SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

Just FA it and punish accordingly.

Thanks, do you have to predict the hazanshu, or can you focus it on reaction (in a typical on-line match)?

You’ll probably have to predict the Hazanshu online but you can definitely do it on reaction offline, though you might not get the crumple. It’s pretty safe to fish for the FA crumple since Chun lacks a great armor breaker at that distance.

Yeah your right Nobody ever lands a knock down on Rose.

Knockdowns are caused by your own stupidity.

You’re only knocked down as many times as you make a mistake, because you’re saying Rose’s normals are useless, you must always be on the ground.

The fuck am I supposed to do with Abel?

I know I’m a complete scrub with this character but I just cant keep him out for some reason. I try to throw/ his roll and stop him from jumping in but his jump arc is weird from distance. Then I get knocked down once and the round is pretty much over.

What do I do after f+mk? I mashed light punch a bit too much.

And I was just dashing back like a maniac after blocking the first hit from change of direction when I didn’t have any meter.

His Jump is easy to AA.
Go into training mode and practice your AA’s.

When you get knocked down its a guessing game.
Everyone who gets knocked down does not have crap normals. That would mean the entire cast has crap normals lol.

Yeah I can see that now. I was pressing cr.hp way too early. I lost way too many matches, because of horrible understanding of her normals.

when you block abel’s f+mk immediately start pressing cr.lp after the hitstun.
Unless he has EX command grab, he can only block because he doesn’t have any 3 frames normals. Don’t try to EX spiral since he can OS, do a late st.MP to stuff it or simply block it.
The only thing I’m not sure is that since he’s 0 on block after f+mk maybe he can do a simple grab on you.

Also don’t backdash against abel at anytime. Not on wake up. Not after a blocked f+mk, not when he jumps on you

Having all this said about her, Why does she need BUFFS of any sort… since she is so applicable in all her fights.

Shitty damage, shitty fireballs, shitty reversals, shitty damage and shitty ultras. Oh yes, and shitty damage.

Don’t worry you have Godlike normals to fall back on…lol

Yeah I seemed to be very hungry for all his shenanigans.

I just couldn’t win with any consistency. Rose’s mid range pokes barely kept me in the game but he used EX direction to go through them a lot (KD : game over man…game over). I watched the replays and he did a lot of empty jumps where my cr.hp wiffed. Should have used ST or something I guess…

He needed only one moment to eat so much health and I couldn’t do shit damage wise.

I hate this matchup too. Sucks to keep out Abel out for nearly the whole game then get knocked down and guessed to death. Put up some of those replays and let’s see what went wrong. If Abel managed to consistently blow through your pokes EX Change of Direction, you were probably being too predictable with them.

Godlike normals don’t do crap if we don’t have much to back it up.

Yeah I have a bad habit of pressing buttons too often if people empty jump close to my position. I don’t have the replays anymore though.

I just tried to use and space drills properly. I didn¨t know what to do during Abel’s wakeup apart from and then some shenanigans like in the corner, for fake crossup etc. But this was basically my first time playing against a decent Abel with Rose so I’m not trying to moan too much lol. I’m reading from some people how it’s a 6-4 match in Rose’s favour, sure didnt feel like it though.

My take on the Adon matchup.

Adon Matchup

Matchup Figure: 5.5/4.5

Success in this matchup hinges upon learning how to counter Adon’s various approach tools. Spacing is key. Rose wins this matchup with solid footsies and AA.

Picking Ultras
Ultra 1 is great for dealing with ground and air Jaguar Kicks if you have the reactions for it.

Ultra 2 serves its standard purpose.

The Far-Range/Fireball Game
Rose can only safely throw fireballs when Adon doesn’t have meter. Adon can EX Jaguar Tooth on reaction to full-screen fireball and use EX Jaguar Kick to get over closer fireballs. U1 will shut down your fireball game period.

The Midrange/Footsies Game
Adon’s best normal are his st. HK and sweep. His cr. MP has limited range but can be buffered into Jaguar Kicks if it tags Rose’s pokes pre-emptively and is good for punishing whiffed slides.

Rose’s st. HK out-ranges Adon’s and her st. MK and sweep beat Adon’s sweep.

Ground Jaguar Kicks are tricky to punish outright. EX Soul Throw and even normal Soul Throw (done early) will beat Jaguar Kicks. Slide can go under Jaguar Kicks that are done too close but will lose if they are spaced further away.

