link technology and got a better grasp on the footsie game and as Gief started to stagnate it veered toward evenish. Option selects turned it back in Gief’s favor but then Super came out, Gief was nerfed and Abel buffed, and it was evenish again. I dunno about AE since I basically quit playing Gief and Abels basically quit playing Abel but it’s definitely not worse than even for Abel now.

That’s pretty much how Gief has gone in the SF4 series. When the game came out I thought he beat 2/3 of the cast pretty convincingly, but then people learned their characters and most of his matchups became pretty evenish. Then Gief got nerfed in Super and characters I originally thought he beat got better, so that was unfortunate. And then when his knockdowns were just about entirely removed in AE, the biggest reason he beat some characters (Abel, Viper, Claw, etc) and had even a chance against other characters (Sagat, Guile, Chun, Seth, etc) mostly went away. So the progression is lopsided good matchups, not lopsided but still good matchups, even matchups, bad matchups, at first due to opponent improvement and later due to Capcom interference. Now THAT’S how you nerf a character, Akumas!

Edit: Gief v Akuma is worse in AE than in Vanilla. A big part of this is that stupid ass u2, which means that Gief can no longer follow Akuma teleport with option select or guess green hand, which means that Gief has to let Akuma escape a lot more often. Not that Gief can get knockdowns very often heh. Watching Gief in that match now is so sad and frustrating. I have these good footsie normals! Too bad you can get out of my range so easily and can come back in really quickly to punish me if I whiff something. I also have these fun mixups on knockdowns! Too bad I can’t really get knockdowns, and too bad you can get away for free in most situations as long as you have u2 and normal human reactions.

Zangief forces you to play different, can’t really use day 1 shit against him and expect to win. At the start of any SF4 game he was always regarded as way better than he actually is. Initially Gief does well against anyone, but as the game develops and people learn how to play their characters against him, he gets worse and worse until he evens out around mid/upper mid tier.

The discussion on Akuma needs to go away. Roundhouse and Palm nerf seems insignificant, throw nerf means he has to learn new setups but basically retains everything else. EX flip fireball seems useless, U2 damage increase while teleporting, probably useless. So he’ll probably still be really good…just not top 5ish like he’s been in every SF4 iteration.

New changes drop later this week I think. Tier list is going to be super compressed in 2012…

Seth is a shoto.!Trollface.png