Everyone: These lists are all over the place in Tekken forums where I’m originally from, but I haven’t seen anything like this here, so I thought I’d start this project and keep it updated daily.
What I’d like to do is create a page where we list any guaranteed punishment for blocking each opponent’s special moves. Yes, there are other threads where things are mentioned, but they are scattered about the entire forum. Speaking for myself here, having a consolidated printout which simply lists specials and their block punishment helped a LOT when trying to up my game. Before a match, I’d review my sheet real quick and be ready to punish properly.
As a final note, I will not be listing full combos. If c.MP punishes a move, I’ll leave it up to you to decide what combo to tack on to the end of it. Lets just stick with punishment.
I’m at work right now so I’m kinda busy, but as an example I’ll start with one I know below.
NOTE: A sonic boom or flask kick listed without a strength means that any will work. If you can only punish with a specific strength attack, it will specify it.
d+HK (sweep): c.HK, FK, Super, U1, U2
f+MP (overhead): c.LP, s.HP
Any Dragon Punch: df.HK, Flash Kick, Super, U2
LK Hurricane Kick: c.MP, c.HK, any non-EX Sonic Boom, U2
MK Hurricane Kick: c.MP, c.HK, s.HP, U2*
HK Hurricane Kick: Unpunishable*
EX Hurricane Kick: f.HP, U2
Jumping d+MK: U2
Demon Flip ~ K: Unpunishable
Demon Flip ~ P: Unpunishable
Demon Flip ~ neutral (low kick): c.HK, Flash Kick, Sonic Boom, Super, U2
LP/MP/HP Fireball: Flash Kick, Super only if point blank in the corner, otherwise its safe
EX Fireball: Unpunishable
LP Red Fireball: Flash Kick, Super only if point blank in the corner, otherwise its safe
MP Red Fireball: LK Super only if point blank in the corner, otherwise its safe
HP/EX Red Fireball: Unpunishable
- = Start crouching on block, and he’ll whiff the last kick, so you can punish with anything.
Balrog (Boxer)
Dash Punch: LK or MK Super
Blanka Ball: EX Sonic Boom (must be blocked standing)
Criminal Upper: LK Flash Kick
LP Machine Gun Blow: LK Super
MP/HP Machine Gun Blow: Flash Kick
EX Machine Gun Blow: U2
All Ducking --> Uppercut: c.LP, Flash Kick, Super
El Fuerte
Tostada Press: c.HK, EX Sonic Boom, U2
Quesadilla Bomb: f.HP, HP/EX Sonic Boom, Flash Kick, HK Super, U2
Calamari Slide: c.MP, s.HP, c.HK, Sonic Boom, Flash Kick, Super, U2 (slide is safe if he hits you at the very tail end of the slide)
LP/MP Headbutt: Unpunishable
HP Headbutt: U2
EX Dragon Kick (+ LP Kunai): b.lk (destroys kunai), c.MP, U2
Neck Breaker: c.MP, s.HP, c.HK, Flash Kick, Super
Spinning Kicks (2 hits): LK Flash Kick, Super
Spinning Kicks (2 hits, 3rd low): Flash Kick, Super, U2, U1 (in between 2nd and 3rd low hit)
EX Spinning Kicks (if kicks goes from mid to low): Flash Kick, Super, U2, U1 (in between mid and low hit)
Jumping Double Kick: EX Sonic Boom
LK Pinwheel: Flash Kick, s.HP
MK/HK/EX Pinwheel: U2
f.MK (from 3/4 max range): LK Super
M. Bison
HK/EX Scissor Kick: c.MP, s.HP, U1, U2
EX Messiah Kick (+ lk): Flash Kick, Super
EX Messiah Kick (+ mk): Flash Kick, Super, U1, U2
EX Messiah Kick (+ hk): c.HP, Flash Kick, Super, U1, U2
EX Messiah Kick (+ late lk): Flash Kick, U2
LP Shoryuken: df.HK
EX Tatsu: LK Flash Kick, LK/HK Super, U2
Tiger Knee: cr.mp (only when TK does one early hit)
T. Hawk
Condor Dive: Sobat, Backfist, any Flash Kick, EX Boom, Super, U1, U2
Condor Spire (>1 character distance away, otherwise can be safe): Flash Kick, LK Super
d.HK: c.MP, s.HP, Flash Kick, LK/MK Super
df.HK: c.HK, c.MP, s.HP, Sonic Boom, Flash Kick, Super, U2
Green Hand: c.MP, s.HP, Flash Kick, Super
EX Green Hand: c.MP, s.HP, Flash Kick, Super, U2
Quick Double Lariat: df.HK, Flash Kick, EX Sonic Boom, Super, U1, U2