SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

… Which would make EX fireball sort of an escape/mixup option if you do an EX flip and it turns out to have been the wrong thing to do, I guess? I don’t know the Akuma matchup well enough to say a lot of specific stuff about this, but could there be clear answers to a mistimed EX flip that a followup EX fireball could beat, for instance?

Like, for instance, when I see Akuma coming through the air with Cody, they get a HK Ruffian Kick in the nuts for their trouble. This would mean that when Akuma has meter, you can no longer autopilot that Ruffian, since you could get fireballed for it. A mistimed EX flip would no longer be an instant antiair.

Crouch SRK nails the 1st and 2nd active frame consistently. You have to do this with Akuma to get all 3 hits of his SRK and also with Ryu you have to do this to ensure you don’t trade hits.

SRK’s are best timed as late as possible. You get CHs, full invincibility, and all the benefits this way.

The problem is you aren’t going to use the EX Flip unless you are sure you can hit with it. I really don’t see the buff being of any consistent use.

Though one thing I would like to know is do you lose the flip momentum after the fireball or if you continue on the same trajectory.

I’m not a Ryu main, but I do know that ;). It’s just that getting CH seems heavily dependent on the opponent.

Let’s talk about EX flip fireball too. You think it’ll be viable if EX flip -> EX air fireball cost 1 meter? In all honesty, that’s what I think would happen, I just can’t see it spending 2 meters, especially since EX flip by itself has no attack active frames. I’m wondering what would happen whether the jump trajectory would change after shooting fireball and during which frames he can cancel into it. Also I’m wondering about fireball angle.

EDIT: Dang, you edited your post too. Anyways I heard from someone that fireball angle from EX flip is a bit higher compared to EX fireball from a jump (it travels less horizontally)

So when do we hear about more changes to characters ? orr was that it ? or like whats good?

I think I will wait to see how it actually looks, but I am not getting my hopes up. From the initial sound of it, this is going to be a gimmicky set up. As it is I only use EX Flip on occasion to punish predictable zoning.

I only dicked around with Akuma for a little bit, but my guess is that this gimmick will come into play the most in the Dhalsim matchup. At least that’s what my magic 8 ball told me…

I could see that, still though I would have a hard time justifying the 2 bars unless I was desperate.

I don’t think it will be completely useless, but you definitely will use it very sparingly.

Yeah, it’ll be gimmicky as fuck for sure. Just sayin I can see it being an OK if seldom used gimmick to get in on people, and the Sim match is the most likely one where that’ll happen.

later this week I believe.

What are you talking about? This is Sean from 2nd Impact to 3rd Strike all over again.

It’s nowhere NEAR that substantial of a nerf job.

So what, even if you eat 40 damage (because that’s what a single zanku does and the 2nd one won’t combo unless it’s CH) for trying to AA akuma’s flip…the average character has 1000 health…now he lost 40, while akuma just wasted 2 bars. Besides, most characters have a reversal that is invincible enough to pass through the air fireballs completely or AT LEAST trade, which will obviously not be in akuma’s favour.

This has to be in the top 5 of the most ridiculous buffs in the SF4 series.

The thing is, Akuma didn’t need help in that matchup. He already has quite a few ways to get in, not to mention that sim is super free on wakeup

Right up there with Makoto getting buffs to charged Hayates. Like who the fuck is getting hit with those…ever?

I’m not saying it makes a ton of sense. I don’t know wtf the SF4 devs are smoking. Hell, Gouken has had some obvious deficiencies through every version that I keep on expecting them to fix, but they never do. Their changes don’t seem to be completely about balance or fixing the obvious problems with characters, that’s for sure. It seems more like they are trying to make changes that make moves that were useless before somewhat more useful, thus making the game “fresher”. Kinda dumb IMO, but hey…I’m not Ono.

Average character health is actually 950 as of AE version. I did the math and posted a thread on it few weeks ago. From the sounds of it, the buff has some gimmicky uses or very specific uses. What it comes down to however is that Akuma has better options, rather than simply the buff being useless in itself. It is more “why would I do that when I can do this and achieve better results for a similar situation.”

Makotos hayate charge buffs are actually useless as there is zero situations you could ever use them (There was pages of discussion on the Makoto forums trying desperately to figure out when you would ever use it) but since charging a hayate takes 60+ frames and during the whole time you are charging you are in a CH state it is not even gimmicky useful. Similar situation with Dudleys FADC rose throw. I’d say that the Akumas “buff”(and I use the term loosely) wasn’t in the top 5 stupidest buffs, but it certainly is trying to be in it.

I think it’s worth it if I can use it to combo into Ultra 2 at least once…:rofl:

I’d appreciate a source. Where do they say that it costs 2 meters? Or are you just assuming?

I’m pretty sure that devs sometimes change things because they know of things that the rest of the world hadn’t discovered yet.

eg. Unblockable Supers/Ultras in Vanilla. They said they knew about it, but they left it in intentionally to see how players would make use of it. Soon after SSFIV was released they fixed it because they said they found situations where some characters could use them without risk.

I’m not saying stuff like this explains all the changes, but it is something worth remembering.

Lol can’t tell if serious

Oh, please, even *I *can tell that such drastic changes as Demon Flip palm no longer being an overhead will send Akuma straight to bottom tier. Certainly.