SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Umm… apparantly, I was away when this happened, So every time I look away, something good happens? I get the feeling that scrubs will go back to this character now, since we’re reading what might be a messiah descending down from heaven. Even with CR.MK back, Ryu will still be mid high in tiers AT THE MOST since his playstyle is that predictable… and all the hard work I did for adjusting to his AE changes is now lost since they changed it back now… TT_TT

Now i feel the need to Main E.Ryu and Yun now since they the underdogs…

Welp, they finally went ahead and did it… they finally “justified” the fire on Ken’s Shoryu. All hail the true master of the DP.

Ah, I thought this was the beginning of the final changes. It’s just an addendum to the beta changes… Right?

these changes are complete bullshit.

ryu is gonna be back to vanilla status., check
invincible hp dp, check
trade dp into ultra, check
and then theres little buffs here and there such as fireballs doing more damage, better frame advantage on normals, etc.

and why is kens ex shoryuken doing 200 when fei longs is getting nerfed?

YES. They’re added to the location test that takes place on October 1st/2nd.

Well, you must post on the Ryu forum. You must have seen the faint-hearted players who, despite having hundreds of videos from top players using Ryu, plenty of moves and a variety of links, insist that without the super, there’s no point to playing. That’s baffling to me.

Arcade Edition already has plenty of underdogs. I don’t think Yun can reach the prestigious level of such popular underdogs as Dudley and Hakan.

i think its way too early to say who the underdogs are going to be. but if i were a betting man, i’d wager that yang is more likely than yun to end up an underdog. i don’t really think its gonna turn out like that though.

That is a bit of an overstatement.

Ryu’s still missing his super trap and coward copter from vanilla, but yeah on the whole he seems to have gotten a lot of buffs.

because fei is the rape monster

nom nom nom nom nom!

Don’t know but with Ken having the same damage output on EX uppercut as Gouken on his EX tatsu I kind of want mine to hit crouching players who are attacking as well.

I like that players can treat ex tatsu whiffs as dizzies, I start whiffing stuff to build meter.

But yeah it’s dumb that ex tatsu isn’t by far the most damaging move of its type.


lol this game gets worse by each change. by the time this piece of shit come out, all we’ll be able to do is throw jabs and shorts since either capcom is removing shit, or making them utter garbage.

What character are you switching to?

Sounds like alot of shit is being buffed, actually. Obviously there are nerfs, and I agree that Yun and Yang (especially Yang) got nerfed too hard. But from where I’m standing most of the changes are positive.

Yun got nerfed too hard?

… lol. He barely got touched.

I thought people wanted characters to get buffed instead of a nerf fest?

When are you guys gonna realize that every player is fickle like a woman? They want buffs they want nerfs…best not to take anyone’s word at face value. Or internet screen value, whatever.

Viper just got Orbital Cannon’d by losing throw invulnerability on Heavy TK and EX Seismo, holy balls. Goodbye tech traps.