SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

All I’m getting from your argument is that it will help you build meter because you can throw sparks, gives him even less incentive to throw fireballs, will punish retardedly risky SRKs and prevent you from being chipped to death. In other words, its an Ultra that prevents him from using already-unrewarding options. Meh. Not convinced that’s it the better choice at all, but those reasons all factor into Ultra 1’s uses nonetheless.

We should just leave it at 2 each his own. I play with a lot of ryus in socal based on **MY **experience, I like U2 more. I’m confident in my abilities to maximize the damage off of U2 whether it be off a forward throw, sweep, Or spiral.

If anyone thinks they can just reaction punish fireballs they should try to play against valle. That guy is a beast with fireballs.

We can leave it at that since Anton’s just about covered the merits of U1 in the matchup. I’m still not convinced of its usefulness unless someone provides me footage of U1 being consistently and effectively used against a high level Ryu. Until then, I’m for U2.

I’m pretty good at using both ultras, I just feel that U1 is more helpful to the way I play the match up.

The fact that something stops a character from doing x, y, and z should count for much more than 30 chip damage IMO. If you played me in Rose mirrors before, I can stop Soul Satellite dead in your tracks, especially if we both have it out at the same time. It’s not hard to deal with; throw her out of it, block it, cr. strong in the position where you wouldn’t get hit by them.

Ryu and Fei Long are just examples that they could just stop it right in its tracks.

But if you like U2 in any matchup where I say U1 or U1 in any match up I say U2, it’s really your choice, there is like 1 match up in the game where U1 is a must and there is 1 match up in the game where U2 is a must imo (Blanka, Viper - respectively).

I think U1 is a must against honda, blanka, zangief, and thawk. I prefer u2 against the rest. It’s not that hard to backthrow into u2 setups. Or sweep into u2 setups. Or walkforward and bobble after a spiral u2 setup. Or u2 throw gimmicks in the corner.

PS: Luffy was tearing everyone up w/ the latter two during money matches. He wasn’t even using/wasn’t aware of the former two.

U2 throw gimmicks anywhere.

The other gimmicks are bad because they can grab you out of it really easily because of satellites being awful >.>

Wanna money match @ SCR? :).

I can’t wait for SCR >.>

You can money match my friend. He plays ryu. He thinks ryu rose is free for ryu.


But I don’t want excuses because we have one more set of buffs left. :).

But you don’t want to? :(.

I think most mirror matches are bs

It is a still a matchup you should know.

There are a few characters I feel have really BS mirror matches, like Blanka and Balrog.

But in AE especially, Rose has a decent mirror because it really shows how good your spacing is and how well you know your character. And you can slide on Rose now :).

Holy shit !!! I did not know that… Will try it next time. How do you space it ? Do you go for a deep slide or do you hit with the tip ? Or just a meaty one is enough ?

I’m not sure. Try experimenting with it. Wasfuny.

I use U1 against Ryu and U2 against Ken…

I’ve been hit by every fireball I’ve tried to ultra against Ryu, fwiw. U2 doesn’t work much better but I can at least have the illusion of pressure.

Also U1 is way, way better for Ken. His EX tatsu doesn’t let him escape like Ryu’s does.

I mostly use U2 against Ken because I don’t like his mixups game both in the air and on the ground.

So Anton, do you disagree with the matchup numbers period or do you feel they are inconsistent with the actual content of the analysis?

I checked the first page and couldn’t find any info on the Sagat match-up. Hopefully I’m not overlooking anything.

Okay, does anyone have any tips on how to deal with Sagat? It seems like my entire approach to this battle is just…wrong. I don’t know whether to be defensive or offensive in this fight. Last night when I was fighting against him, I kept getting backed into the corner and had zero answer for the constant Tiger Knee pressure and usual Tiger Uppercut when I decide to attack or try to tech a throw I thought was coming.

When I tried to EX Soul Spiral out of there, his Tiger Knee just knocked me out of it. Are there any specific go to normals that should be used here? Or anything else? I actually went back and watched my replay and laughed a bit because of how awful I looked. I also used U2, if that matters. Also, based on your experiences fighting Sagat with Rose, what do you guys think of the match-up?


I don’t have much Sagat experience, but I’m pretty sure you have to be on the offense. Rose can’t do anything on defense. Sagat outzones her for free. She has to stand right outside his normals range and bully him, as her normals out-space his by a lot.

Don’t really know too much about the general Sagat matchup, but I know goes under tiger knee. Slide does too but in blockstrings I sometimes end up sliding early and sliding into the first hit of the tiger knee :confused: