SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

What are you talking about Fei was broken as hell in vanilla and he is still now and will be in AE 2012 if capcom dont get their acts together.

What are YOU talking about?
Nobody in this game is “broken as hell.” Nobody’s ever been broken as hell in this series (well, Seth and Akuma were pretty nuts in Vanilla…)

What are you going on about? Nobody played Fei Long because he wasn’t in the arcade version. I remember what a big deal it was when a Fei Long made it pretty far in one particular tournament, first time some people had even seen the 6-hit rekka combos that are in every match now. Of course I think they made that link easier after vanilla.

I was talking about vanilla as in the first console release version of SF4 which Fei was in, and you do do know Fei is pretty much unchanged since vanilla hes been broken since vanilla Mago exposed his brokenness.

So because everyone looks pretty average to you & you can’t play a character with an advantage over 95% of the cast you’re going to quit…sounds about right…bye !!

You’re right, everyone’s did. Rose just got her’s put back to Super

You guys should check out Mike Ross/FChamp talking on Youtube about their trip to Japan. They say Blanka is really solid in Japan and only really loses the Fei matchup. Instead of pretending the character sucks, sounds like American Blankas need to start getting better.

To be honest, I’m pretty sure non-Japanese players should have little say in any of the buffs/nerfs that get put into 2012. We don’t understand half the characters in this game. Yun and Yang especially.

Japanese players think Blanka is ass though so it might just be a skill gap. Actually no it is a skill gap let’s keep it real. Tool wise Blanka gets scrapped by several chars.

US/other countries Blanka players probably just lack(in no order):

  • top level matchup knowledge + char specific shenanigans
  • execution skill
  • patience (especially this for blanka) / willingness to play lame/turtle/get a time over win

#1 Blanka in Japan thinks Blanka doesnt have THAT many bad matchups, though he does lose against fei, yun, yang with fei being the worst at possible 8-2 iirc.

So when Yang is destroying Japan (second-most Grandmasters+ next to Yun), and Americans say “he wasn’t THAT good, he’s A tier at best” etc… who should we trust in that case? Mike and FChamp go to Japan and see the light with Yang and realize Americans haven’t even tapped 20% of his potential in tournament play.

My point is that some of our better players go to Japan and see amazing technology and realize the game has a long way to go in America. Basically, we should be corroborating anything American players say with the Japanese players. With only a few exceptions (Justin on Rufus, etc), I would trust the Japanese opinion.

I watched some of Nemo playing Yang a while ago, and the “A tier at best” doesn’t hold up so well. Getting hit by any of his lights gets a rekka combo and knockdown or reset mixup. But I don’t even know of any American Yang players, so I can’t comment for that.

Best Blanka player I’ve seen is just way beyond the dash/ throw, random slide, lp Blanka Ball throw nonsense. Blanka has COMBOS? Who knew, right?

Yeah though I guess even for Japanese mid level(and below) players, a good number of them probably share similar opinions as american(etc) mid level and below players when it comes to matchups/tiers/etc … The difference in opinions is probably more obvious between top players from Japan and top players from other countries.

But with Yang it’s CLEAR that america has no idea wtf to do with him when you look at his tools. He is obviously a monstrosity that is simply untapped and he has few bad match-ups. You can’t compare Yang to Blanka at all.

I think he’s tournament viable when the very best Blanka players are playing him, but those players are very few and far between, especially in America. He has a lot of holes and those are being addressed in 2012, most of us are happy. However I think his terrible Fei matchup hurts him, and he’s probably around even vs. the entire cast, however his ability to fight twins and Viper is somewhat unique.

The American Blanka player is lazy. Extremely lazy. In general the non-Japanese Blanka player is lazy. As a whole we’ve lost 2 of the players who were helping advance the character’s technology in Viscant/Mullah, and this leaves us with essentially myself, illitirit, and hoping a Japanese Blanka does something on a stream.

When you have essentially 2 players(one of which doesn’t spend all his time on Blanka) coming up with literally everything there are bound to be gaps in character technology. Then when you have essentially no top players playing him, and a lot of players simply ignoring new Blanka technology to keep doing hop “mixups” that were solved before Vanilla hit console you have another class of players who could potentially level up but would not.

Yeah it’s hard to get matchup knowledge when there is sometimes 1-2 players of a character who are legitimately good and they might not even be on the same coast. Pretty much everything I learn about matchups I have to teach myself.

Execution is a bit problem for sure, not just in regards to combos to ultra which are important, but players still struggle with doing electricity combos, which is ridiculous.

People not having the correct mentality to play the character is weird, to me it means they probably don’t have the correct mentality to play the game in general. Blanka’s downback is incredibly strong and even characters like Yun/Viper have a hell of a time cracking it.

Meh Akuma just loves to keep getting hit by the nerfhammer…

Seth and possibly viper have crazier mixups and their nerfs aren’t that bad.

I’m not comparing Blanka to Yang in terms of potential as a character. I’m just saying that America is happy to say a character sucks when they probably don’t. When I see good Japanese players doing well with a character (or not doing well with a character), that’s the way I tell if the character is good or bad. Yang? Doing really well in Japan, not so well in America… I’ll trust Japan. Blanka? The 5 people who play him in the US often take issue with the character, but there are several high-ranked Blankas in Japan, and Mike/FChamp agree that they saw Blankas do stuff they’d never seen before. So he’s probably not that bad.

Don’t get me wrong, I have sympathy for people who are actually trying their best to develop their character. It’s not like America is particularly well-suited for that, what with the great distances between players and crappy online. I just wish more people would stop blaming their character for losses, because basically everyone on SRK can greatly improve with their character of choice. Like you say, people are lazy and they’re quick to ask for buffs for Blanka/nerfs for everyone else when he might not really need much at all, and certainly there’s a lot they can improve on as players first. This isn’t unique to Blanka of course, but since we’re talking about him and FChamp did that Taku interview, might as well use him as the example.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the -2 on block to HK really only going to affect his matchup against Abel/Zangief/THawk all characters that Akuma beats pretty handily as it is?

as rose id rather fight yang’s all day than yuns.

and as a rose player at this point I’d rather strangle myself with a scarf with all these fail buffs I’ve got.

What? You mean like…like…like Akuma? Literally 2 players in the world doing something with him (and nothing special compared to what other top players did with top tiers in every iteration of SF4) yet he got nerfed in every version of the game?

Maybe people are not good enough in theory to advance the Blanka knowledge, maybe what ? It’s an interessting subject you know.

In UE, except for The Mullah, there are no “good Blanka” Imo, since SFIV.

I think everyone can makes his contribution in it’s own way.