SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

No, my question is not superfluous. What is superfluous, however, is your defense of Spark as a legitimate option. I don’t disagree with you. Why you are misinterpreting my question in that way is beyond me. I’m simply asking you to qualify your statement that the Gouken matchup “changes once he has it [U2]”. For the third time, let me ask you, is Spark so important to this matchup that the dynamic changes once Gouken has U2?

Gouken never had this option. As in, It’s something that was not an option before in any iteration of SF4. A Rose player did not have to be concerned with being hit for 300+ damage by a meterless Gouken player due to throwing a spark. It is a new dynamic to the matchup that was not there in Super, or AE. As such, the matchup now changes once he has it.

Still not answering the question. I know that U2 can punish Spark. You’re not telling me anything new here. I don’t think you understand what I mean by a change in the matchup “dynamic”. If all you want to say is that Rose now has to be careful about throwing Spark, then I agree with you. If you’re saying, though, that Rose has to completely alter her gameplan and playstyle when Gouken has U2, then I would have to disagree.

I never really threw fireballs against Gouken anyway. As long as she can still reflect, she’s good. Even if not, his fireballs are ezpz to slide under.

When i play goukens i like to mix up reflects, keeps them guessing if a flip or a palm will work. I like to absorb a few, then hit a hp reflect in case they think I’m gonna keep absorbing them.

vs Gouken, if they have 0 Super meter, I’ll throw MP or LP sparks from full to near-full screen. Any closer and I would sparsely spark. Reflect is good enough, plus being so much safer. In this match up, I prefer closing in on Gouken so he has no chance to land random EX Demon flips for high damage. Rose depends on her footsies, spiral, and throw mixups more than fireballs here.

If you’re hesitant to approach Gouken, you can always just focus fireballs from a distance to see what he does about it. Could motivate him to close the gap, thus nullifying his own “fireball game”.

Any tips for dealing with particular cross-ups? I have issues with jumping attacks right above my head, the ones that cr. hp can miss. Throw techs are a bitch for me so that’s when I start losing my shit.

Tough match. I wouldn’t reflect much in this match, the speed of his tigers makes it pretty difficult. Slide under high tigers to gain ground, jump over lows. Once you’re in close you can out-poke him quite well. You can also stuff low tigers with cr. mp. Not sure if you should use U1 or U2 here. His tigers are probably too fast to U1 on reaction, unless you predict correctly. I guess U2 to get him off your back in case he starts coming in close. His overhead plus tick setups could be dangerous.

Unless you’re knocked down, I’m sure you can forward dash or slide under when you see your opponent jump.

yeah focus dashing cross-ups is also a good idea, as long as you can verify which side the other player’s going to land on. It’s always sad trying to focus dash away from somebody’s jump attack, but instead you dash into them to potentially suffer more than if you just ate a combo straight.

Some people have told me that Rose has a bad match up against Bison, I do not believe this not one bit, so maybe you guys could tell me why this is a bad match for Rose so I can start exploiting those things against this monster character.

Bison beats all Rose’s reversal with scissor kicks
Bison has mobility so can approach Rose easily or avoid her
Bison can shutdown Rose’s grounds with U2
Bison can do a lot of pressure to Rose in corner, sure she can escape but not without take a huge risk or spend a lot of meter pushing Bison away
Bison has and st.HK so Rose has a difficult time to approach him

plenty of other reasons

Concerning Seth:
if you see Seth do a walljump -> HK (not the d+HK where he does a divekick) do a lp reflect. IT WORKS

On the flip side, what makes you think she has a good match against Bison? What about Rose is giving you problems?

I find that knowing how to deal with the opponent’s bullshit is more useful in learning a matchup rather than knowing what I can do to them.

Cr. Strong beats everything, soul spiral frame traps, Ultra II is just stupid. Simple things but I can’t poke this character at, cr.strong does not seem to have any recovery so you guys can just whiff that shit all day long, and that hop kick during too, god I hate that normal.

scissor kicks > cr. strong
frame trap with cr.strong of bison > cr.strong
Scissor kick / ex psycho crusher > soul spiral

he has plenty of ways to play with Rose. The important part for him is to corner her and make her stay there. But it’s true you it will have a harder time to beat her if you are in the middle of the screen because this is what Rose wants: stay in the middle screen. Its true that of Rose (yes that hop kick) beats Bison’s but its part of the matchup and you have to deal with it. Maybe not throwing all the time would work. Blocking is a good strategy too. Delayed beats a lot of Rose’s options: she cant grab / hit / do to make your whiff. She can still frame trap you tho.

The matchup was really in Bison’s favor in Super but from AE and AE2012 I think its only slightly in his favor. Like 5.5-4.5 in Bison’s favor

Scissor kicks > cr.Strong? I must be doing something wrong then.

well I mean if you see her do a whiff you can do scissor kick…then another one…I get beat by that sometimes tho so…idk about the rest of Rose players.

You can also punish her spirals on block if she didnt space it well

I was told that the bison match up was in rose favor, although I never actually felt like that. > scissor kicks. This match isnt about and shouldnt be used a whole lot

thats all i have for this match, it helps a ton once you realize it though but outside of that the match still feels terrible.

you know what match up feels terrible; rose vs juri.

my sparing partner has been playin juri since super and the match has went from somewhat even to slightly in juris favor to unbearable.

this is pretty much how our matches go. he dictates the match with juris low fireball. i try to slowly work my way in to sweep juri when she stores a fireball. usually i do this by bulldoging(walk blocking), focus dashing or reflecting from poke range (because if you focus from too far away she can instant dive kick and punish the reflect). once i get in i do my usual thing throws/frame traps and if he gets in he does his thing with fireball pressure/throws/frame traps/overhead.

what changed the tide of match up was juris ultra one. it pretty much works like genei jin now. if i have the lead he’ll activate U1 on the next knockdown or if he’s desperate just activate from a nuetral position and dash in behind his fireball (or without a fireball cause the dash is so ridiculous), and make a miraculous comeback. now if he has the lead and i try to make a come back he gets his ultra and i’m screwed.

pretty much if i don’t have U2 up to counter his U1 i can’t do anything and even then juris U1 outlasts my U2. anyways after this patch win ratio went from 6:4 him to 8:2 him. it’s pretty depressing cause if you don’t have a good reversal juri has some extremely strong pressure.

anyways i’m done ranting if you got any tips feel free to throw them out. the juri i play against is eish. pretty much i haven’t had trouble with any other juris mainly cause there aren’t many good juris out there.