SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

I had a couple casual matches with WeirdoNeo back in November for Northwest Majors 3. I remember taking rounds off of him, but can’t really say how I went about playing. I mostly try to just poke and go for throws + pressure, but his Juri IIRC didn’t bother much with fireballs aside from when he had me cornered.

I don’t know what’s changed for Juri in 2012 that could affect this match up, but it’s kind of broken on both sides. Juri’s c.MK can’t be punished with EX Spiral (Juri goes right underneath it), and Rose’s slide tricks out Juri’s EX pinwheel. Like I think Rose takes only 1 hit, while the rest of the hits whiff + no knockdown, so Rose can be free to punish…

Also if Juri activates U1 in a neutral position, feel free to jump or cross-up. Best way to stop that ultra is to apply your own pressure, or negate its usability with jumping.

I like soul spiral to get in because even in the event of a trade, Juri gets knocked down. And her wake-up options are just as bad as Rose’s.

Is AAing Balrog restricted to EX Soul Throw? cr.HP seems to get stuffed 90% of the time.

If you’re having trouble AAing Balrog with cr.HP, you can use cr.MK to lower your hitbox and throw him when he lands.



I understand what your saying but,its a lil easy to keep juri out with pokes and other stuff, but its also easy to get trapped into her BS,but her normals are still Ass and you can frame her to death, her wake up options are small but good. Rose still is missing something IMO.

don’t block them. try to dash, slide, or counter with c.HP/soul throw etc…

As long as it isn’t a reversal, just use FA. Let it rip if EX Rainbow Ball doesn’t cross up and if it does, just dash out of it.

Also, refrain from posting here as we have a new matchup thread for 2012.

anyone have tips against Akuma? I’m so bad against him.


Dan’s fireball game beats out Rose’s every time. I have noticed that I can’t build meter against him and max fireball range for him isaround the same as his Danku =/ can’t really apply pressure against him…makes me sad.


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new matchup thread

just a quick question. in the rose vs guile matchup i seen a vid of loufy fighting against dieminion and he kept doing cr mp xx soul spiral but dieminion didnt do anything after that. is it because that isnt punishable or something?


another guile vs rose video :

sorenashi might not be the best rose ever, but still this rises the ultra selection issue. which do you prefer against guile, U1 which basically says : don’t ever try to flash kick, or U2 to fight your way in against sonic boom barrage ? U2 was pretty obvious to me, but when you already have the match-up in your favor without it, why bother ? U1 is definitely scarier and changes a gameplan entirely…

U1 punishes his sweep. Lot of Guiles also like to flashkick after they see a so you can bait out a flashkick.

Sorry if this has been said before but does Sakura’s j.hp beat Rose’s AA? Me and buddy tried it out and at best I could get it to trade. Was this some freak coincidence or do I just have to time it earlier?

yes Sakura j.hp will eat your c.hp AA alive. it may trade here and there.

I think U1 would work against guiles who like to jump in a lot if they don’t space their sonic booms and mess up their flash kick. Thats all i think it should be used for. Good Guiles won’t whiff their

U2 would be better imo because it allows you to get in if you are behind in the life lead, waste time, pressure guile, and some time to regather your thoughts. You have 10 seconds with u2 so you can use that time to think of another plan.

Um what is the proper way to fight seth?


But i just won against one just by not freaking out XD. Other wise i’d have to use cammy

I know, I can beat almost every Seth except Tony. lol.