Maybe it should also be noted that unless a range issue is present, anything that can be flashkick punished can also be punished. However, many people don’t realise this because it’s infinitely harder to perform a normal attack as a reversal as opposed to a special.
Omg…An easier way to punish a potential opening (if you’re not sure) without leaving yourself wide open in case the fk whiffed or worrying if you have the ex stock to dash cancel. Not to mention, better meter management as well. One of the flaws in alot of players (myself included), is proper meter management and not blowing it all away to kingdom come.
vs Rufus
[media=youtube]3K9cW2X4wpA&feature=related[/media] vs Ryu, Seth, Gouken, Akuma, Gen, Chun, Dhalsim, Abel
when it says U2 punishes fireballs…does this mean even after blocking like it says in the beginning of the thread? or the typical punishment from 1/2 screen where it goes through the fireball?
I will actually be updating this thread again soon, but I’m in the middle of a move and my PS3 has been packed up and out of my apartment for a little while now, so… no testing.
If the eventhubs framedata is correct, low fierce or st fierce from dhalsim should be punishable with a flashkick at the distance the like to use it, which could be less than max range
If a honda used a mp or lp headbutt as part of a blockstring, you should also be able to punish with flashkick or a 4 frame attack, distance dependent
Not sure how much confidence i have in that sheet though, let me know if it’s accurate
Dives kicks are very punishable on block. S HP (close or otherwise) or Ultra 2 should be used.
Adons Jaguar kicks are pretty safe on block from what i saw in Gamerbees match vs wong. S HP can be used as a basic punisher if you backdash and the jaguar kicks whiff. You cannot FA it due to the armour breaking properties
Flashkick them out of it, or guiles stand hp is a favorable trade. Airthrow is valid against juris divekick.
These are punishes as soon as the move is activated against you, not after you block it. Typically it’s harder to do that, except for in the case of these two moves
I’m not liking whenever I hear talk about flashkicking Adon’s jaguar tooth (divekick off the wall) on reaction. Your just asking to get baited by the short version of it then eat a big punish. I’d rather find a good normal that won’t leave me open for days. Maybe even neutral jumping on reaction to his wall jump then dropping with nj.hp would seem solid.
I know Juri’s followup kicks after the divekick are insanely punishable on block, but I’m really curious how safe or unsafe the divekick is on block depending how late or how low it hits. Does anyone know the “best case scenario” in Juri’s eyes as far as the frame advantage for divekick on block? I know if she hits it high you can punish with almost anything.
Bazooka Knee (b+lk) on reaction Adon’s Jaguar Tooth. It’s safe, you have a charge and you can still press forward. Most of Adon’s specials are safe on block. One to note especially is the jaguar kick. MK Jaguar Kick is safe on block but I believe that the active frames on it start late. An early or “On reaction” b+hp should knock it out clean.
B+LK against the jaguar tooth is low percentage play IMO. The jaguar kicks are safe on block but can’t really be comboed off anything. The air version is another one to be careful of too
I can see how you’re saying it’s low percentage play and I do completely agree. The reason why I mention it is more of a mental aspect. To make the player realize that using jaguar tooth is useless and eliminate the option altogether out of the player. One less option to deal with imo.
Edit: I apologize as I just realized this is a punishment listing and that doesn’t qualify as a punisher. So sorry.
Wouldn’t neutral jump give Adon a free “in” if he lands at your feet while you’re in the air? I get worried by Adon’s because they really don’t give a shit about zoning. You’re right about Juri though, I U2’d the first blocked ex dive kick I came across and it fully hit.
In regard to Adon, if you are charging, use b.MP on anything but ex. Also, you can go b.MP > Boom just to give him some pressure as he lands (of course). I forget if EX can be beaten or not. You’ll find it often wins against normal tooths more than trades if you’re aware of your spacing. And if you’re reaction isn’t god awful, you have until the time he’s jumping OFF THE WALL to really press one button. If you don’t have a charge, s.MK works just as well - if not better than b.MP but you sacrifice your charge. Stuffs it near clean.
I tend to use b.MP vs wall flying ELF as well. Tends to be a very decent AA for wall fliers as the long range makes sure you get the b.MP uppercut to come out, instead of the close version.
Does anybody know why you Can’t do: jumping Hp or Hk to c.MP to S.FP to Ex flash kick. is it because it does 850 stun or am I Just not timing it right?