SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

What if Yun backdashes?

EUREKA, correct?


But I do meaty cr short which makes the two upkicks whiff and it recovers before the hk upkick becomes active.

If they backdash, I can see it and I’ll sweep on reaction (not option select).

You also give Yun some breathing room to rework his way back in. Which isn’t hard for this guy.

But when he’s down you want to apply pressure, even if it’s fake rather than let him backdash, especially because you are advantageous. Just fakely pressure him, if that makes sense; but once he’s out, it’s easy for him to get back in because Rose sux.

would this work on the twins?

Yes but you have to be cautious of your use with it. Only use it if their block strings consist of diving up and down constantly. If not, you might just get blown up

I thought we were going to do Viper, but we’ve been all over the place. I’m not too sure, can we all decide on one match-up for now?

You want more rog? Ok. Here’s some of my thoughts.
-The only safe ways to really pressure boxer are either meaty shorts or crossup and even then they’re only to an extent.
-After you get boxer to block your crossup you essentially have him in a throw sc. mk 50 50 since he lose all charge. Even if he blocked the first sc. mk, since the block pushback isn’t very far he’s in the same mixup once again. So crossup -> sc. mk -> sc. mk is pretty good though do note the startup on the move.
-IMO fireballs are there only to pressure them into mistakes and require a LOT of conditioning. Rose has to mix up the opponent a lot for fireballs to be effective. Otherwise it’s pretty easy to focus then neutral or even forward jump. Don’t EVER try to dash forward and punish when you see them jump forward. Little math here: 38 fb recovery frames + 21 total dash frames (tied for 4th slowest in game) + compounded with no decent reversal = you’re going to get fucked up. Don’t try to be like ryu and walk forward uppercut like champ.
-Mix up your block string endings. Sometimes end with cr. short. Sometimes end with medium fireball. Sometimes with spiral. He’s always waiting with options after your block string and has a fully charged dash punch, headbutt, turn punch, etc EVERY TIME.
-cr. jab cr. jab cr. short walk forward throw is a good tick throw to mix in with cr. jab cr. short s. forward. This along with mixing up your block string ending will ALWAYS keep the balrog guessing.
-always doing safe pressure isn’t going to win you the match. On the contrary, good players will read your safe plays and that let’s them know basically how your going to attack. By playing too safe, you run the risk of giving away your whole game plan. Don’t just play the matchup but also read the player AND situation. If i have been conditioning them with my safe wakeup pressure then my meaty throw shouldn’t be met with a reversal.
-i’ll say it again. Use the s. forward into slide frametrap.

That coupled with my previous posts should give you way more then enough to chew on.

My thoughts on the Balrog match-up:

This match-up is in Balrog’s favor, no doubt.

The thing about Balrog that really gives Rose a bit of trouble in this match-up, is his jab. It can limit a lot of Rose’s options, and it’s a great punisher as well. If you plan on going for any untrue blockstrings such as xx Spiral, watch out for headbutts. If it hits, you’re going to take damage from not only the headbutt, but likely from the Ultra after as well, putting you in a disadvantageous position. Personally, I like using U1 in this match-up because it limits his jump-ins, and it is a great punisher for his Dash Punches. If you plan on using projectiles, it’s best to use them only from full screen, or otherwise, you’re bound to get hit by a Dash Punch. Speaking of his Dash Punch, slide is really useful in this match-up. If Balrog decides to do an EX Dash Punch instead, you can slide and then throw afterwards. As for normals I like to use, I mostly use,, and If you want to see how I approach the Balrog match-up, here are some casual matches I had with DS from Guard Crush earlier this week: - 0:03:33 to 0:17:30

I hope this helps.

with these I think we can update the match for balrog dont you think sk ? :stuck_out_tongue:

use slides but don’t abuse slides.

if that makes sense :/.

because it’s not good against dash punches; as anti air; but it’s good for just randomly getting in.

regular overhead dash make it whiff and all armored dash punches beat it :/.

Can anyone give some advice on dealing with Guile.
I’m approaching the match up completely wrong.

Should I play the fireball game, should Guile come to Rose? Are there any easy ways to get in? What are the best ways to follow up after scoring a knockdown etc.

Rose is like the only character that beats Guile in a fireball war and Rose beats Guile from any distance.


Have Guile come to you.

If you want to beat guile you have to know how to buffer the reflect quickly and react afterwards. Get as much space as possible between the two when the match starts. When he throws the boom, you buffer. If it’s coming fast you do reflect, if it’s coming slow you continue to buffer. If you can’t win at neutral, that means you essentially praying for a hay-maker jump in.

-practice buffering reflect extremely fast and then reacting to the fireball
-know when to reflect forward, up, and absorb.
-make guile give up on throwing fireballs and come to you
-knowing whether the guile has charge is important. If you get him to stop throwing booms and he starts to approach you, match his beat and go to him. When he moves forward, he runs the risk of having zero charge whether it be for booms or flash kicks.
-if you do jump in on him in front, know that an empty jump properly spaced makes his cr. fierce whiff giving you a free punish
-once you score a knockdown, a safe option you can do is going for a cross up. Properly timed j. mk will force him to block and will stuff his moves. Once you get him to block the crossup, he’s essentially stuck in at least 2 shitty 50 50’s since he basically lost ALL charge. With and throw being as good as they are, you have to use your ‘A’ game tick throws. You won’t get many opportunities getting in.
-even if you lost first round, you can just sit back and throw fireballs and ST to build meter. He can’t throw booms back for fear of giving you meter. And a guile moving forward runs the risk of getting rushed down. Don’t just give up. Prep for the second round. Another reason why I like U2. It gives you ~8 seconds to build meter if you’re smart with it.

IMO This is one of the few clear cut 6-4 matches in Rose’s favor in AE. It was debatable in Super since he did so much fucken damage that even if you essentially have all the same tools, risk reward was in his favor. This is how I approach the matchup and haven’t had any trouble for awhile.

Rose beat Guile in every SF4.

EVen in Super; Rose has U2 that neutralized all damage anyway.

In AE; I’d use U1 over U2; gets rid of any chip trap opportunities and you gain a lot of meter anyway and that means he can’t jump or follow his booms safely in fear of reflect/U1 (whatever you choose to do).

I’ll update the Balrog match-up on the front page. Hopefully my internet won’t go out temporarily because of Hurricane Irene >_>.

Update: I finished putting up the Balrog match-up. Please check it out, and tell me if there’s anything I need to adjust.

Rose has a option select on Rog’s wakeup with J.HP~slide. Goes under Headbutts, stops TAP. Can’t remember about EX upper/Straight. I posted all the OS she had on characters in one of these threads.

…that’s about all I can offer lol.

No; don’t ever safe jump Balrog though :(.

Armored moves beat safe jumps, unfortunately; just go for o/s sweep if Balrog has no meter so you get a knockdown if he backdashes and his headbutt still whiffs.

Use either really. Whatever the rog player does most. Not like headbutt is safe anymore anyway lol. Just can’t do slide OS when he has meter.

here’s the post on other OSs on characters: Rose Strategies and Match-ups

Thanks for the advice :slight_smile: