SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

You can slide underneath Seth’s sonic booms pretty easily, if that helps.

50/50 characters have always been hard to beat.

But lrn2guessright.

You guys don’t have that DoA4 Yomi lolol

A friend of mine plays Seth and while I do believe the match-up is in Seth’s favor, I still think it’s somewhat manageable. A few random tips I’ve learned vs Seth

[]Fight the natural Rose urge to backdash or Spiral on wakeup as meaty Tanden Engine stops both clean( you can neutral jump). Tanden also stops Ultra 2. If you’re pressing a button or walking forward at the wrong time Tanden will negate Ultra 2
]Use Ultra 1!! IMO Ultra 2 doesn’t really work to well in this match- up. For the aforementioned reason plus he can spd you right out of Ultra 2!! Ultra 1 can punish bad dive kicks, obvious Tanden Engines and can be OS’d for teleports!!
[]Option select slide to deal with backdash and to put you in distance to punish teleport
]Reacting to the animation of Tanden Engine is a must
[]Rose can soul throw his DP after a blocked DP fadc DP( I didn’t fully test it but it’s 100% possible since I’ve done a million times)
]Rose can also ST or head stomps in corner to stop that double/triple overhead cross-up shenanigan
I win more against Seth if I turtle hard, staying on the opposite side of screen and picking my spots!! If you keep Seth out of the air with EX Soul Throw and Jump back HK he losses!!
Hope this help even a little!!

I always thought this matchup was ezpz but I’ve been having lots of problems with Abel after AE dropped. Any tips? All I know is that and safe spirals are good against him. I get shut down once he gets U1 though. :< Can’t backdash, can’t focus, can’t throw fireballs, get knocked down and it’s over. I think I just don’t understand Abel as a character and what his weaknesses are moreso than not knowing what Rose can do against him.

Rose can outpoke Abel as long as you’re not within step kick range. Otherwise Abel still has to put himself at risk to come towards you no matter how he does so. Even with U1 stocked, you’re still at an overall advantage granted you’re not giving him a reason to U1.

Jumping in at him isn’t too dangerous anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

ok which move is tandem engine?

Because if its his sonic boom you can dash in u1 like dhalsim.

Once i did it to zeni, he stopped throwing full screen sonic booms :frowning:

Tandem Engine is his qcb+p and it’s the one that sucks you in.

It’s easy to react to because he changes color ;).

I’m at a complete loss against Seth. I played a bunch of matches against a Seth player today who wasn’t even that good, but I still didn’t stand much of a chance.
Basically, as soon as Seth gets U1 I have no idea what to do, no clue on how to get in because his pokes and Sonic Booms keep me out until I mess up and eat his U1.

If I do manage to get close it’s only a matter of time before Seth escapes again (quite easily) to the other side of the screen, and it all starts all over again.
I can’t reflect, I can’t fireball, and slide will only get you so far.

Massive sigh :frowning:

Just simply jump over his sonic boom; he has quite the recovery on them and he cannot ultra while a fireball is on the screen.

If you’re mid screen, reflect; fireballs beat his ultra now. At full screen, don’t be afraid to ex fireball from time to time.

^ What he said. If he does have ultra, that means he’s probably close enough that 1 combo + chip will lead to death. Try to be within range to jump and punish his fireball. Realize that all full screen fireballs are baits once he has ultra. Slow the match down, throw more feints and block, and try to read what he likes to do. Does he tend to uppercut fadc or does he command grab more. Take note of how he reacts in certain situations and he’ll probably react like that again if he’s put there again(assuming it worked). Make sure your links are tight as FUCK when you play certain characters.

Maybe you should train a littlle bit and do some matches using Abel.

First of all, thanks to both!

So are you guys saying that from midscreen I can jump over his Sonic Booms when he has U1? I was so convinced I couldn’t do that so I didn’t even try jumping at all when he got U1.

Yea. His fireball is basically sakura/sim status if IIRC. Fireballs mid screen means he’s risking a full jump in. At worse you eat an uppercut into a techable knockdown, which is not so bad. IMO in certain situations, command grab > uppercut due to the type of knockdown each causes.

You jump anyways to test the opponent. If your opponent is ass at anti airing you, keep jumping until it stops working.

At least that’s what I do :confused:

I find myself having trouble with Sakura lately.

I can’t really get in and her is really annoying. As soon as she has meter I don’t feel that I can risk attacking her on wake-up since her EX SRK can lead into big combos. Once she’s in it;s hard getting out without eating big damage and stun.

What’s the best way to play this match. Should I rush down Sakura or should I keep her out, and if so, how do I do that?

man i lost to terrible bisons all the time :frowning:

I don’t find sakura too hard… mp reflect and soul spark until she has meter then fake soul sparks wid st.fp to bait her fly in move… AA wid soul throw etc… never let her jump in… if you find an opportunity where she’s close, just block and tech and find a way to put space between you 2

How do you play against a good T.Hawk player with Rose? I faced a really good one at a tournament on Saturday and couldn’t find a reliable way to AA him without catching a condor dive to the face (Sometimes he would delay them or use a meaty J.HK on my wakeup?). Does anyone have any general good tips on this match-up. It seems like I tend to lose to characters I know nothing about lately >____>

Slide on his jump ins so his condor dive isn’t in range to hit you.

And hit him 100 damage at a time :slight_smile: