SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

I am trying to understand where you are coming from, which is why I asked. I’ll just post specifics about the Bison matchup later.

I wouldn’t be surprised. Heck, you can say the same about Akuma.

In my personal opinion, it’s 5-5 in AE because he can’t pressure as well with his scissor kicks anymore. Everyone is going to have different opinions. In Super, I had a hard time against Bison players in general, so I definitely felt it was 6-4, even with the U2 nerf. Out of the Bison players I’ve played in AE, it doesn’t feel as bad anymore.

It can make the match better, if you know more about the match than your opponent does and you work out a really good gameplan. The reverse is true too. But its not guaranteed to make all your matchups even because no matter what you do cant change the tools that you are given…but you can use them differently.

Anyway, I think its like 5.25-4.75 in Bison’s favor. You are pretty much screwed if you get caught in the corner, but he’s screwed midscreen if you’re ahead/even on life…and you start the match that way. He has to approach you to get the lead, and thats where he’s weakest. He’s gonna do one of three things if you’re patient and wait:

Jump in with j.hp-just by you blocking this puts him in a position to start scissor pressure, and c.hp tends to get beat out by it. Best thing to do is slide under and make him lose his charge, or ex ST.

Try to poke with does a good job of stuffing your poke and spacing you out, giving him a slow but steady lead. Slide does a good job of counter poking it, and you are at a good range to use to beat scissors if he attempts it. He is also at a decent space to attempt a cross up mk, be ready for that.

Try to bait you out- Spirals are really dangerous in this match not just because of Bison’s, but if you whiff he scissors you and pushes you in the corner for free in most cases. He also might attempt a random focus through

Everyone here knows what to do when you get put in the corner, so just be patient and wait for an opening. if he attempts a frame trap with s.fp or, he’s -1 on block…good time to attempt an escape.

-stand block scissors!!

-baiting ex psycho crushers are great because Bison is really weak without meter and loses his escape options.

-You’ll usually have meter during the match so its probably best to save for super, but if you need to use it have it be for ex st and random ex sparks


-whiff punishing his with your is crucial to this match. at that distance you force him to jump/air jag kick, which you can react with backdashes/focuses/slides, etc.

-grounded jag kicks are NOT safe, the reason alot of people get counter poked is because the block stun is pretty big and people mistime the punish/advantage. short jag kick is -3 and the other two are -2. You can also os with c.fp, helps alot against m.jag kicks.

-Learn his distance on when he will and wont cross you up. Seriously that’s half the match

And I would listen to ShinkuuR about the Adon match up, because all his points are seriously helpful and he plays Ramenaddict a ton iirc. ;D

ShinkuuR- thanks, that is great Bison info. Why do you stand block scissors? Thats honestly the first I’ve heard that advice.

I find that slide loses a lot to his It beats his which is usually thrown out a lot, but slidingin anticipation of can be beat by scissors. Getting away from his jump ins as you mentioned is huge. cr.fp works against his jumps but not if they’re directly above, so its key to know when to counter and when to slide and escape.

I feel like Bison isn’t even at a huge disadvantage at mid-full screen. He can EX pretty easily through or over a bad spark, so you’re never really safe, and he can build meter with devils reverse. His walk speed and focus dash forward are so fast that he can close the gap easily. I feel like he is never without an option.

Really great information, a whole lot better than my short write-up. I’ll update the first post with the Bison match-up tonight or tomorrow. If anyone still has any information to share on that match-up, please post by then so I can put that in as well.

Darmonde: I think he suggested to stand block scissors due to the hitbox while you’re crouching. If you’re crouching, your hitbox is extended outward slightly, and thus it makes it easier for him to make his scissor kicks safe…

Mostly you stand block scissors because you gain a extra frame switching between crouching and standing, so any standing pokes will be slower…and you are going to need to stick a somewhere. Plus in most cases you end up blocking scissors earlier when you stand, so he will have less frame advantage like sk said.

