GT: R25mg
Characters: Guile, DeeJay, Cammy
Controller: Basic Hori EX2 on its last legs
Always up for adding people to the list for SFHD and SF4 matches. Decent intermediate player.
Xbla tag: Dr Gordo
Characters: Balrog, Sagat
Controller: Hori EX2
So this is where all the good people are haha.
I play a pretty good Akuma (big whoop right? haha) in Ranked but I am up for Player Matches to work on my Fei Long and Bison.
Sgt Bowser on XBL. Usually on after 8 PM EST
XBL GamerTag: vtrickzv
Your Characters: DeeJay, Ken
Controller: Hori Fighting Stick EX2
XBL Gamertag - Minotaur64
Characters - Zangief, T-Hawk, Blanka
Controller - Hori Fighting Stick EX2
STHD is the my most played game on Xbox Live - My ping is around 50 -
gtag - swmmrmanshen
chars - blanka, sometimes thawk, starting to play some DJ
controller - hori ex2
controller:360 controller right now
ill accept any requests make sure you tell me your from srk guys
gamertag:Arkkai B
characters:ken , cammy and starting to play with vega (clawn)
controller:360 controller =/
=p add me
I finally got a 360!!!
gamertag= ISAAC SRK
Characters= Bison and I dabble with everyone else
Controller= for now a D-Pad
Gamertag : Buff Fro
Characters: Honda, Ryu, Guile
Controller : Hori Ex2
XBL Gamertag - Mavrick
Characters - Chun Li
Controller - My Penis
gamertag - DustyAPE1
characters - boxer, guile, sagat
controller - hrap + sanwa pb
Kinda new to STHD, but I’ve been doing fairly well in ranked matches and looking for games to have fun and get better.
Gamertag: Shiro887
characters: Cammy and sometimes claw. other times i’ll just mess around with other characters
controller: using the Hori EX2 right now. the stick is a bit loose so my execution isn’t that great. planning on upgrading it once i get some spare cash.
Ryu, Dee Jay, Zangief, dabble in others
Hori DOA4
Deejay, T. hawk, random select
Hori LOL Calibur stick
XBL GamerTag: I RBX I
Your Characters: Dee Jay, Zangief, and Boxer
Controller: Shitty Hori EX2
XBL Gamertag: Throwdown462
DeeJay, Cammy, Guile
Hori EX 2 stick stock
Down to play anyone and learn a lot from other players. I might add that when I play I double tap my buttons with my index and middle fingers, just a disclaimer cause this one jerk accused me of using a turbo pad.
Looking forward to some GGs.
Gamertag: bibuluspax
Characters: Chun-Li
Controller: Hori Ex2 (If I ever get money I will switch to a SFIV tourny stick)
Warning: I am scrub. I’m trying to get better, but I’m very new to the fighting game world. Sure, I’ve been an observer since birth pretty much, but I’ve only started actually trying hard in the last couple of days (yes literally days).
Also, I’m gonna be starting to work on Cammy and Claw in the near future.
GT: xx hollic xx
Controller: Wired xbox controller
Characters: whoever i feel like playin.
GT: Mindler
Controller: TE sf4 stick
Characters: mostly akuma, if not i play dhalsim
I’m learning. but i love to get my ass kicked to teach me new things.
also, xx hollic xx, good games haha.