XBL GamerTag: OnlineTuba
Characters: Ryu, Ken, Deejay and a bit of Geif.
Controller: Xbox 360 pad (ugh).
XBL Gamertag: Neokarsh2D
Characters: Cammy, Sagat
Controller: SC4 Hori EX2, broken jab
Characters: Boxer, Dictator (+ Others, haven’t picked a solid 2nd)
Controller: Fighting Stick EX2
XBL Gamertag: tbauza17
Characters: Claw/Sagat/Dictator/Fei Long
Controller: 360 Pad
Looking forward to some games with SRKers, I only play with randoms or friends
Nothing can defeat I, The Deity. (evil laughs)
You have bin liner and a black president in your avatar…dont talk to me
XBL Gamertag: R0DIMUS PRlME (“O” is a ZERO and the “I” is a lowercase “L”)
Characters: Ken, little bit of Ryu
Controller: HORI EX2 with a messed up MED Kick, which means “NO KNEE BASH”
Just started taking street fighter seriously when I played my friends and realized all the things you can do other than just spamming fireballs and hurricane kicks thinking your good. So I’ve been working my game and just want some training. Feel free to add.
XBL Gamertag: Grifter 181
Characters: Dee Jay and everyone else
Controller: Hori EX2
I’m in NY, spent countless time in SF2 arcades back then and am slowly relearning it.
XBL Gamertag: Streakyzulu
Characters: Guile,Ryu, dabble in others
Controller: Soul Caliber 4 Hori stick
add me as well.
XBL Gamertag: MelbaToast1108
Characters: Zangief! sometimes … Ken, Sagat
Controller: Custom Arcade-In-a-Box
XBL Gamertag: XTG8680
Characters : Zangief black trunks, Fei Long, THawk pink or gold, Akuma, Sagat red trunks with green trim
Controller: HORI Fighting Stick EX2
hey, i’ve played you a few times, you’re good
ggs :lovin:
GT: MrSimpsonSRK
Chars: DeeJay, Guile, Ryu
Controller: Semi working custom
GT: ipWni sYn1c
Chars: Gief, Guile, Ryu
Controller: Hori POS until the Madcatz TE comes out
Chars = Fei Long, Ryu, Ken , Akuma, Sagat.
Controller : awful standard xbox 360 until february (I’ll buy the SFIV TE Stick and pad)
Sup everybody!
anyone who lives in Asia can play me~
cuz i live in Taiwan
XBL GamerTag: YuuFone
Your Characters: everybody except T.HAWK
Controller:XBOX 360 pad…i’ll get madcatz when it comes out!
i will buy street fighter 4 when it comes out so you can play me !
add me on 360
gamertag: esoul360
characters: balrog, vega, zangief, dhalsim, blanka
controller: custom arcade stick
hey everybody im back, i had about half the people in this thread in my friend list but my account got hacked so i have a new account.
my new gamertag:GonzalesUnbound
Characters: Ken
Controller:Hori EX2
Always up for some games
GT: Darkxinigma