SSF4 AE Rose Match-up Thread

^ To escape the corner with Rose just activate soul satellite and…

Oh, wait :bluu:

SSF4 ‘chocolate edition’ Satellites will now be referred to as “tr0ll satellites” and the SSF4AE satellites will now be referred to as “Soul Satellites”.


speaking of MU vs bison…after he does his SK I tend to do in case he does another cr.short but most of the time I get punished because they do a or…any suggestions ? :S

When they do st. mk and st. hk; it pushes you far away; just take it. the point is to get out of scissors kick pressure.

keep in mind that it isn’t a true blockstring so you can ex spiral; and if someone can check it out; it seems airborne (ex soul throw) :slight_smile:

My thoughts on the Bison match-up:

Match-up (in numbers): 5-5

Normals: is great for stuffing his cr.short, like Anton said. is great for making his headstomp follow-up whiff (? - need confirmation) is great for punishing far blocked Psycho Crushers. is great for punishing blocked MK/HK/EX Scissor Kicks if not spaced / poorly spaced.


-EX ST beats headstomp (the lower to the ground he is, the better).
-Similar to the Yang match-up, you want to space your Spirals well so you don’t eat a short (3-4x) into Scissor Kicks.
-Bison can punish in-between xx Spiral or xx Spiral (essentially any untrue blockstring), with Psycho Crusher.
-Throwing Sparks is a bit safer due to Bison’s U2 nerf, but you should still be careful in using them. Bison can take advantage of her horrible recovery by doing Devil’s Reverse or Headstomp.
-Slide stuffs his cr.rh (seemed to stuff more than it traded).
-EX Spark is a good O/S for punishing his teleport attempts.


-On Rose’s wake-up, he can bait out an EX Spiral by intentionally mistiming a cr. short.
-Also on Rose’s wake-up, he can do regular or EX Psycho Crusher, forcing you to block a tricky cross-up at times (depending on when and where he uses it). Again, your only option is to pretty much block.
-Bison can do EX Psycho Crusher on his wake-up as well; if he does that, block and punish.


-I think you can use either of the two Ultras for this match-up, although I’m more fond of U2 (haven’t really seen too many people pick U1 against Bison).

Let’s talk about the Rose mirror match :o. That’s my forte haha.

Either that or like Fei Long or stuff.

I agree with Fei Long. We don’t have any Fei Long players in Cleveland that I know of, so I can’t give much input, but I think we should at least get the top tier characters out of the way.

Let’s do Fei, he’s the last remaining top-tier character to discuss right now.

Fei is so good when they aren’t spamming chicken wing everywhere.

Ok here is my 2cents on bison… a literal 2 cents as I usually get stomped…
I pick U1 in this matchup for several reasons… You can ultra devil’s reverse and poorly spaced stomps…
Secondly the tricky crossup situation is negated with U1 because i have done it EVERY time… when I see them go for the cross up EX PC on wakeup… I wakeup with U1 and it alllwwwayyyss autocorrects if necessary. Easy way to land your ultra

Oh yeah and we should do ADON… i hate him like the fucking bubonic plague!

Adon or Fei-Long first, up to you guys.

I can deal wid fei… but adon?.. shit man

I really don’t see Bison as a 5-5. You can list all of the options that Rose has and how certain options beat certain other options, but in a real match, Bison has a much, much easier time. I apologize in advance for the following rant:

I have some specifics on the writeup, but I feel like this matchup thread needs to be a little more realistic. Rose has some good normals, and we are always discussing what she has that works in certain situations and against certain moves, which is good. But I really think it needs to be stressed that Rose is not great, almost not even good. She has sub par punishes. She has no brainless safe moves. She has no reversals, no wakeup. Can barely combo into Ultra. To win with her, you have to play smart, all the time.

A couple quick examples for the Bison match: the normals you listed are good, but for all 4, they will work only against a bad/unsafe Bison. Its not advice that should be given lightly, as if they are foolproof or safe options. Bison (along with anyone) can meaty a cr.short on your wakeup to bait ex spiral- no mistiming needed. And baiting an EX psycho crusher on his wakeup- I think the absolute BEST case is you block, take chip damage, and he gets away for free minus 1 ex stock. That is NOT a good trade, and that is the BEST Rose can hope for. If there’s a way to punish a blocked EX psycho crusher, please let me know- I’m almost positive there is none.

This match is at best 6-4. Since we’ve already listed the twins as 6-4, I won’t argue it further than that, but let’s be honest- Rose loses a lot of matchups in this game. Matchups can get tricky as skill levels change, but in this case, I feel

Bad Rose vs Bad Bison: Bison wins.
Decent Rose vs Decent Bison: Bison wins.
Good Rose vs Good Bison: Bison wins.
Godlike Rose vs Godlike Bison: Bison wins.

Your positivity lead you to your demise; you can punish blocked EX Pyscho Crusher and it’s just all range dependent.

I’m not at one point in my life ever going to say that Bison is a 5-5 match, but I don’t think he’s 6-4 either in this game.

His pressure is much easier to deal with and most ground games should’ve atleast leveled up by a lot.

I think there is much to be learned vs the twins that would make them an easier match up; it seems that Rose doesn’t really struggle as she did with someone like Rufus. But the game is all about damage output, which is why Rose doesn’t get demolished the whole 6-4 against Bison.

And I am a strong believer that Rose does not have an 7-3 match ups and that 7-3 match ups include Blanka - THawk, Dhalsim - Yun, and stuff like that >.>

Ok, I won’t argue what makes 5-5 or 6-4, or 7-3. Everyone’s exact numbers will be different depending on their experiences, and I’ll admit my Bison experiences are quite unpleasant. It may be easier in AE to deal with Bison’s pressure than in super, but I still think its difficult- and I definitely don’t think it should be listed 5-5.

I know its possible to punish EX PC depending on range, so I’ll clarify. On Bison’s wakeup, you can meaty or time a safe jump to block a reversal EX PC. Outside of you being in the corner, there’s no way to punish it.

It seems like you’re saying that a player’s skill can even out a match that is uneven if you just look at the numbers, is that right? I don’t know the exact details of blanka/hawk or yun/sim. But they’re basically the worst matches in the game?

It’s because looking at match-ups is all in theory and if Rose has x y and z to beat Bison’s options and Bison has x y and z to beat Rose’s options ALL in theory (matches played PERFECTLY) it would be an even match-up. In game, everything would be different because that’s where variables such as player skill prove to be rampant.

I had not once (until my last paragraph) said that player skill can even or uneven match-up numbers.

But even then, what if that Bison is better than you?

I’m also saying that Bison-Rose isn’t as bad as like Rufus-Rose thus not making it 4-6. Hell, Rose’s worst match up is vs Yang in this game. Bison can deal with Rose now; it’s not easy, but EX PC is punishable and is also option-selectable. (with U1 and such). And even if he does do it on wake up, you win certain positions in the screen, and one of them is full screen away; what can Bison do against Rose full screen away?

But I am not taking any of my personal experiences (actual win/loss ratio) into what I say into match ups; I am simply stating what works in what match ups taken from my experiences, not personal vendettas against the match up.

Like Rose-Rose for example, that’s a 5-5 match up and there’s no arguing that. But there are many people who have a shit time with match and people that don’t have a shit time with the match.

What I’m trying to get to is that like it’s a match up based game and how you base your match up should not be based on your personal experience or how you do against a person’s playing the character because playing like Daigo’s Yun and playing some random Yun in your locals are 2 different assessments.

It’s definitely all about theories and what beats what and how to beat hwat and what he has to beat you etc.

If Twins knock Rose on her ass the match is over. Yeah, that’s right. I said that shit.

Well the match is pretty much over if you freak out and back dash like hell for no reason.

That’s almost right. It’s almost 100% true >.>

But not quite yet.