SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

I don’t know the exact hit/hurt boxes of lariat, but I know from experience that it has good priority. It probably has upper body invincibility at the start which is why its so good as an anti air. It can also hit low at the start too as I’m sure anyone who has played an online spamming gief knows.

Its not a super great option for him but it works kind of like a SRK reversal to beat meaties, so I’m surprised you haven’t seen anyone use it on wakeup before, it happens.

Yes I already have seen that but those guys were spamming Lariat all day.
I know I might have trade lariat vs CL.MK but I thought that I had mistimed my meaty.

Could someone give general tips on how to approach the Bison match up?

fucking jaguar kick. seriously you could do this all day to rose and there is no punish.

Don’t jump in. Dont press buttons. Just throw and crossup. Its your only chance against bison.

Fucking scissor kicks, smh

I think the Rose vs. Bison match-up is a bit easier in AE as compared to Super, especially with the increased pushblock distance he gets with his scissor kicks now.

-Be careful of untrue blockstrings, as Bison can Psycho Crusher right through it.
-Watch out for empty Devil’s Reverse into throw.
-You can punish his slide as it’s considerably unsafe on block.
-You can usually punish his Psycho Crusher on block. If he’s far range, you can do If he’s close range, you can throw him.
-With the changed motion to Bison’s U2, you can be a bit more liberal in using projectiles.

What should be the next match-up to discuss? I know we’re getting kind of scattered right now in terms of match-up discussion. I want to continue the same track we took with the past three match-ups thus far. The more we consolidate the information, the better.

Thanks for giving actual feedback

What kind of punish can I do after recovery on his scissor kicks or do I have to keep blocking? Also, other than c.MP are there any other normals that beat out most of Bison’s pokes?

I’d actually like to hear more feedback for other people on the Bison match up and feedback against Fei Long would be nice.

Well this matchup is not a real good example but there are bits and pieces where i was kind of playing the matchup right instead of going straight for throws.
Watch from 1:05-1:18 and the third round at 1:48. Everything else is pretty garbage.

Things to I notice:

-Bison has a floaty jump. Floaty jumps are bad against Rose because it makes it easier for her to EX ST and throw fireballs.
-I threw mainly mp fireballs now as to train them to that speed. As stupid as it sounds, i think it’s better to save the lp fireball as an ace to confuse them.
The spacing on where and when you throw them is vital as to not eat a jump in. And like always, you no longer have a fireball towards the latter half of the match
-If the Bison holds downbacka lot, st. hk and st. mk OWNS FACE. Stand just outside his cr. lk and Bison is essentially ownt. Your mid range game is awesome in this matchup and use it to your advantage. It’s so easy to use it to stuff scissor kicks.

  • cr. jab, cr. short tick throw + cr. jab, cr. short. st. mk are really good hit confirmable blockstrings and tick throw setups. Though they’re easy safe, you shouldn’t get too predictable with them.
  • meaty cr. shorts are godly in this matchup. Psycho crusher starts up in 14 but you recover in 6.

Last thoughts:
Rose can play footsies with the best of Bisons as long as she doesn’t over commit. His st. mk and st. hk are generally better than yours but you have many ways to keep him honest. This is a pretty even matchup overall.

PS: If all else fails, use 4 different tick throws in a row.

Is jumping fierce the best anti air against Seth’s dive kicks? I find crouch fierce gets beaten a lot and ex soul throw is risky as he can dive short.

For Bison I think Arturo first pointed it out that meaty crouch short is really good on his wakeup as you can block most of his reversal options.

I really appreciate the feedback on the Bison match up. This is EXACTLY what I was looking, in terms of match up advise. sk should definitely put this under the Bison tab.

Yea I did hear it from him first, not gonna lie. I actually didn’t really understand what he was talking about til people were blowing up my slow ass reversal. Then I thought, shit I wanna do that to other people too. Looked up frame data and tried to find move with the fastest recovery AND still have frame advantage which lead me to the low short. Meaty cr. shorts are can range between +2 and if you’re godlike, +4. Mixing that in with sc. strong to confuse his tech timing puts the onus on bison on whether he wants to EX PSYCHO out or try his luck teching instead.


No problem. Hope you get a chance to try my tricks out. And another good gimmick to use against lower level bisons is to EX SPIRAL after a semi bad normal spiral. If they block a spiral thats not really punishable but puts you at -1 or -2 ish, you can’t really press any normals. Instead, if you know they like pressing buttons, just EX after your normal spiral. It’s gimmicky but will keep them honest though I don’t recommend doing it against better players.

Bump, wanted to ask the general consensus: What is the next match-up that people want to see updated on the front page?

I want to see unorthodox Hakan; an actual hard match up for Rose, but since no one plays Hakan, isn’t that big of a problem.

I can discuss whatever match up, it’s all solid play from there :).

Dudley wins this 6:4


what can rose do to keep Dudley out lol

what do you have? s. hk?

My normals keep you out and slide/spiral mix ups keep your focuses honest.

I can also fireball in this match up.

that’s cheap
im out


Rose vs. Dudley is still 6-4 Rose in my opinion. Rose can keep Dudley out all day with her normals, as Anton said.

the only thing she has going for her is slide, c.MK and drill
and even then Dudley can just c.HK her slide on reaction as she can sweep/drilll his c.HK on reaction.

Cant fireball in this matchup.
It takes place outside of her s.HK range
Dudley can easily HK duck upper on reaction to any fireball including EX, FADC HP jet upper ffor knockdown.