Adon’s Jaguar Tooth is useless as an approach tool in this matchup. Rose can slide on reaction, which will beat EX Jaguar Tooth and whiff or flat-out beat the normal versions depending on the spacing.

Applying Pressure
Adon can be safe jumped as his most reliable reversals EX and HK Rising Jaguar both have 5f startup. Watch out for DP FADC as usual.

St. HP is good for pre-emptively hitting Adon out of Air Jaguar Kicks. EX Soul Throw is also an effective AA.

Cr. HP, slide and cr. MK work well against Adon’s jump-ins. The latter two however can be punished if Adon does a Jaguar Kick mid-jump.

EX Soul Throw will beat predictable or poorly spaced Jaguar Kicks and EX and HK Jaguar Tooth. Blocked U2 can be punished with a full level 3 FA or nj. HP. Blocked U1 can be punished with cr. HP into whatever you want.

All of Adon’s Jaguar Kicks are safe on block.

EX Jaguar Tooth is -5 on block so it can be punished with cr. MP xx Spiral or cr. HP xx Spiral with reversal timing. Rose can also slide on reaction to the walldive to either beat or avoid all versions of Jaguar Tooth.

Handling Pressure
All of the normal versions of Jaguar Kick can be blocked low. Only the EX versions are overhead. Ground Jaguar Kicks and Jaguar Tooth break focus. Air versions of Jaguar Kick don’t. The EX version does hit twice however so it will break focus.

Adon has two frame-trapping normals. Cl. HP and cl. MK. Both can combo into o cr. LP xx MK Rising Jaguar on hit. However, both normal are -1 on block so you can jab Adon out of his followups.

Adon can punish stand tech by doing an instant LK Air Jaguar Kick or HK Jaguar Kick.

Adon has a slightly ambiguous crossup after back throw. If he jumps immediately, he will cross you up. If he backs up a bit, he won’t. Pay attention to Adon’s movement.

Watch out for Adon’s instant overhead and fuzzy guard setups. Nj. HK is quite damaging but highly punishable on hit and block. Nj. MK can be cancelled into Air Jaguar Kick making it safer and potentially more damaging.

Concluding Tips
· Anti-air well
· Watch your spacing[/details]

about hazanshus:

  • if kikouken on screen chun walking behind it. hp reflect. buffer hp soul throw motion. if she hazanshu you can just press h for awesome soul throw juggle. dont have to be close for this to work. 235 awesome damage. also reflected kikouken would hit any of her limbs and stop her advancement. even her sweep.

  • sweep bad spaced/whiffed hazanshus from like. half a screen away. lol or crouch mk buffer ex spiral.

  • FA lvl1. yes can be done on reaction. also charge lvl2 as well. but i dunno its kinda iffy.

I’m gonna steal Heavy Mental’s template for this. I’ve learned a lot about the Fei Long matchup in the past couple of weeks, so I’ll give my opinion on it.[details=Spoiler]

Fei Long Matchup
[LEFT]Matchup Figure: 4 - 6 (Fei Long)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This matchup is a balancing act. The only place on the screen where Rose has the clear advantage in this matchup is right outside of Fei’s normals range, and full screen when he has no meter, otherwise you’re at neutral or a disadvantage. You have to push Fei back while he tries to get in on you, if you let Fei control the space and push you back, even if he’s not doing any damage, you’re going to be in the corner and lose the match. Even then, while Rose, in theory, should be able to keep Fei at bay for the most part, Fei does a LOT more damage than you could ever wish to do with Rose. If you screw up, you’re in for some hurting. You have to out-footsie him, bait him, and just all around play smarter than him in order to win.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Picking Ultras[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Neither ultra is very good in this matchup, but neither one is particularly better than the other, IMO. Pick whatever you feel confident with.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Ultra 1 can be used to punish chicken wings, whiffed Flame Kicks, third Rekkas, jumps, and FADC’d fireballs. However, you’re not going to have many chances to use this ultra, as EX Chicken Wing goes through fireballs fast enough to not give you much time to U1 him. He also doesn’t have much reason to jump at you.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Ultra 2 is good for the usual pressure and re-positioning, but Fei has decent pokes to reach in between the orbs and a good reversal.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The Far-Range/Fireball Game[/LEFT]
[LEFT]You can only throw fireballs at Fei Long when he has no meter, or if he’s knocked down. Any other time you can get EX Chicken Winged on reaction. You can FADC out of a spark to try and bait a U1 punish if need be, but I don’t really think it’s worth the meter. If he has no meter, by all means, Soul Fuck to your heart’s content. His ultras aren’t all that great, so a Fei with ultra stocked isn’t much more scary than normal Fei. Otherwise, get back into footsies range. Staying that far across the screen is just going to push you into the corner.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The Mid-Range/Footsies Game[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This is where most of your fight is going to be held. Your useful moves against Fei, somewhat in order, are: st.HK, Slide, cr.HK, HK Soul Spiral, and cr.MK[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The tip of st.HK is your sweet spot in this match. It outspaces all of his normals and can steadily push him back. This can lose to a pre-emptive Focus Attack, so don’t get too predictable.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Slide is a GREAT whiff punish and will outspace his normals. You NEED to be careful with how you use it, though. A badly-spaced slide is easily punished by cr.lp Rekkas, it will lose to a pre-emptive Focus Attack, and it brings you close to Fei Long, which is where you don’t want to be. You can backdash back afterwards of course, but if the Fei reads your backdash and counters with a Rekka, you’re in a world of trouble.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]cr.HK doesn’t have that great of a range, and it isn’t very fast, but it provides a knockdown if it lands, which gives you a chance to reset your position, activate U2, go for extra pressure, whatever you need to do. This will also lose to a pre-emptive Focus Attack.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]HK Soul Spiral is risky, but also a worthy poke to throw out once in a while. It’s slow, will lose to a neutral jump, and can be punished if you do it too close. However, if you find your opponent is fishing for your normal pokes with a Focus Attack, a Soul Spiral will keep them honest. It can also set up for a nice frame trap with cr.MP if you space it from max range.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]cr.MK is slow, has okay range, and will lose to a lot of Fei’s stuff, but it can set you up for a max-spaced HK Soul Spiral, which again, sets up for a nice frame trap against jab-hungry Feis.[/LEFT]
Applying Pressure
Flame kicks can be safe-jumped at 5 frames, but it’s still a very good reversal, so don’t get too cheeky with your frame traps. Meaty also will apparently make flame kicks and EX chicken wings whiff, but there’s only 2 active frames in and I don’t know of any setups for it, so I don’t really bother.

Fei Long’s cr.LP reaches VERY far for a jab and is 3 frames, which will punish pretty much any spiral that isn’t a well-spaced heavy spiral or a VERY well spaced medium spiral, so if you’re going to bother doing spiral pressure against Fei, make sure you space it VERY well.

This is tricky. cr.HP generally works fine as always, but Fei’s j.MP has a tendency to trade with, or even beat cr.HP. You can FADC to get yourself out of trouble if you don’t want to deal with it, but be careful about cornering yourself.

Light Soul Throw will beat Chicken Wings clean. You can EX Soul Throw to be safe, if need be.

Rekkas are tricky to punish. First hits of Rekkas can usually be punished by cr.MP, but you will get beaten if he goes for the second Rekka. It’s good to try and punish the first hit if he’s too far to want to go for the second hit.

Too-close second-hit Rekkas can be punished easily by cr.LP, or even cr.MP. I like using cr.LP so I can hit confirm into Soul Spiral rather than going directly into it without knowing if I hit.

Third Rekkas are punishable by basically everything. U1 is the best option if you have it, of course.

If you think a command throw is coming, neutral jump. Don’t backdash. If he goes for the command throw and you neutral jump, come down with a nj.HK and punish accordingly.

Handling Pressure
Hoo boy. This is where the match gets dumb. Fei has almost every offensive option in the game. A 3 frame jab, good frame traps that lead into damage, a command throw that opens you up for a combo, an FADC-able reversal, and Rekkas. Fei’s pressure, especially in the corner, is one of the hardest to deal with in the game. I dealt with most of his pressure in the “Punishing” section, so there’s not much to add here. The best way of handling pressure against Fei Long is to keep yourself from getting in that position. Otherwise, you have to guess, which is nothing character-specific. Try and read your opponent and get out accordingly. Oh, and don’t bother EX Spiral. Fei can make it whiff easily, or even stuff it. You can use it occasionally, but it’ll lead to heartbreak, usually.

Concluding Tips
[]Stay at st.HK range during footsies.
]Keep yourself out of the corner at all costs.
[]Watch his Rekka spacing.
]Watch your Spiral spacing.[/details]

A turtling Fei is the hardest type of Fei for me to play against. Because all they will do is sit down back and fish for the option select cr.jab rekka