Charicters- deejay balrog and all charge charicters
controller- ex hori 2 fighting joystick( soon to be sf 4 anniversary fighting joystick)
GT: I Thalikor I (Space after and before the two I’s)
Characters: Ryu, Ken, and just about the same with all others
Controller: Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition Fightstick
Please put in message that you’re from SRK with friend requests.
Xbox Username: Rooneye
Controller: Madcatz SE Fightstick (with Sanwa parts)
Chars: Ken
Skill Level: Probably a lot lower than most people here on SRK, but Im learning and getting better.
GT - evoanon
Characters: Zangief, Akuma
Controller: Xbox 360 wireless
Skill: Average
I’m looking to face anyone who wants to play :). Still learning Zangief, Akuma is basically only my revenge character now. Will start playing with other characters after I feel I’m decent enough with Gief.
Characters:SSFII Turbo HD Remix - Main - Bison (Dictator), Secondary - Cammy
SFIV - Main - Chun-Li (I hate the SF II version):mad: Seconday - Bison
Any KOF - Team Japan (Kyo, Benimaru, Daimon)
Controller: XBox 360 Controller
Skill: Above Average, but it’s debatable depending on my opponents perspective.
I’ve been playing 2d fighting games since 1992. Because most of the friends I have, they are mostly casual players and rather play Halo instead of fighting games. :mad: Because of this I was forced to play aginst the CPU on Max difficulty on all of my fighting games in order to keep active with my skills.
Since HD remix came out. I learned quite a few things from playing against people instead of the retarded AI. Because of my job, I’ve never been able to play in tournaments. :mad: I’ll play against any one. While Victory is the ultimate goal, I rather learn from my mistakes for future match ups.