SSFIIT HDR Matchmaking

GT: vesp
Controller: SFIV pad, Standard Hori EX2
Skill Level: Very Bad
Characters: Cammy, Chun Li, Ryu

Always up to play anyone, though finding some people that are bad too would be awesome. Lots of good people for me to ram my head against already.


Charicters- deejay balrog and all charge charicters
controller- ex hori 2 fighting joystick( soon to be sf 4 anniversary fighting joystick)

XBL GamerTag: C 3 (and i’ll occasionally play off the tags malpha01 & llnl23)
Your Characters: Balrog, Sagat, Deejay
Controller: Hori Ex 2

GT: I Thalikor I (Space after and before the two I’s)
Characters: Ryu, Ken, and just about the same with all others
Controller: Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition Fightstick

Please put in message that you’re from SRK with friend requests.

Chars: FeiLong (main), Ken(2nd), DeeJay, Sagat, Honda, Ryu, and a lil bit of Boxer and T.Hawk…
Controller: HORI Ex 2

Willing to learn, teach, & trade strats/combos… Peace!!!

Xbox Username: ruley osprey
Controller: TE Stick
Chars: Blanka
Skill Level: depends on how much I’ve had to drink…I’ll say scrub plus 1

Xbox Username: Rooneye
Controller: Madcatz SE Fightstick (with Sanwa parts)
Chars: Ken
Skill Level: Probably a lot lower than most people here on SRK, but Im learning and getting better.

XBLA: spatz1
Controller: standard XBOX wireless controller
Chars: Blanka (main), Claw,Guile and learning HAWK (Trying lol)

Tag: Vanilla Tears
Chars: Balrog, Guile, Vega, Bison
Controller: Xbox 360

XBL Gamertag - AgonisticAli
Characters - Dictator, Ryu
Controller - SE Fightstick

Just got HDR yesterday, forgot how much fun it was.:bgrin:
Need some practice tho!

GT - Dusted Twilight
Characters - Dee Jay, E. Honda, Ken, Fei Long
Controller - Standard XBOX Wireless

GT - evoanon
Characters: Zangief, Akuma
Controller: Xbox 360 wireless
Skill: Average

I’m looking to face anyone who wants to play :). Still learning Zangief, Akuma is basically only my revenge character now. Will start playing with other characters after I feel I’m decent enough with Gief.

Characters: Main - Honda, Secondary - Zangief
Controller: MadCatz SFIV TE Stick

Characters:SSFII Turbo HD Remix - Main - Bison (Dictator), Secondary - Cammy
SFIV - Main - Chun-Li (I hate the SF II version):mad: Seconday - Bison
Any KOF - Team Japan (Kyo, Benimaru, Daimon)
Controller: XBox 360 Controller
Skill: Above Average, but it’s debatable depending on my opponents perspective.

I’ve been playing 2d fighting games since 1992. Because most of the friends I have, they are mostly casual players and rather play Halo instead of fighting games. :mad: Because of this I was forced to play aginst the CPU on Max difficulty on all of my fighting games in order to keep active with my skills.

Since HD remix came out. I learned quite a few things from playing against people instead of the retarded AI. Because of my job, I’ve never been able to play in tournaments. :mad: I’ll play against any one. While Victory is the ultimate goal, I rather learn from my mistakes for future match ups.

GT: aaaa120
Characters: Chun-Li, Fei Long, Ryu, Guile
Controller: Hori Fighting Stick
Skill: Around average I guess

I don’t care how good or bad you are, I’ll play anyone. :wgrin:

GT: L History L
Characters: Ryu, Chun, Boxer, Sagat
Skill: Not sure

I’ll try adding some of you guys later. Add me!! :]

Gamertag - PK ButtMan

Characters - Guile, Fei, Cammy

Skill - none what so ever…looking for people to play with and have a good time!

Currently my xbox-live tag is shortpitched2, but that might change.

95% chance I’ll be playing Bison.

Gamertag - rightupuralley
Characters - Fei Long, Guile (not recently)
Skill - Decent

I’m always looking for friendly matches or skilled players who can help me improve.

Cool, I have you on my friends list still, lets play sometime tonight.