SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Actually, she gained extra throw invulnerability on HP TK.

She GAINED throw invul on HP TK.

However, the change is still a nerf. She has to rely on a risky TK now for her throw and hit invul instead of a safe on block EX Seismo.

I’m glad that at least this one option is one taken from Viper’s ridiculously huge repertoire. She really does have too much. And I’ve been saying this since Vanilla. She has the same health as El Fuerte. Where’s the fucking balance in that?

So potentially, HP TK feint counter (that anti-OS technology) may even be better since it doesn’t use meter…? And it requires more skill.

Raw EX Seismo wasn’t exactly free either, since it could get stuffed(though invincible at the start, it takes time to start up) and get OS’d rather easily. Which is why most Viper players feint EX Seismo and skip out the attacking part for the invincibility and safety on wake-up(that’s free for the most part.) Or just block. But yeah, I know what you mean, it did have a lot of reward. As for HP TK Feint, the timing’s still strict enough for it not to be completely free.

thats fine with me… too much friendly shit in this game makes me sick

HP tk feint isn’t hard, especially as a reversal because it widens the window you have.

Oh, must’ve misread that bit, sorry.

Either way though, gets rid of the whole “EX Seismo feint for full invincibility” crap a lot of Viper players do. Won’t be totally risk free anymore.

uhh, isn’t capcom giving buffs to like 30 characters? only nerfing 5? what change list are you reading?

Some chars can OS punish EX Seismo Feint, but yeah lol, it was safe otherwise. Anyway, I’m happy about HP TK anyway, so I’m good.

it does have a weird timing tho, is def not free imo

Why are they still nerfing characters at this point? ;( My god I hope the Chun Li changes stick. It’s getting boring… Give characters new things and stop removing things, please!

Is Ryu going to be better than in Super now?

Cause just buffing everything is not a solution, really.

I have posted in the Ryu forums and yes, its baffling how people overeacted to the CR.MK nerf as if it was armegeddon and I always said, its bad yes, but not crippling in his game, but like the unhealthy bitching of the top 3 characters that many considered “Strong.” but took that as if it was the apocalypse, many preceived the CR.MK nerf to be SO BAD that it might be better to leave him alone. Now however, many people will go back to Ryu and I just feel that even if Ryu does get better, many will cry again on how is he Overused again like in Super and vanilla. Sigh…

Btw, I dunno why I said Yun as an underdog, must’ve thought about his changes when I typed. Have to go focus on E.Ryu now for originality… Oh, wait… =_=

If you consider his escape tatsu part of game in Super, well maybe not but if you played a style that DOES NOT include the escape tatsu, maybe so, an offensive Ryu is now viable since his offensive options are given to him in AE 2012. So it depends how you would play him really…

I know, I just don’t think Viper or Akuma needed anything more, after the beta changes. Fei either, I wonder what they’ll do to him… I actually don’t think Makoto needed changing from AE at all. But I just play for fun, what do I know. ;p

people are overlooking viper’s potentially huge buff: she can juggle after ex burn kick now. wasn’t that move really good already, but just didn’t lead into big damage? (but now it maybe does?)

Depends on what you can juggle after it and how it’d work in long combos, have to see how it ends up.

Mmm… The things he lost from super to AE were (partly) changed back. And with the things he gained in AE, and the alpha/beta changes, it seems like he’ll be really good.

assuming you can juggle everything you can now off regular air burnkick it beefs up her stun and damage a bit if you’re opponent is about to be dizzied or is low on life. iirc regular burnkick is now 90 damage/100 stun and EX burnkick is like 140 damage/250 stun. so it for sure isn’t useless, but probably not game changing.

can she use it as a reversal into ultra?