SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

I dont know how to fight Adon anymore. Help me Rose masters :sad:

No Rose masters here unfortunately, just us scrubs. What problems do you have with Adon?

He’s one of the few characters that we can call outright random. :/.

There are certain moves that are really good in the match, aka slide.

But other than that I just like play it out; I have no certain playstyle, never bad to go to the basics, punish his shit, play it safe, maybe soul throw on reaction a few times.

Nearly beat Filipino Champ. Are you sure it isn’t a match up thing? ShinkuuR BEAT Filipino Champ.

Gen - Rose is 5-5. Maybe it is 6-4 against your Rose in Gen’s favor and that’s what he is basing it off of.

But even if Rose can’t get out of shit that easily, she has an easier time than Dhalsim lul. Rose has a better time mid-screen against Gen than Dhalsim does. She has an easier time against Rushdown and can formulate a better rushdown than Dhalsim can.

Adon is one of those characters I recommended playing around with a bit in training mode to figure out what he can do. Once you learn the spacings for his Jaguar Kicks you’ll have a better idea for how to counter them. He has an ambiguous jump-in mixup off back throw with his j. MK but you can usually figure out whether or not he will crossup once you go into training mode and learn the setup yourself.

Jaguar Kicks and HK/EX Jaguar Tooth can beat by EX Soul Throw on reaction; trick is to react to the move’s sound and not it’s animation. Using Soul Throw against Jaguar Tooth is always a bit of a gamble since Adon can fake you out with the LK/MK versions. However, EX Jaguar Tooth is almost twice as fast as the normal versions at 7f so you can get a feel for when they’re using it over the other versions and reaction EX ST it, even if you can’t see the EX flash until Adon flies across the screen.

Only EX Jaguar Tooth is punishable (-5) on block, HK will leave him at -2 and block disadvantage for the rest of the versions don’t matter since they most likely won’t be hitting you.

Slide is good for getting behind Air Jaguar Kicks but not really under them unless they are poorly spaced and timed.

EX Spiral is halfways decent in this matchup - Rose can use it to get through Jaguar Kicks but not the EX versions if I remember correctly.

Rose’s sweep can whiff-punish his st. HK. You can also FA backdash it at far range to build a little Ultra meter; it only does two hits at close range.

Adon’s cr. MP is good for whiff-punishing Roe’s slide so wash your spacing.

Remember, ground Jaguar Kicks break armor but air versions don’t. One way to tell the difference between them without having to actually see the move is that for ground Jaguar Kicks, Adon actually says the name of the move whereas for air Jaguar Kicks he just screeches. EX versions are the exception; he just yells whether he’s grounded or airborne.

Adon’s cl. HP and cl. MK are decent frame-trap normals but both leave him -1 on block so you can mash him out of any non-invincible followups (usually cr. LP).

Slide also beats Jaguar Tooth clean.

News to me. Which versions does it beat and what’s the timing for it?

it beat all versions. including the EX version but the timing is different
You need precise timing for it. The moment he comes down you need to slide

Its hard for me to explain like that but when you see Adon go up, the moment he starts going down you slide and it should stuff his attack

In the end you are supposed to slide a little moment before he’s supposed to hit you

That is pretty sick. Got a video of it?


That’s some pretty sexy technology right there. What a counter.

So I’ve got a question for the Chun match up, I bring this up because I just ran into this.

It’s near end of the match, both of us at low health, Chun has U1 fully stocked with 2 bars of meter and I’m attempting to approach her. Also I have no meter or Ultra. I know that if I throw a fireball I’m dead by U1, if I reflect her fireballs I’m also dead. I’m just really unaware of my options at this point. What I wanted to do was slide > throw but I spaced my slide poorly and got punished for it. I’m really wondering what my options were.

you wait for her to do a move, you bait her

Neutral jump the fireball and react to her fireball with your own EX Fireball.


Walkforward and wait for her to do something, react to fireball with reflect and you won’t get hosenka’d stay out of her farthest normals (st. hp) so you don’t get tagged and whiff punish. Be careful of Hazanshu and look at your options. :).

Does anyone have any insight on the Cammy, Ibuki, Claw and Gen matchups? I’m competing in a 3v3 tournament next week and I feel these are the matchups I have the least experience and knowledge in.

EX Soul Throw all day on Ibuki. She has to adjust her vortexes for Rose.

Yeah I have to agree ST can be Ibuki’s worst enemy, I’m always catching them with it. I also have to go with Mike Ross’s advice of just not getting knocked down, when I first heard it it didn’t make much sense but after watching Ibuki matches that’s all she’s going for on anyone.

Cammy I found that ST will beat Hooligan Throw, but otherwise just being aware of poorly spaced Cannon Spirals, I don’t really know much on the match up.

I played a couple of Rose vs. Ibuki matches earlier this week, and Rose definitely has to avoid as many knockdowns as possible. I found out by playing those matches, that her meaty cr. MP will beat EX Spiral.

Along with her Her crouching mk beats and all soul spirals.

Who are characters that you can low forward on their wakeup and still be safe?

Balrog is the only one that comes to mind atm.


You can EX ST most of Cammy’s EX TKCS setups unless they’re Rose specific setups. Crossup stuffs cammy’s reversal normals and reversal DP if you time it correctly.
No fireballs unless you’re fullscreen, which basically means don’t fireball. Don’t bdash yourself into the corner, b/c it’s real easy to fall into that trap. Force her into a footsies battle and you’ll come out on top. If you change it into a mixup oki guess gaming, it’ll be hard to come out on top.
Cammy is mainly frametraps with a shitty throw range, so go into the matchup expecting more tech traps.

Good advice man, cheers. What about non-TK Cannon Spike? Will EX ST beat that too?