SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

I agree that the match-up is 5-5 as well. I’ve played good Chuns, and it’s heavily footsie-oriented. It’s all a matter of who uses and reacts to each other’s normals better.

I third that. In hindsight, i now think that super rose vs super chun was 5.5 rose if not 6-4 in rose’s favor. Chun has no real way of approaching rose. Fireballs are useless if not detrimental to chun’s game. Floaty jump ins get EX ST’d. Rose’s normals have good range.

Rose’s ambiguous cross up j. mk owns fei. He can’t auto correct DP as it stuffs it clean really easily. You have to slightly time/delay the mk. Not hard at all. Get’s predi

Chun/Rose is like 7-3 Rose if Chun chooses U2 for some reason, lol.

Edit: Read too quickly.

I meant 7-3 in Rose’s favor. I’ve run into Chuns that use U2 against Rose for some ungodly reason.

I read it too fast, my mistake. If Chun chooses U2, it’s definitely in Rose’s favor.

Rose Chun is still 5-5; U2 is actually the better choice for Chun Li against Rose.

And if you ask me, I will explain why.

U1 falling out glitch?

Yes; and that’s takes away a lot of Chun Li’s damage against Rose. Rose wouldn’t fireball against Chun Li in the first place; Chun Li can easily hazanshu on reaction.

Chun Li has her U2; it gives her a scarefactor within Hazanshu and such; it gives her more damage against Rose; it’s not really benefitting her when she uses the go through fireballs ultra because she already has a way to beat Rose’s crappy ass fireball.

I disagree. Hazanshu can be easily baited and punished with U1. Every Chun I’ve played that uses U2 crumbles once I have my ultra stocked. Chun has to be REALLY REALLY on point and hope that Rose doesn’t FADC her fireball/reflect if she wants to get in. Maybe I just haven’t played a really good Chun that picks U2 against Rose, but I fail to see how Hazanshu can shut down Rose’s fireballs completely.

U1 not only completely shuts down Rose’s fireballs, but her reflect as well. Hazanshu can’t shut down reflects when HP reflect beats it.

If I’m shooting fireballs against Chun, it’s going to be when she’s not charging or very far away, but then she can just Hazanshu if close enough. If I have to FADC my fireballs to be safe, I’m giving up potential damage with Super. Getting and maintaining the lifelead in that matchup is very important.

It’s because you’re playing bad Chun Li’s that keep the game fullscreen.

You have to play good Chun Li’s that are ALWAYS in footsies range - precisely the range where Hazanshu shuts you the fuck down.

You’re never going to hold back as Chun Li against Rose - it’s not needed.

In the Rufus match-up, especially against good Rufus players, you don’t want to use projectiles too often because it allows you to give up space too easily. I also recommend not backdashing too much as well, because you really don’t want Rufus pressuring you in the corner. I really like using the cr. fierce dive kick/throw OS, it works pretty well (unless you notice your opponent is frame trapping you). I like staying within range, and doing slides to chip away at his health.

No, you do c.lp + + c.hp. If Rufus tries to throw you after the dive kick, you will tech. If he tries to do another dive kick after a dive kick, you’ll stuff it with c.hp. after dive kick? If he didn’t delay it, then yes Rose will block.

Damn I missed the Rose/Chun discussion. But yeah its super even. Chun can’t jump in on her and can get jumped on, but Rose has to be a bit more aware in how she pokes Chun because of Hazanshus.

Hazanshu is Rose’s worst nightmare; but Rose beats it with her standing kicks (all of them).

It’s godlike :E

you can always punished those Hazunshus with your U1 too

No you can’t lol. Good chuns won’t do a hazanshu that won’t go over you because ultra 1 lunges you forward; also, if they hazanshu your fireball, fireball has 52 frames of recovery; she would’ve hit you long before that.

Do you mean when they try to SRK during your, or in-between xx MK Spiral? If it’s during, I think using SRK in-between xx MK Spiral might beat your Spiral.