SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

I just tested it and it can be done anywhere on screen! woohoo :slight_smile: I wonder if it can stuff other jaguar things from adon…

wow im in love!! i use to always jump like a maniac doing back jump mk > >spiral just because i hate the 50/50 situation after a blocked jaguar tooth.

I just used far.HP or cr.HP for regular tooth. the slide against EX tooth is hot though.

You rush her the fuck down. Juri is one of the best zoning characters in the game so I think getting that initial hit on her is very important.

Obviously don’t jump, Juri has good air to air and ground anti air normals. Just walk forward towards her and force her to he corner. EX Pinwheel sucks, you can throw her out of it and it’s like -232039 on block. Only thing I hate about Juri is her grab. I swear she grabs 1 frame faster than everyone else.

I start by building meter by doing empty soul reflects or if I see her throw a fuhajin I do soul sparks (I actually absorbs them once in a while when the opponent is to preoccupied about only throwing fireballs. Slowly I start closing the gap between me and her by walking (no dash because she could randomly do her dive kick or won’t have time to block one of her projectiles). At the right distance, empty HK spiral -> xx spiral (or you could start with works well on her. Once you knock her down meaty attacks rapes her. Rush her, do whatever you want but don’t let her get away

EX pinwheel is annoying, I agree- but if you get hit with it then she read you correctly, or you did not read her correctly. I end up doing a lot of walking forward and blocking. You can’t really jump, and she has tons of fast starting anti-pokes so you can’t just throw out normals like usual (ex pinwheel, jump back dive kick, etc) - but her options are basically all unsafe, so block and punish. After you do that a few times she should be afraid of throwing them out there, and you can start your offense.

Don’t throw out fireballs too often unless you’re trying to bait her dive kick or something, since Soul Spark has horrible recovery. Pressure her, and stay in. If the Juri loves to mash reversal EX Pinwheel, then bait it and punish. If you’re not sure your will hit after the EX Pin on block, then don’t take the risk and just go with the sweep. It’ll still tell them that you’re not playing around. DO NOT jump in on her. Her is gdlk and sometimes even hits above her head if it’s spaced correctly. Also, her dive kick can be safe on block if it hits at your feet and is one hit. Don’t try to attack her after that because she might EX Pinwheel you.

Juri sucks after a knockdown. Just rush her ass down. Bait out the EX Pinwheel (which is ass) or the counter. Most juri players still prefer EX Pinwheel over counter for whatever reason.

not really a hard match.

be wary about trying to anti air her with cr.hp , i get caught off guard because they dive kick at the last second and screws you all over. safe jump those ex pinwheels. vary it and sometimes empty jump if they are the wakeup ex counter type. just be calm when your pushed in the corner and they start doing frame traps. shoot fireballs full screen and keep it at a minimum when they get closer because of the threat of dive kick. when you put her in the corner frame trap her with some hp soul sparks. personally i like to start off matches poking around and observing if they are the ex pinwheel masher types then id rush them full force.

Knock her down and outfootsie her, basically.

I played WeirdoNeo online the other day, and it’s basically like that.

Btw, especially for Rose, Feng Shui is DANGEROUS >.>

i need help. i need to know any crossups other then jump mk or U2.

something like jump hp or hk or lk.

and seriously any known unblockable setups? vs ?

EDIT: ok just found unblockable on rufus after backthrow using mk. will investigate more if heavies can crossup or be unblockables. also its reversal safe from EX snake and EX Messiah. fun times.

EDIT2: uncrouchable. 100% legit.

Not unblockable, but Rose has a double crossup in the corner (Or even mid-screen if you have very good spacing) with like the shotos do. Basically, put them in the corner, jump to cross them up, use It will cross them up and you will land on the other side. You can combo it into cr.lp or go for fancy corner combos if you’re feeling confident. It is very easily escapable though, so I don’t use it on any characters with Shoryuken-esque reversals.

There’s also some trickiness you can do with j.hp in the corners. Fake crossups and such. There’s a video on it somewhere.

Now share that Rufus tech, please. :frowning:

You know I’m not surprised. Rufus has the most wonkiest hitbox in the game. So much shit works and doesn’t work on him.

I’m pretty sure rose has unblockables vs a plethora of the cast. I found one against akuma that has to be frame perfect on the jump AND the timing of the j. mk. But if you pull it off, he can only teleport away since it stuffs all other options.

What about Cody, how would you guys go about fighting him. Good Cody’s put a lot of pressure on you, their air moves generally out prioritize you. That 3 frame extremely long reach crouch mid kick will counter all but the furthest HP soul spiral, and hitting it leads to combo. Most good cody’s will opt for the light punch criminal uppers when unsure of a punish so that you can’t really counter it, and do the combo which leads to the HP criminal upper when he gets you for sure. Ultra 1 is very much useless, Ultra 2 is very much useless. fireball wars will have you eventually losing due to startup and recovery differences, you no longer have the quick ex meter gain that would de-incentivize them from throw the rocks. You can’t reflect that rock. You float jump can be hit by that up kick followed by combo, back mid punch, and regular or ex zonk kunckle followed by combo or even ultra if he has enough meter. His slide is just as quick and just as good as yours, He has an overhead, you don’t, and ex soul spiral sucks as everything stuffs it.

Even that guy’s video on this or the previous page, where he fought a Cody, he ended up winning, but it seem like lost the match, as oppose to that Rose player winning it.

Now don’t get me wrong, Dhalsim and several other guys are far worse matchups, but we’ve had enough talk of them, not a lot of Cody, so, what do you guys suggest.

I didn’t realize how troubling the Rose vs. Cody match-up was until I faced a good Cody player today. The constant frame traps gave me a lot of trouble, and to think he’s going to be getting a lot more buffs in Ver.2012.

[media=youtube]ZM_Rmp1Kk8I[/media] Me vs Guile
He’s a guile player and knows what he’s doing. I feel it’s a 5.5-4.5 in Rose’s favor. He may not be the best Guile but this basically applies to everyone that are the “typical” Guile. Guile’s whole pressure game revolves around his booms. Full screen booms (dumb mistake) and his block strings that end in boom are really predictable so neutralize them with reflect. Light sparks, medium sparks, and ex sparks are the go to projectiles from far screen. Guile should be coming to you. He flat out loses from far screen, and if he does he’s only setting himself for destruction. Watch out for misplaced slides because of flashkicks. He really should be coming to you but when you have the opportunity to rush him down, go for it. Basically i feel once you’ve neutralized his booms, he really has no chance. Hope everyone is able to get something out of this. :slight_smile:

good reflect action, but that guile stunk, he didn’t know much other than throwing booms.

That guile player would normally try to get close to rose and knock her down.