And you don’t slide in anticipation of, only in reaction to a whiff or when he’s walking forward, NEVER when he’s crouching or walking backward. He can’t build meter safely(punish DR with ex spark), and trying to close the gap with EX Psycho Crusher isn’t full proof(you can easily hit full screen ones with c.lp,, or c.fp). He’s gonna have to walk forward to get something started, and you have to understand that he’s taking a big risk even though it might not look like it.

Thanks for the info, very helpful. I’ll try to incorporate it.

I never thought explicitly about the differences between crouching and standing block, interesting to consider.

One match-up I would like to talk about is Ken…is it like the Ryu match up ? idk why but I got more difficulty vs a calmed ken that slowly comes close to me than Ryu >_> how should I approach this match up?

you mean

That’s what I thought as well.

Yea i definitely think ken is more dangerous. His jump ins are way more ambiguous. And stepkick is a bitch to deal with. Um. I like to preempt sweep once every so often. It’s hard to punish from full screen as long as they don’t see it coming and with all the active frames, you can easily catch his stepkick. I’m not sure if any other of rose’s normals can punish his stepkick. I’d rather fight a ryu then ken.

How do I beat Seth?

OS tandem and srk beats backdashes so I’m force to block on wakeup. Jump back fierce is like my only saving grace in that matchup.

Just whiff punish step kick.

Both characters go even with Rose, but I personally rather fight Ken than Ryu, it’s much more patient style of play. Ryu is all about pre-emptive reflect and smartly space fireballs wars.

And I hit Illusion Spark much easier on Ken than Ryu; even really good Ken’s can’t help but to get hit by my Illusion Spark set-ups.

Seth’s a bitch, that match up is in his favor for sure.

You have to block on wake-up or you have to do a jump straight up fierce lol, but blocking is better even though it leads to a 50/50 in his favor :(.

And then don’t be afraid to reflect his fireballs anymore when he has U1; as long as they are fast fireballs because he will get hit out of his U1 anyway.

And U1 in this match up; your U1 auto correct to punish his teleport mix up on your wake up; which means he’s gonna have to not do it because Seth has no health.

I’ve been using U1 exclusively since AE came out. I couldn’t stand the stupid hitbox changes on U2.

Seth’s DP beats out every backdash in the game, beats out every DP in the game, motherfucking active frames on that thing.

What do you guys think of the Sakura matchup?

If it was Super, I would definitely say 6-4. In AE though, I would say 5-5. Rose can do a good job of keeping Sakura out, but once she gets in, that’s when it can be a real problem for Rose. Guess wrong, and you’re going to eat a mix-up into stun, which just leads to even more damage.

As for the Ken match-up, it can be an annoying match-up for Rose, mainly because of his step kick. It’s safe, and a lot of Ken players like to use it as a kara throw set-up. I’d say that’s 5-5.

As for the Seth match-up, I’d say it’s 5-5 as well, although it can really be a nightmare. On Rose’s wake-up, Seth has so many options, and you better hope you guess right.

This is just a general question and probably should be reserved for another thread. But I see a lot of top Rose players in here. I’ve played her since vanilla, but i’m in the military and don’t have a lot of options as far as practicing against top players other than the rare ones I find online. I was wondering how you guys leveled up with her in the beginning to get as good as you are. How did you guys practice her frame traps for example. I guess my dilemma is, is that I don’t really understand a logical way to go about practicing and getting the full value out of it. I get sucked in to the whole mindless re-search ranked match, fight, repeat…I need to push past this barrier to step my game up to the next level.

You don’t practice frame traps; there is nothing TO practice.

Like, sure you can practice the timing where it does counter hit the attack. But otherwise, it’s not hard to press two buttons in succession.

You’re just pressing these buttons in hoping your opponents presses a button or tries to tech your grab to score a nice healthy counter hit and then you continue your combo.

Playing online taught me these; you just have to fight against the good players. - Those are the ones you have to find.