SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

Cody/Rose match IMO pretty much goes with Rose keeping Cody out. He has to work to get in anyway until he has meter or else he’s going to be chucking rocks at you to match your sparks. Once he has U2, no more fireballs unless the’r LP sparks for baiting. Otherwise, keep him out with normals. Once he’s in your face with frame traps, you really need to block or know where the holes are. But generally just block. Cody’s not that big of a threat if you block all his frame traps.

Also can’t backdash or EX Spiral on wakeup or else you’ll get option selected by people who know what they’re doing. So hey…yes you have to block on wakeup majority of the time.

His rocks don’t beat your fireballs.

You gain more meter and you easily match his fireballs.

I won’t go head to head against Cody unless you have him knocked down.

I think this is an even match up on all counts lol.

probably hate it cause Rose doesn’t excel that well with it in this game due to her shitty startup and/or recovery.

I’ll update the match-up thread again tomorrow with a recent match-up or two we’ve discussed thus far (Chun-Li, Cody, or Juri).

i need more testing. backthrow > step forward > jump mk. as simple as that. but you need to aim at the middle section/head.

you wont recognize its unblockable because on neutral you hit front/land front. only when record/reply its confirmed.

strange is that when i run the recording multiple times. it doesnt work. like the spacing differs.

can someone confirm this:

  • Rose Backthrow: i know at the corner the spacing of opponent being thrown is greater then anywhere else on stage and its really noticeable. BUT. does this apply to the rest?? like… distance and trajectory differs depending on your position on stage???.


now about the guile matchup, some pointers:

after some bnbs followup jump hp is safe from flashkicks. OS close hk to hit him airborne if you want.

example:, clp, clk,, ex spiral, jump hp
or clp, clk, cmp, mk spiral, jump hp

  • same safe jump hp can be replicated after backthrow. backthrow, small step forward, jump hp.
  • sequence of reflect and sparks. example: mp Reflect, mp spark, lp spark OR EX spark.
  • hp reflect FADC Soul Throw, step forwad, jump hp crossup. on standing guile you can combo crouch lk crouch lp hp reflect FADC Soul Throw to set it up.

guile will eventually get frustrated because rose wins the fireball game with reflects and spark sequences.

mp reflect if guile remain standing walking behind his boom. or focus dash back, then immediate stand hp or crouch hp depending on the distance if they jump. also if they jump you can FA dash forward (under guile) then close hk as anti air.


occasional lp spark fadc walk behind spark to close the distance. be ready to anti air.

hmmm what else.


I’m postponing the write-up for the next match-up since I’ll be busy with work for most of this week. I apologize for the delay, and it will be up by the end of the week.

If I find myself having extra time (extremely rare nowadays), I’ll care to write a write-up, or two.

If you can, great. If you cannot, that’s perfectly fine. We have priorities, and work is my number one priority right now. If anyone would like to write up a match-up, please let me know, and I’ll put it in the same format as all the other match-ups are.

what matchups are you guys looking for? i can share some of the setups i use.

It’s hilarious how we beat like everyone lol.

fei long owns my soul.

Rose-Fei is 5-5 IMO. :X She can keep him out quite well (ESPECIALLY if he has no meter) and keeps up with his footsies game too. You just need to be careful and not put yourself into the corner or do anything that can be punished by a jab.

it takes ~1 rekka combo to end up in the corner. something everyone should get used to, ie being cornered by fei long.

Don’t know what fei’s you’re playing but this is definitely in his favor.

[]His crouching jab, short, strong, fierce is godlike.
]His rekka is basically unpunishable if he even spends an ounce of effort spacing it as opposed to rose’s assy ‘space all you want jab is still gonna stuff you afterwards’ slide and spiral.
[]He will get you in the corner. I pray it’s not at the start of the round otherwise I have no way out unless he makes a mistake.
]Once they get you in the corner, basically all good players space themselves just outside of slide range and watch as rose’s normals whiff and they punish. And it helps to have a decent reversal.
Definitely a solid 6-4 matchup. These matches don’t make me rage like ‘rock paper scissor’ fighter. They’re just hard. He’s just better. Not much else to say.

I can handle Fei’s pretty well and its safe for me to say it is 5-5.

His rekkas arent even unpunishable. His 2nd rekkas on blocked can be punished with jab to spiral or to spiral(or ex spiral). I think only his 1st lp rekka is safe on block.
Do not use slide or throw out random too much as good Fei’s can punish them.
Fei’s pokes and footsies are good but Rose has these too obv. Rose’s,, and her great AA gives Fei problems.
Yeah, Rose in the corner against Fei can get ugly, especially without meter. Blocking, teching, avoiding getting command thrown, and not eating a walk up flame kick FADC is rough <_<

The one thing Rose has over Fei is she has a fireball which can be used a bait.

all rekkas are punishable if its not well spaced
1st lp rekka is -4 on block

is it better to use U1 or U2 against fei ?
I know I’ve develloped the ability to instantly soul throw when I see him use a regular chicken wing and use U1 when I see him use an EX chicken wing…

but having U2…I don’t see how it can be useful. In corner ? maybe but only for a moment. It doesnt take a lof of rekkas for fei long to use to push you can into it…

Chun-Li was the next match-up that I’m planning to put up.

U1 for Fei, IMO. He can’t get in at all if he doesn’t have meter, and EX chicken wing is baitable if your spacing is right. Rekkas are not unpunishable, Rose can punish them more than most other characters can. I can’t write a bunch of anti-Fei strategies out because I haven’t sat down and played sets with a Fei player for quite a while, but it just doesn’t feel like a bad matchup to me. You definitely have to play it smart and be more careful than other matchups, but that in itself doesn’t make it hard for Rose. But yeah, Rose’s long pokes and baiting jabs with very far hk spirals are really good against Fei.

you have to be wary of rekka.

one knockdown in the corner with a rekka, it’s almost impossible to get out unless you guess correctly.