SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

@Rog matchup
For some reason, I just think the advantages of doing an ambiguous j. mk on his knockdowns far outweigh other things you can do. He loses charge. You have godly tick throws that he can’t do anything about. Sc. MK rapes in this situation. It’s ambiguous so he might block wrong. If he head butts out you can punish with sweep. EX Armor’ing through might work but it also leaves him very vulnerable. That’s just my take on it

I agree with you for once that Balrog is fairly susceptible to our cross up :).

Just be careful of auto correct headbutt (so place it where it won’t autocorrect correctly) and you won’t be able to punish a ex dash straight out of there unless you are preemptive and do illusion spark on reaction.

But I think her cross up is LOVELY against Balrog’s wake up, you can’t O/S anyway.

I thought Guile beats Rose any day

It was hard to say who had the advantage in super. Just as hard as it was for Guile to come back when Rose had the lead, the same could be said the other way around. Rose has no “in” against a good Guile. Her only hope is for him to throw a bad fireball for her to absorb, which is pretty hard if he only throws fireballs to cancel hers out. Once both player get into a staring contest there’s not much rose can do but hopefully push guile into the corner. And after you do and begin your mixup, guile’s probably gonna bet on a Flashkick FADC to run away again. Watching that Luffy vs Dieminion matchpu again made me realize how small the difference between the two is in Super. I want to say 6-4 Guile in super but that’s just character bias. 5-5 Super. 6-4 Rose in Ae.

Rose has always had the advantage.

In Vanilla cuz Guile sucked and Rose sucked less.

In Super because Guile had to charge to throw fireballs and couldn’t rush because of Soul Satellite.

In AE because Guile sucks and Rose sucks less.


Anyone got any tips for Ryu?

any problems specifically? I’ll list some of my key points to the matchup : ryu’s fireball zoning and basic footsies
[]learn the ranges and how you deal with ryu’s fireball at every range
]from 3/4 screen you absorb/reflect, focus, neutral jump, or empty jump
[]if you walk forward a bit more, there’s a specific range where it’s pretty bad for you. You can’t really do much besides block or focus bdash since focus forward dash won’t get you close enough to punish him; don’t stand here because this is exactly where ryu’s want to be if they want to throw fbs; it’s difficult to react to his fb’s here unless your REALLY looking out for it; this is where you feel uncomfortable
]‘little bit closer just outside of footsies’ is where you can focus forward dash and catch his recovery and punish; know however that your dash has a LOT of recovery so you have time it pretty well unless you want to get DP’d or what have you
[]as you move from 3/4 screens forward, you won’t face much resisistance; any jump in can be AA’d; but as you go from the second point to get to the third point, ryu’s can match your timing and move forward with you to low forward ~ fireball
]once you get within footsies range it becomes sorta paper scissor rocks. IMO rose has advantage since she dominates the mid range game
[*] the rose ryu footsies battle goes something like this: **s. mk > cr. forward ; s. mk < cr. strong; s. rh > cr. strong **( cr. strong is probably your best poke overall though)
i can write a bit more but i think i’ve written about this exactly matchup already

  1. Don’t jump.
  2. You’re gonna have to guess some fireballs from 1/4th away from him with a reflect or preemptive slide; your choice.
  3. You win fireball war.
  4. You win the footsies battle.
  5. You lose while knocked down.
  6. He does more damage than you.
  7. st. mk > low forward; all that needs to be said.

Thank you both for the tips.

I never thought about using focus attack at 3/4 screen, i usually ignore it but I will try that.

Rose, you are right about not jumping in this matchup, it almost never ends well for me.

My problem with ryu is that he can walk to about midscreen range and i feel fucked. This is the range where he can throw fireballs at me and, unless i jump at the start of the fireball, i’m not getting a jump in hit. And i sure as fuck can’t throw a fireball at this range either.

lp srk keeps me from poking mindlessly, also can’t start my throw game either. Also, st. mk seems like it gets stuffed by ryu’s cr. mp at a certain range, or maybe i’m not timing this right.

Thank you again for the tips. I know that in super this matchup was slightly in rose’s favor(imo) with ultra 2, with ultra 2 nerfed, i just went back to using ultra 1, so i feel like vanilla rose without my good sweep or soul piede. pfft.

If you walk forward just a bit more, you’ll get to mid-close range where you can reaction focus dash to punish his fireball. 21 frame dash against a 45 frame fireball. You have a pretty good window to punish. I usually mix between focus dash bthrow or focus dash cr. short.

You have a better ground game. Keep the fight standing and don’t worry too much about wakeup pressure. Use that time to reposition yourself. If you really adamant on your throw mixup, you have to learn to mix in delayed throws along with meaty throw and meaty cr. shorts. Delayed throw will beat out reversal srk, wakeup jab, and blocking BUT it has to be timed perfectly. It’s pretty easy to tech against this setup however.

st. rh > cr. mp it stuffs it more often then not but st. rh whiffs more often then not against cr. forward. Rock paper scissors man. Learn your buttons. The three normals whose properties I recommend you knowing are cr. strong (all purpose), st. forward (good against cr. short/ cr. forward/ cr. jab) and st. rh ( the rest).

oh, practice your safe cross-up set-up against Ryu as well after an untechable knockdown (or if you’re really good, a techable knockdown).

It should make all DP’s whiff, backdash gets hit out, etc.

I have a question for the honda match up.
when he does J.HP how can i punish that and how do i punish butt slam spam?

This all happens when my defense gets broke.

Neutral jump HP or jump forward HP?

For buttsplash just backdash, I think if Rose stays neutral, the splash will whiff.

If you neutral empty jump against butt slam; it will whiff and give you a free combo or throw, depending on what you want to do.

You can slide against j. fierce or you can ex soul throw or do a cr. fierce
Whatever your preference is.

Can’t you crouch fierce buttslams as well?

I think it would trade at best but not in your favor since you are still knockdown and it does more damage

It’s possible to cr fierce buttslam and win clean every time, but its easy to mistime with the different strengths.

It’s more complex than all of the answers people are saying here… anton are you saying neutral jump before it starts? Or after blocking the first hit?

For the neutral jump fierce, you can anti air him but it all depends on his spacing and timing. If he holds back then he can beat a lot of your antiairs.

My gut says that won’t work all the time. If you’re going for L2, then you might get crossed up by the 2nd hit because you have to start the charge earlier.

I mean the reason why that move is so annoying is because there are so many tiny variations on how it can hit. (both up and down, regular or crossup, whiff the up and only down, speed of the down hit depending on strength, etc). You have to have decent reactions to see what is happening, and when you mess up you just feel dumb since its not ‘safe’ and get mindfucked. Doubly annoying because the honda is likely just throwing it out with no plan or idea himself what will happen.

I’m sure it works for both :).

But I know it would work that way if you jump as or after it starts or even before it starts if the hitbox of the upward butt misses :P)

Thanks to Jason and Rose for the helpful Ryu tips. You both really gave me something to think about, and am looking forward this weekend to putting that shit into play. Much appreciated!