SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

wtf do i do against bison as rose…Just lost 10-0

check the first page. the write up about bison is there

The match-up is on the front page, check the second post.

Dhalsim is still the most mindfucking match-up to this day.

Work to get in and pressure, then rinse and repeat… that all I feel like I can do.

I’m so frustrated.

How the fuck do you punish/option select vega’s back flip bullshit?

Good Rufus is a big problem for me…and U1’s Adon make me some trouble.

I thought Rufus was Rose’s toughest match-up in Super. Obviously with Yun and Yang in the game now, that’s changed.

I can’t say I’ve had a lot of experience against good Rufus players, but he can be somewhat dealt with by crouch teching with fierce punch. It’s only once they start frame trapping that they become really difficult to deal with.

Speaking of frame traps, close standing mk does quite well against him as a frame trap, his only option is EX messiah, but it only gets the first hit since rose is airborne so it does no damage whatsoever for 1 bar (though he still gets the knockdown)

Also, it may have already come up in this thread but meaty or slide does wonders against Rufus on his wakeup, makes EX messiah whiff for a free U1 punish.

A nasty trick against rose is meaty galactic tornado on her wakeup. I haven’t tried EX ST as an escape from it but EX soul spiral loses to it, so it puts rose in a really bad spot, she gets pushed further towards the corner and i’m pretty sure galactic tornado is safe so it gives Rufus another chance to set up his offense.

Rose isn’t airborne during close mk, she’s unthrowable and can avoid low attacks. Have you used close mk to avoid the full EX messiah? From my experience it will fully connect.

The Rufus match is still awful. As you said frame traps and also delayed dive kicks will beat the cr hp/throw option select once they catch on. A good Rufus just has many more opportunities than Rose. Rush him down, especially when he has no meter. Even when he does you should move around a lot, unpredictably because he has moves that can counter you anywhere if he’s expecting it.

Kocha, for Vega backflips you can do a lot of things- walk up throw, walk up cr mp into spiral. If you get caught off guard he might get away, but once you’re ready for it, you should have time to react, no need to option select. Listen to his yell and you can recognize which backflip he’s doing.

With Vega, stay on top of him always after a knockdown. Just pay attention when he has meter and ultra since it’s more than likely a wakup EX/Ultra may come. Otherwise he can’t do much but guess even more than you do on a knockdown.

Reading through the thread I was incredibly excited to find the Ryu notes because that’s the most trouble I’m having right now ._. really just all shoto’s I feel like I become retarded once I’m in a match with them.

Anyways I have one question and that’s in the Ryu match up what’s my better option as an AA: ST or c.hp? I think I’m having about the same success rate with both of them, meaning I’m failing with both of them which I’m kind of thinking is just that I haven’t practiced enough on the timing. I just get so caught up in trying to AA against Ryu because I feel like that’s what I lose to most. I don’t know I get so pressured by it and end up making a mistakes that cost me the match.

If by losing to ryu’s jump in i’m assuming it’s his j. rh or j. fierce at max range. Yea that stuffs most of rose’s aa options. The BEST thing you can do is avoid that situation in the first place. But if you can’t, then slide is probably what you’re looking for. Then, you can usually throw/tech afterwards.

Maybe the problem is that you try to anti-air him when you should not! If the Ryu player is a little experimented, he will jump at you only in certain circumstances:

  • badly spaced fireball
  • after a knockdown
    In those cases, Jumping on you is safe for Ryu because your are either in your fireball recovery frame or you are standing up and you do not have time to AA, because of the startup frame of your move. So block is also a good option!

Bumping this thread up.

I’m going to try my best to update the front page with a few match-ups as possible this weekend. I’ve been really busy with work for the past couple of weeks, and I just don’t have enough time to dedicate to gaming right now.

This thread helped me jump right back into how certain match-ups are handled. props to SK for staying on top of things :smiley:

mago says rose fei long is 6-4 fei long when i asked him at evo.

Im starting to think seth-rose is 7-3

This is after playing zeniside for a few hours. I really can’t do much on wakeup. it’s eitehr im eatting a command grab on wakeup, or he’s OSing ex srk/fireball on backdash. I’m honmestly starting to think the best option on knockdown is to normal air throw to escape command grab and get hit by a normal.

Thanks for keeping this thread updated.

I just would like to know how in the world the matchup vs. Boxer is considered 5-5?
It’s far too easy for Boxer to push you into a corner, and once you’re there… good luck getting out.

I definitely agree with Fei-Rose being 6-4.

I checked a matchup list, Rose-Sagat is 6-4?! I admit, I’ve been neglecting Rose until lately, but I don’t play enough Sagats to know this. Is this because of her anti-zoning characteristics?

It’s the fact Rose forces fireball zoners to come to her due to having sparks to match fireballs and reflect to grab meter/throw back at them. Same reason why Guile can’t play lame against Rose.

I dunno about Seth being 7-3. 6-4 sure but That’s because a command throw from Seth isn’t that much threatening than a OS>whatever. I’ll reset the already shitty position then get OSed, lose more health, and reset the position.

@sagat rose matchup
The only reason I can think why that matchup is in Rose’s favor is because of how well she closes the gap compared to most of the other cast. In this case, slide’s far range is rose’s greatest weapon. Most players have no way of really moving forward when he throws a high tiger shot. Rose on the other hand, can close the gap and make HIM guess. Plus, the long range makes counter hits, which pretty much negate that negative frame possibility on hit, really dangerous for sagat. And when she’s up close, the fact that a spaced slide will beat BOTH low and high tigershot makes sagats the one having to gamble. Then, when he starts thinking about it and tries to stagger his low tiger shot to beat rose’s slide, he eats a full combo jump in. Tiger shots are a huge risk for him in this matchup.And at full screen, if he decides to low tiger shot to stop rose from closing the gap, that’ll give her the opportunity to absorb AND still have time to recover since his low tiger shots have a lot of recovery relative to high tiger shots. Essentially he has to think about ALL of that just to throw tiger shots.

TL;DR version: Slide + reflect + absorb > low + high tigershot


Yea I felt the same way for a LONG time. Once I accepted that rose is ass in the matchup and tried to minimize my having to guess, it became easier. Things that helped me were:
[]In a untechable knockdown situation, I would gamble on the escape option that would reset me into a TECHABLE knockdown, after which I would not quick stand. This fucks with his setups and makes it less ambiguous to an extent.
]Rose can’t match fireballs AND can’t throw them if he’s jumping a lot. He’s probably baiting it out and trying to wall jump punish. Rose has no fireballs
[]Rose’s crossup stuffs his uppercuts.
]Slow the match down. I prefer to U2 fifty fifty throw gimmick them leaning more on the baiting end. If i do go for the throw instead of the bait with orbs, it’ll be at the end of the orb’s cycle to get me a untechable setup.
[*]Rose is seth’s whore. He gets in and out whenever he feels like it. Accept it and you won’t have to eat so much damage trying to NOT let him get away. Corner him slowly. Air to air his wall jumps; don’t try to EX ST it.
Not trying to act like I know the matchup, but figured any advice among rose players is good advice at this point. I actually lost to TekkenTim’s seth at WNFs last week. I SOOOO should have won. I felt like the better player AND I had the matches won at 4-5 difference instances but inputs didn’t come out when I wanted. Essentially I dropped the ball. Sucks outplaying people for 90 percent of the match only to lose to rock paper scissor fighter in under 10 seconds.