SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

The second half of the match was funny because he got so irritated that he started doing random srks and a whiffed spd from full screen XD

Yeh, i kinda saw a match that he named ‘no chance’ or similar xD

but you beat him at evo right?

Pick U1 and hope you punish a DP with it.

Wall jump into a quick dive kick can avoid U1, so its not completely guaranteed if you throw it when right when you see it… just in case you thought Seth didn’t have enough options.

Any advice for Balrog? I don’t know what to do against his jab pressure. It ends up beating every poke I have out. Then, in no time, I’m in the corner against it. It’s been a cycle of jab and light rush punch over and over again, or maybe an overhead or low hit. Either way, I’m not sure what to do against him. It’s so easy for him to get up close pressure on me, or just get out of range of Rose’s good throw. Any tips for this?

St. Fierce and cr. Forward can beat dash punches if done preemptively so you have to adapt to your opponent’s rhythm (Fierce is easier to use for me personally). As for jab pressure in the corner, block and eat the throw if necessary. Better to take 130 dmg than eat a counter hit setup that deals 300+ or something silly like that. You will have to step up your tech game. Also consider throwing out St. Fierce or St. Short sparingly to give you some space to work with and to stop some of the harassment. This will allow you to throw off the Balrog players rhythm and potentially give you an opportunity to escape. It’s a tough match regardless.

There’s really not much info about anti-Sagat…

Here’s what i’ve been having problems with…

  1. Far range you get out fireballed… it’s not easy to reflect/absorb/focus because tiger shot can be super fast or quite slow which really messes up your timing… you’ll end up getting hit and even if you build meter faster it really doesn’t help when your life ends up to be lower… even if you’re doing the fireball game super safe you’ll probably end up blocking a lot

  2. although sliding under high tiger shot is something that everybody mentioned however… there’s really no good solution to low tiger shot… although it recovers slower… Rose’s jump is so slow and telegraph you’ll get tiger uppercutted… before you can get in… unless you’re pre-emptively jumping against Sagat… but doing that is suicide in the long run.

  3. Assuming Sagat is choosing U2 which i don’t see any reason why he shouldn’t… you basically lost your entire fireball game… you are pretty much stuck at not ever throwing fireball for the rest of the match simply because rose’s fireball is too easy to react…

So how do you guys get in? because the far game doesn’t work… and it’s quite obvious you need to beat him in the close game… .do you guys just try to focus through?


Opening the match with a reflect is pretty effective now and then, many online Sagats open with fireball.
Reflect when you can nail it but don’t be afraid to just block a lot of fireballs and slowly make the distance or push him into the corner, it doesn’t do much chip damage.
Against high fireballs, duck or slide is good but if you’re close then you can’t react easily so block often. Low fireballs, just block, reflect or FADC. I also throw out preemptive reflects now and then when i’m close if i read that a fireball may be likely. EX fireball is your friend. Also, be aware of Sagats meter for his EX fireballs. Don’t bother trying to ex reflect unless you have really good reactions, just block them. Throw your own fireballs when you can and basically force sagat to walk back into the corner or try to jump in. When you’re far, a jump over a fireball to immediate block stance can make some good distance.
Capitalise on damage when you’re close but don’t just go nuts, you still need to be careful here. Bait uppercuts on sagat’s wakeup. Play footsies games, use ex fireballs and random reflects when in poke range but be wary of Sagat jumping at you. Slide under a jump in then throw is pretty good against anyone because they need to react fast and it’s a little ambiguous. If you do an antiair C.HP remember you can cancel it into a fast fireball to force them to block on landing… That’s all i can think of right now… Good Sagats are hard but average ones have to be very careful of Rose.

Watch Luffy matches too. That’s where I learnt you can’t afford to fear the fireball games of Sagat or Guile.

If the Sagat player is average… i wouldn’t have any problems… and I’m mainly playing offline against a particularly good Sagat… who basically has excellent defense and as long as you’re mid/far range his zoning is nearly godlike… to the point I don’t even think your suggestion on jumping far over the tiger shot into block works… because i can imagine him just kara uppercutting me…

anyways… will… give more details… on how i’m losing (when i get to see him and play more)…

Also I have watch plenty of Louffy’s matches… but sometimes watching matches doesn’t really tell you their mentality and you see other times the opponent messes up…


True, but watching matches, you can see how they technically go about getting in etc.
I’m not high level but for what my 2c is worth i’d just say play a safer fireball game on your part, block lows, slide under highs whenever you can and reflect or fireball when you can. Play a slow distance grabbing game and you will get in there with minimal chip damage in the end. Follow ex fireball to cover more ground. Prediction reflects are REALLY powerful from midrange, a single correct one will let you get right in.

Thanks Jazz cat, appreciate your help

anyone else got any other advices?


You can also start the fight with a st.HK since it will stuff Sagat’s tigershot

Another good way to evade low tigershots is to neutral jump. Also the fact that you have the ability to get so much meter in this fight, you can afford to spend 1 EX bar to reflect a regular fireball.

You should manly focus on using your fireballs to stop other fireballs. Remember that Rose isnt a zoning character with her fireball alone. She’s mostly an anti-projectile character that can put up wall against those that want to throw fireballs at her. Stop Sagat’s fireballs fullscreen with reflects + fireball is something you must know how to do. I just look in the middle of the screen to determine how fast Sagat’s fireball goes and then I press refelct at the right time. I won’t deny saying that I don’t reflect fireballs 100% but I would say at least 95-97% of them. I would also suggest absorbing rather than reflecting as you can get your super quite fast + builds your super + next soul spark

At midscreen you concentrate on using your normals. It is also Rose’s most effective range since Sagat has no good footsies. The only move you would worry about would be He could do Tiger knee to get in your face but he’s putting himself in the same guessing situation as you. So yes when you are at mid range against him: sweep / st.HK / early reflects / / / f+hk / EX spark are you friends.

Hey guys, are there any option selects to deal with Elf?

All I have is cr.short OS Ultra 2. It deals with his back dash and his Ex air throw thingy. If I don’t have Ultra 2 stocked what are my options?

I’m running into a lot of Elf and mashing Juri player and even though i’m winning it’s getting kind if annoying.

dreamhack grand finals
so, one of the best sagat in the world switches to ryu to play against rose. funny stuff.

Are there any tips for Rose vs. Sakura? I’m out of practice and I would very much like to brush up on my knowledge.

anti-air preferably with ex ST, because sak’s jump hp somehow beats rose’s crouch hp and because her air tatsus are kinda floating so ex ST will do the job for both options.
beware of her air resets into crossdown into frametraps : blocking is the better option against her ; take the throw if you have to.
sak’s wake up is pretty weak so you can abuse her as long as she doesn’t have three bars.
other than that, it’s not one of rose’s hardest match-ups so play keep away and if you’re better it will show quite explicitely :slight_smile:

i’m having some trouble against rolento balls : see round 1 for illustration. it looks safe, and relatively spammable.
got tips ?

Does anybody have tips on dealing with Blanka? Seriously, this fight gets on my last nerves and makes me not even want to bother trying sometimes. I just can’t seem to do anything against him. My cr.HP gets stuffed, so I can’t consistently anti-air his jump-ins. I’ve been having issues fighting Blanka with Rose since forever and I just can’t seem to get it right in ***any ***version. Rose experts, please help.