SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread



  • dont get knocked down, and if you do, choose block on one side and stick to it
  • if she starts up her vortex too soon reversal with an EX soul throw
  • she can be punished long after she lands when throwing kunais, ducking under them is a good idea
  • if she likes to come in with air kunai, get her with focus attack
  • standing medium kick counters slides
  • your slides is as good as hers in the footsie battle
  • HK spiral in footsie battles seems to beat most of her normals which she buffers with knockdown specials, also obviously focus attacks which she may use a lot since it’s good
  • after her spinkicks chip special, standing forward works ok, usually whiffs
  • if she has super be very aware of her overhead special. It’s slow, but a free confirm into super
  • if she cancels combos with dashes a few jabs usually catches her
  • get some OS tech against her backdash. I’m not succesful with OS jab+sweep since it goes so far, but I think OS jumpin+spiral may work. I also tend to try doing slides after her dash to at least gain some space back
  • you cant ever fireball if she has EX, unless you bait it very well
  • EX spark can beat her safe kunai meter building/keepaway game
  • she can beat almost any jumpin quickly with back+mp, and good ones will follow up with dash cancels into tricks
  • any blocked neckbreaker is a max punish
  • she has an extremely hard to block crossup lk
  • you can ST her overhead kick (I tend to do this as a bet if they do it a lot)
  • her overhead kick can be blocked on reaction, but if you dont she can fully combo
  • if she whiffs her super she will fall in a weird way, I think she follows her old jumping arc
  • dont fireball if she has ultra 2, it goes really far
  • if she reversals with EX SRK, she can kunai afterwards. But ST beats all options, and focusing the followup kunai gives you max punish

you can low forward Viper. >.>

Thanks for the advice Acku. Will any version of ST beat the kunai followup for Ibuki’s EX SRK? Also, will EX Spiral beat her overhead?

Most of cammy’s setups are anti DP and are floaty. That’s what makes them so good against DP characters but that property actually hurts cammy in the rose matchup since as we know, floaty characters = free EX ST’s. Just don’t get too happy w/ the move or she’ll start doing empty/safe jumps. Nearly all your normals do exceedingly well against hers. She doesn’t have a move that outright beats all of yours.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. Now if I could only come across a decent Cammy at the arcades to get some actual matchup experience…

I always use EX ST, unsure
EX spiral actually passes through (under) her overhead once in a while

Rufus all day.

Balrog can beat it with ex low upper.

cmk on wakeup work against, as far as i know:
Rufus ex messiah
Fei’s flame kick/chicken wing (u can use clk as well, but it must be on the last frame, and at clk’s max range)
yang’s srk
boxer’s headbutt

Are you serious. My life just got so much easier.

Any advice vs Cody?

Don’t have SF with me right now, but would cr.lp ~ U1 work on his wakeup ex zonk and backdash?

It works against zonk but I would assume that picking the orbs against Cody is the best option? Or is it?

Here’s my opinion of the Cody matchup

Rose vs Cody, its still in his favor because she can’t stop his pressure properly…without blocking which can lead to a grab or backdashing which may or may not lead to a option select, and Cody has great reversal options…and his air normals are godlike, She has to step over his BIG Feet for victory…That’s what she has to do vs all her fights because none of them are easy.

the thing with cody is that he needs to get near her. It’s the same thing with dudley or makoto. Both of them can pressure to hell Rose. But the 1st have to pass her arsenal of normals which are very good against them. And its true that Cody’s pressure is godlike against her. But her ex spiral can help her out in this. Its it his favor if you keep backdashing to the corner and don’t stand your grounds against him.

I stopped backdashing in 2010… Rose has no ground to stand and her normal could be better, much better,If an opponent says FUCK your normals then Rose is FUCKED>…PERIOD!!! A good combo and wake up confusion and its OVER.

The thing is that Rose’s normals are already good…She’s one of the very few that can compete in footsies against people like Chun or Bison. Yes they are not the best but she’s up there. And NO opponent can say fuck your normals against Rose. Absolutely none. Not even Vega.

EDIT: after seeing the hitbox data of Cody, his air normals are nothing that Rose can’t AA

I disagree,its easy to avoid her normals, Knock down= no normal use…

That’s a wrong, scrubby assumption.

Her normals are VERY good.

Everyone who is in a knockdown situation has crappy normals, you just have to fight yourself out of a knockdown situation (which you shouldn’t get yourself in the first place).

Are we playing the same character bro?

Since you guys have been talking about Chun for a while, can someone give me the scrubby version of the matchup? I’ve read the messages above but I think they are a bit too specific for me at this point. When I fight a chun I always get blown up by those hazanshus (or I get swept, if I block high too much).

Am I supposed to be stuffing those hazanshus on reaction (with st hp?)? That seems really hard. Watching videos I don’t see many chuns abusing this manuever, but I’m not sure why. Even on block it’s safe and helps Chun get in. I also find it hard to bait and whiff punish because it has long range and it keeps me from walking backwards pretty early in the animation.