SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Synonym both times.

At least Fuzz pointed out the major problems with this, but Fuzz might be learning from his silly ideas back there, worst ideas ever, and is being more careful about these kinda things.

Synonym will probably not get enough votes in the next 50 minutes. Who is even around here watching the thread? I’ve broken down Combo, he’s as good a target as any going into the night phase for Vigi. Especially on these possible mistake Vigilante shots.

Lynch Radical Fuzz** - I don’t even remember who else is voting for Fuzz today, without this late push major distraction by Combo. Pimp’s voting Fuzz still? He knows how I play with a sense of urgency from the TF2 game. I hope he can work with me on this.

Yay! More Fuzz votes please.


Why did you not sacrifice yourself last night? *

You were expecting me to use a helpful night skill? When nobody was asking for that?

You better pinpoint which one that is. Old vague ass bird flippin beanie headed colored sunglasses fool. :bluu:

You don’t believe me making lots of posts and the urgency of the game now, and how I know your dynamic more than - look Mobius finally catches up to that on this page. Or anything much better written not at midnight, today?

Fuzz quote I forgot on no to any targets.

already answered that one.

This may be my inexperience showing but how does the nurse’s death change things? It just means that PW’s role will activate, preventing the death of one of his targets instead of the medic saving PW resulting in no death. PW has already role claimed and been 99.99% confirmed as civilian. There’s no taking that back now that it’s out in the open. As such, mafia will know that he will continue to protect people even without the medic protecting him. He has also confirmed Azure as a priority protection target. That’s unlikely to change if we want any hope of beating the mafia. However, keeping his second target hidden makes the mafia guess as to who PW has deemed important or not.

I know the plan is different now because it means PW will die, but at the same time he is still a presence that the mafia cannot ignore. He is still a looming, roid-raging woman who can add a level of deception to the game. Will he protect another important role or will he choose someone at random, assuming the mafia will think the important role is protected.

HAX getting all sorts of nervous, like he did when dudes in The Lounge trolled him with neg bombs.

It smells.

  • It is something to consider, and I did. The thing is Ishimaru didn’t use either of his roles on night 1. I can’t think of a good reason why regular medic wouldn’t use his civ ability. In the role card it says he can protect any player from being killed. I’m assuming he could have saved someone from either a mafia or vigi kill. But while we’re on the subject let’s clarify something:

@GodotsRevenge could the regular Civ medic protect himself? *

Pimp was the GM of the TF2 game I was Medic.

I thought I was dying 1st. I tried to protect myself.

Ask him how my PM went with him.

I just need him to CTRL F his name in my last night (real time) posts this day phase.


Line break

Vigi stop killing

suck worse than Hecatom you made fun of

doof asked you to not kill him as a wallflower - I quoted that today for other reasons

did you take him off your list?


Combo Knight is being pushed to the front of the line eh? If he’s a civ. and really wants to “bow out with dignity” then he can use his skill save some valuable (and vulnerable) rolls tonight. On the other hand if he’s not then we could lose 2 roles buuuuuut that would be one less mafia member to worry about.

someone already said that


Him asking for Pimp’s protection makes me wary of him. Then again what are the chances of 2 mafia members role-claiming in a desperate attempt to save their own ass? Decisions decisions…

Combo Knight why did you ask Pimp for protection?

I love ya, as a new poster on SRK, HAX.

But I do not trust you.

Not in this game.

Vote sent in, going to bed.

That could be me just noticing the Fuzz clarification to you more, that its a major bad idea to have any talked about [by Pimp]. You’re free to suggest them in the thread sure, except pointing out likely targets will cue Mafia in on the real plan ideas or at least remind them of these players.

What also Red Flagged it was you calling it the “Pimp Willy Protection Plan.”

That leans more to the old version with Sakura Oogami protected by at least the one medic we had.

You clearly weren’t thinking about Pimp Willy dying after his protection targets get hit. To perhaps back off talking about it at all if you understand the dangers and urgency now that the Mafia killed the Civilian Nurse.

Reading the last couple of pages, I’ve seen a lot of fluff posts without much value. Almost as if mafia were trying to clog up the thread and sow the seeds of uncertainty and doubt. I’ll review this tomorrow and see if anything stands out in light of what we learn during the night phase.

OZ still doesn’t sit right with me, as I still have to investigate PW’s reasoning today further. But the main target is somebody who’s just a little lower on my suspect list, so I’m ok saying:

Lynch: Combo_Knight.

Can Sayaka the Forger, forge themselves?

Or can they only forge a [Mafia] teammate?

Seems very important, as it can act like the Gambler’s passive:automatic role.

Yes, she can forge herself if she would like.

Thanks, I’ve never played in a game where there was these sort of considerations to make. I’m certainly not going to be suggesting protection targets for PW but I can see your point.

*FOR POINTS. Are you shitting me? You just couldn’t have that bad a judgement, I mean you just can’t. With the amount of confirmed roles we have, you didn’t sacrifice yourself last night to protect confirmed civs plus our medic/UC. Really. For 1 lousy, IMAGINARY POINT. *

Hey, man… Don’t diss the points.

Because Azure made me uncomfortable, answered that too