SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread



I see your point with the examples about Louffy’s use of cr. MK buffered into EX Spiral and using shorter, faster normals to stuff longer but slower normals. You’re trying to explain that footsies is more complicated than a simple “Rose’s st. MK beats Ryu’s cr. MK”. Okay. I don’t think anyone’s disagreeing with that.

My point is for simple situations there is no need for a complicated explanation. Keep the depth of discussion appropriate to the issue being discussed.

St. MK goes right over cr. MK so it wins if both pokes are thrown out at the same time. St. MK can easily whiff-punish Ryu’s cr.MK as well."

That’s all the explanation necessary to make the statement “Rose’s st. MK beats Ryu’s cr. MK”. End of fucking story.

More complicated situations like the one you describe with Dhalsim would warrant deeper explanation analysis naturally because there are more factors to consider. When those situations come up, then we should give the necessary explanation.

so meaty crouch lk, stand mp, crouch mp, lk spiral 4hit combo.

and just do it cancel into lk spiral even if you drop the link stand mp into crmp. lk spiral is 100% safe. (due to push back. it hits by the tip)

credit to GetTheFruite.

Sounds like a tough link, meaty cr.LK -> cl.MP. How many frames?

is there a option select to deal with akuma‘s teleport?he give me a lot of wake-up pressure, while i can do nothing even knowing he will do a wake up teleport

and i’m fucked by the instant air firball, is there a way to escape from it?

You can o-s U1 or EX Soul Spark against teleports. Not sure how to escape instant air fireball.

the thing is that the preferred ultra against akuma would be U2 IMO. U1 has too much startup so its easy for Akuma to punish for big damage it if he safe jump it. I havent test it yet but looking at the startup and the distance of the move I would need to OS backdash/ dash forward before doing U1 if you intend to use this ultra. While the ultra covers a big portion of the screen, Akuma’s teleport makes him go all the way to the end of the screen. While Akuma can still escape your U2 shenanigans with teleports, he can’t apply pressure with his demon flip or far st.HK for a while. You need to have a good reaction and use soul spark to punish his teleport. If he teleports whille you have U2, you only need to dash were he goes and you get a free punish (akuma teleports -> you dash were he is and hit him with U2 while his teleport recovers -> cr.HP xx spiral xx super = ouch for akuma =) )

I need more details about Akuma instant air fireball: is it EX ? is it a cross up when you wake up ?

I have some footage against a really good akuma I could post some videos when I have time (which I don’t have now…)

I was just saying the option’s there. I use U2 almost exclusively myself.

Wouldn’t the new EX reflect be useful against akuma TK fireballs?

Hi guys! I’m here because I learned that characters with demon flips give me a very hard time.
here is a video and the first match is me vs Gouken:

I’d like some advice on how Rose should approach this match up :slight_smile:
The last match in this video I’m vs Gouken again and I won that time but I think I got lucky haha.

maybe but remember he might come behind you so during your recovery he will hit you with normals
too bad ex reflect is only projectile invincible =/
but what’s already good: she’ll be like the only to safely not being able to be chipped by fireballs…if the invincibility really starts on the 1st frame

it is a cross up or non cross up when I wake up…i fail to recognize it

Got a new 360, so after I finish arkham city i’ll be back to playing 2012. Any new tech discovered since i’ve been gone?

Speaking of air fireballs, if you have a bar of meter you can punish akuma when he throws them while you’re standing. Hit him with when he lands and ex spiral, which unless it hits akuma on max distance,will go throughex fireballs. Dont know if that was common knowledge…

Point blank CH cl.MK->U2, slide, cr.HP xx Spiral. Meterless ultra setup for 420 damage and 355 stun. Credits to Cerberusfx for this sick combo.

So the Gouken matchup is definitely changed since his U2 can punish sparks similar to/better than Ryus super. The matchup changes once he has it. That shit is super fast.

Does Rose have much reason to throw Spark in that matchup to begin with?

spark can already be stuffed by palm or demon flip.
The real question is: is reflect stuffed by his new u2 ?

Really? lol. There’s a reason to throw sparks in EVERY matchup. Forcing or negating pressure just for starters. There are other options of course but all of this should go without saying.

That doesn’t answer anything. Let me rephrase my question: Is Spark so vital to the Gouken matchup that once he has U2 the entire dynamic of it changes?

You’re asking a superfluous question to begin with. Spark is an option just like anything else. There’s a reason to use it. When and how varies. You know this, I know this. The point is, Gouken has a new option in 2012 that makes Roses spark, as an option, less effective than it was before. It’s important matchup knowledge. Period.