SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

I’ll put up the Ryu and Guile match-up information this weekend, and both will be up there by Monday.

Well it seems i’ll go to training mode and work on some of my issues.

Is it possible for Rose j.hp ~ U1 to work on Bison’s reversals?

It catches teleport but since it like lunges her forward, ex psycho still goes through it with invinciblity frames lol.

Finished typing up the Ryu match-up, and I will be done with the Guile match-up tomorrow (Monday). I’ve been trying to relax this weekend since I’ve had a long week at work, so I apologize. If there’s anything that needs to be added or fixed, please let me know so I can make the necessary adjustments.

I really think U1 against Ryu is useless. All it takes is 1 meter in reserve to EX TATSU and dodge your U1. Or neutral jumping and hitting the fireball on purpose.

Thanks for the all the work Sk!

if you use u1 as an aa again ryu, which I think is useless, for the reason you mentioned.
But U1 can catch fireball ( if you buffer it midrange), punish baited dragon ( it’s nice to have a lot of dmg sometime), or even catch of guard a ryu that does too many os ( a j hp, os dragon is hit by a wakeup u1,… not that u1 should be used in wakeup)

ryu’s always going to have meter. For you to be waiting on the off chance that he doesn’t have meter doesn’t seem to be practical. I think even if he doesn’t, he can just tatsu copter to stay afloat a bit longer, which AIR did to MAJIN lol. And baiting out an srk to use u1 to punish? So you’re going to use it in a full punish scenario? Good luck with that. Watch majin’s whole set with air and see how many opportunities he actually got.

U1 won’t catch fireballs unless you’re right next to them. U1 is only invulnerable through active for a few frames so if it ever has to stretch out to catch them, they it won’t work and the fireball’s active frame’s will stuff out U1. Just try it in the lab. The range in which what your saying does work is too impractical. He’ll know your fishing for it. And at that range, you can focus dash forward and punish anyways so ryus rarely throw fireballs at that range.

All i’m saying guys is U1 as it stands right now won’t work against anyone who can adjust their trajectory. If you’re looking for way to make u1 work for you, then you’re doing something wrong. I feel that the ultra should work for you, you shouldn’t have to work for the ultra. If you fish for it, it’ll just seem forced and they’ll find ways to bait it out. It’s not like u1 is super fast or anything either.

Specifically against ryu, who will basically always have meter, i’d rather have u2 which i can use after a safely spaced spiral, or after any knockdown, techable or untechable. AT WORSE, you can use u2 to keep them away and build meter. If you lost the round already, you can at least prepare for the next one.

If they do find a way to make ultra 1 better i might get around to it but i really doubt that.

U1 is much better against Ryu, in my opinion, and I’m not trolling.

You can U1 on reaction in between cr. forward, fireball fairly easily.

When you have two meters stocked, he will have to respect you and not throw fireballs at any distance anymore.

There are only some characters that have trajectory changes that make U1 not worth it, kinda like Viper and Akuma, but Ryu is definitely a U1 character.

Ryu not having the ability to match your fireballs in fear of U1; that’s a great tool to have.

far.HP beats j.HP

Focus butt splashes. Either let the lvl2 go or backdash.

Right when I block cr. forward, I start buffering, and if I see Ryu lunge forward with his hands, I press PPP. >.>

if I don’t have ultra, I just do EX Spiral.

Anyone got a list of OS for rose?

most of her OS is done by jumping or with close mk…she only has a few tho…


No, you have to react, simply because they don’t have to do anything after their cr. forward.

I added in that U1 can be avoided by EX air tatsu on reaction if he jumps. As Anton said, it has a lot of uses in that match-up, and just because he can do EX air tatsu to dodge while jumping, doesn’t mean it’s useless. I’m getting to work on the Guile match-up now.

he can avoid it w/ normal tatsu too.

I wasn’t hung up on not using ultra one just because of that one match. I just used that whole set as as example. Majin is no slump w/ rose. His set against air, both his yang and ryu, goes to show how tuff it is too actually land the ultra.

And again that’s MY take on it.

His air tatsu? Or his ground tatsu? He can’t avoid it with a regular air tatsu. Unlike his EX tatsu, which leaves him temporarily suspended in the air, his regular tatsu makes him fall at a angle where he still gets caught, similar to Ken’s tatsu.

But Majin isn’t good at using the ultra, and that’s my take.

And no, he cannot avoid it with regular tatsu unless he does a tatsu to get to the other side; and if he does that, you shouldn’t be doing the ultra because his normal jump arc would make him get to the other side anyway.

Don’t hate on the ultra, I haven’t see you say it’s good in any match-up except like Zangief.

Both ultras have uses, and in this match up, U1 is better to use. Sako even used it over U2 in Super against Ryu; I disagreed with that in Super, but in AE, U1 is better choice.

I haven’t seen you use U1 in any matches you have had yet – you probably say these theories and just because it the character you’re playing against has one way of getting past it (a way you shouldn’t be using the Ultra anyway), you automatically say the ultra is useless in the match-up; when obviously there are many uses.

Majin’s reactions just weren’t good, but I saw a lot of cr. forward fireballs that he could have ultra’d on reaction to punish.
He just didn’t do it.

U1 is not fast enough to punish the recovery of cr. forward. >.>

But remember that Ryu’s - 3 on block after cr. forward, giving Rose time to do whatever, walk back more, she’s at frame advantage, walk forward and grab, :slight_smile: