SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win


What are your thoughts on this? You’ve been awefully quiet and this would be a good time to get your unique perspective on what just happened. *

PW if I say who I am can I guarantee you’ll protect me? If so then us and azure can work together to get better targets

[quote=“DarkGeneral, post:1885, topic:164690”]

If they have someone with a skill on their side who can find the roles, and we don’t have our own in Togami somehow even after all the claims and confirms, they might be finding out all our roles and had Medics pegged already.

There’s someone who follows a character, I remember that much, but that was also another way to find their Valedictorian. /looks like Sayaka as a Civ. We know they have Sayaka, we don’t have that.

Someone this voting phase piped up about “I was just thinking of Alpha and what roles he would be picking” was it Doof?

Togami - who only does that as a Civ. I might have to look into more of this Togami thing. DGAF if it was mr obvious stuff or already looked at. Who else is going to clear the Vigilante? Of course Bious probably. Or Alpha, and he def wouldn’t. Seeing his interactions with [the real] Vigi and Bious could be interesting. - Nagito can be chosen by Mafia? I don’t remember him having to only be Civ like UC Detective. Remember in all the fake stuff Alpha posted to only show us what he wanted with lists, he was one player who foretold “just picking bad roles since nobody will figure it out”

Picking a guy Mafia has to kill to win, sounds like a pick with that kind of mindset. - Paparrazi

That role combined with the one on learning something else could give them a good idea on who is at least the Investigator role. Maybe even the Medic. It doesn’t have to only be by claims - by the way how did you guys have those claims at the ready so fast after a writeup but do not ever help during the day phase with that kind of research and quoting? Either holding out on us or…? :shake:

Especially when we learned there was no investigation but there was some Medic protection? Crap, Medic didn’t even protect the first night, hence why we had to talk up not even having a Medic and only Nurse. They got to learn in the thread, from Bious the other half of the story in case they targeted one, or both of those guys to follow at night.

Who gets to follow Civs at night and be a new to us - MAFIA INVESTIGATOR? - Otaku learns every night

Was I wrong earlier right after Bious’ last gasp on Paparazzi? I know I missed something in there now. Besides any Mafia version of Paparrazi knowing Pimp Willy’s protection targets too.

via Bious last gasp of all day 1 night 1 actions


My response on Paparazzi nobody else talked about much.


I want a role claim now. By Paparazzi. Otaku too if he has a PM going. He can leave out who he PM’d.

Otherwise it lines up with Mafia has both those roles.

  • You know what? Put me on the line right now. Do it. I want you to. I want you to kill me right now so I can come up and civ and put pressure on you and Mobius. Please, please, please lead a train on me. Oh god I dare you. I dare your sweet ass. OH god, I’m so fucking giddy. Try and get me. I want you too, I’m not deflecting shit. Come and get some.


100 fucking percent.

Pro tip:

My kill tonight was going to be The Chief.

If he is not lynched tomorrow, he is kennel chow, come dusk.

Its already been telegraphed but oz Is otaku and he contacted me. He’s clean and off limits. I only wanted mafia to think I wanted him dead… and was hoping azure would pick up my intentions

Damn quotes

BONUS: Like Togami the way it has been laid out with Hecatom, it was a passive skill that Bious didn’t get to see at night right?
Those are all

Role Actions used->Targets

So Bious would have no idea if Mafia has the Otaku.

*Chief bring your ass from out of that PM and respond. *

*Huh. Interesting. I won’t comment on this further until I die. *

On the one hand, I really want to believe that this is a mafia play because it’s so out of character for DG to get flustered. And really, there are other ways to try and get players to look at other lynch options than by dying yourself. Seriously, it’s this kind of logic that’s been letting people get away all game.

On the other hand however, CK made a similar play earlier and he was confirmed as civilian. It could be that you’re trying to work off the logical assumption that mafia wouldn’t be careless enough to make a play that already failed again.

Wow, ok. We seem to have been wrong with a few of the roles we thought the mafia had.

So, Mafia don’t have the Medic or Otaku like we originally thought.

They have the Princess and the Forger though right. Are we thinking they have the Programmer too?

WAH, are you asking who the Paparazzi is? It’s common knowledge that Azure is her.

I’m not even surprised. This game has been a clusterfuck of bad decsions and this one doesn’t even surprise me.

Its like no one is reading the thread. All the posts about playing catch up and yet we still have people getting away with murder.

Tell me how does HAX get away with calling the the Val’s role?
How does RF get away with voting all over the place?
How does OZ get away with coming in out of nowhere and role claiming to survive.

It is what it is. You all will understand why I’ve been as quiet as I have when my role gets revealed.

Yeah, Azure role-claimed Paparazzi a while back. Although it could be a feint to try and protect the real player but I doubt it. Azure has little to worry about at the moment with PW looking after him.

  • You can think it’s mafia play or this is me turning the heat up on chief and Mobius to 1000%. Life for a life. At this point I felt like the response by chief was so much of a mafia response that I’m putting my life on the line. I’m just 1 of many civs. If my life is forfeit so we can nab Mafia, so be it.

*Plus there’s no fear of you guys thinking I’m Touka when I die. You’ll know for 100% that I’m civ. *

Its likely the programmer is mafia at this point, but Mafia might be just godlike at yomi

Hence chief and rf light bulbs. But that doesn’t mean an unknown is not capable of this. Like dghead or synonym

My advice to you and everyone else is to slow down a little bit. We have 36 hours to decide what to do next. If you make emotional proclamations, mafia will latch onto those and steer all of us into our own graves.

I need time to process this and go to sleep (east coast guy.) I’m going to be working two angles tomorrow:

  1. Figuring out likely assignments for the roles that are left
  2. Doing detailed investigation on one person. My normal approach is to try to read the thread back to front and see how relationships ebb and flow, and relate them to people’s actual voting behavior. I think I know who I want to start my research on, and it’s someone who has flown under the radar and really needs to be put on the stand: Möbius. I’ll review the thread in the morning before I begin and may change my mind.

We still have Togami and the UC, right? Powerful tools that become even more powerful in the coming days. We can win this if we are careful and measured in our actions.

The programmer has to be Mafia. Like Godot said they submitted their night kill right after/around the same time of the voting deadline. They didn’t want to give us a chance to do anything so they ended the night A.S.A.P.

Huh, I thought he was the investigator and didn’t do anything the first night due to his medical issues. Jesus toast, it’s so yummy.