SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

Yeah i realize that was a bad example i just threw the first thing i thought of on there just as a general question. But yes i understand. Simple yet effective answer lol. Thanks for your input.

Dont know if that was directed to me or not but if it was thank YOU. the guys on these threads, well most of them at least, are the reason why i still play. You guys put a lot of time into finding things out to improve your game and share them with the ones like me who dont have a lot of time. I just wish my schedule supported enough time to play and travel. Any advice on the makoto matchup? I feel like this really gives me a hard time

I recommend sitting down and playing the whole matchup out in your head. What is the other player looking to do? Where does he want to be on the screen or actually how far away does he want to be from you. Where do you want to be/how far away do you want to be. What normals does he press? What normals do you press to counter that? Are you suppose to be more aggressive or more passive in this matchup? What are the do’s and do not’s of the matchup? Once you begin to think, and i mean actually actively sit down and look at ALL the options both sides have, then you start to understand why they do what they do in the videos.

Frame traps are generally there to punish cr. techs. You would only need them if they you think the opponent is thinking you are going to throw them, if you get my drift.

And that’s Rose’s main tool; her grab does 20 damage less than her bread and butter; and counters hits do 250ish+ if converted correctly.

They are afraid of Rose’s grab and Rose’s grab is amongst the best in the game.

so in other words…cr.lp,…(wait)… xx spiral ? lol

learn frame traps yourself lol.

She has tons because all her normals are pretty much +0 and all of her normals are fast enough to leave a gap and still leave counter hit. I’m tired of explaining how it works and what it is and why every time ;[.

I guess lol…I already know the inputs for some of her frame traps…my problem is the timing / understanding why it works but I will get the hang of it one day lol

It simple; they’re scared of your grab so they press buttons.

They guess that you are going to grab but you press a button that counters their tech/crouch tech.

COUNTER HIT gives +3 to whatever move just hit.

Meaning you can do combos you usually can’t do for massive damage.

All because they were scared of a 140 damage grab ;).

but that’s the thing I get all of this…sigh I’m more of a visual person…guess I will have to ask my friend for tips because I know how frame traps work…when I play my friend and I try one and I KNOW he pressed a button but I still see him blocking…its either my timing that’s wrong or something else…

It’s because he’s pressing it too early or he’s delaying it perfectly, assuming you actually left a gap to frame trap him. What filipino man is saying is frame traps work better when they start to think your going to throw them. If you just do a cr. jab > cr. short > st. forward right away, chances are you’re not going to bait them into pressing anything. Now if you throw them or even get them teching after you cr. jab > cr. short > throw a couple of times and train them tech after two hits, the next time you cr. jab > cr. short > (delay a bit) st. forward, you’ll catch em. I personally prefer to throw them instead of worrying about all those frame trap bs.

No, what I’m saying is that frametraps blow up crouch techs most of the time in this game specifically.

No one is going to interrupt with a random attack that isn’t a tech; if they were to do that; they’d do an attack with invincibility instead >.>

well, i’ve seen balrogs spam cr. jab instead of teching between gaps. But that’s balrog and his stupid jab.

Training Mode, set the dummy to press crouch tech at a random pattern while holding down back. Viola, now go practice hitconfirming your frame traps.

The problem might be your not delaying your normals long enough.

Note: I’m going to be updating the front page tomorrow afternoon, and new match-up information will be up there by this time tomorrow night. I’ll put up the Bison match-up that we’ve discussed, and tidbits of other match-ups we’ve slightly talked about. We still need to finish the Fei match-up, if that’s a match-up that everyone needs help with.

lets do viper next. im hopeless against the bitch.

The whole world is lol. Though she still gets option selected for free on her wakeup.

cr.MK to evade burn kick nonsense. Just like shotos.

…that’s all I got.

I agree that c.MK is your best friend in that match-up lol. Have to worry about blocking 50/50 burn kicks? Use c.MK to make them whiff! Rose vs. Viper was 6-4 in Super, and now I think it’s more 5-5. Slide is also really helpful in that match-up as well.

Edit: The Bison match-up has now been updated on the front page. If there’s anything that needs to be fixed, please let me know.

Viper makes you guess and Rose no likey characters that make you guess.

You have to get good burnkicks and then you can optionselect every option the bitch has >.>

I still think Rose/Viper is 6-4 in Rose’s favor. I’ve played Wolfkrone multiple times (online, but still), and I’ve won a few matches and didn’t feel completely hopeless against him. She has slide,, and EX Soul Throw to get out of burn kicks, she has shitty normals and a shitty focus attack so you can poke the fuck out of her,,, and all go over Seismos, and you can option select her wakeup. Rose has it better than most characters do against her.

4 match-ups are up, 35 to go. Viper is the next character match-up we’re taking a stab at?