SRK Lounge: Can we please lay off the Maxxvatars?

It’s not like Otto’s are bad. His covers are great. They are great paintings of the characters. They usually let Jean go balls out and do whatever the fuck he wanted and it showed in the quality of the covers which were like little neat stories sometimes.


And yeah, Steel Reserve is gravity brewed malt liquor.

I love it when a question answers itself… :coffee:

So does this beat that chevy tracker bruvs?[ATTACH=full]307[/ATTACH]

Sheeeit, nothing is as shameful as the “Smart Car”, imo. Ugly ass El Camino? Yeah… I’d rather be seen driving that than a Smart Car… that giant station wagon that I can’t remember the name of? Yep… it’s better-looking than the Smart Car. The older 90s era Impala(the Black Mobile of the mid 90s, at least in Memphis…before that 90s model it was the 70s style “box chevy”)… yeah…better than the Smart Car. That is just embarrassing. I actually feel a 2nd-hand embarrassment (vicarious shame/humilation?) when I see people driving that…particularly if it’s (allegedly) a man driving it. haha, get outta here with that shopping cart bullshit man… pow-pow-Power Wheels.

*ah, I can see Candace Bailey’s panty-line today… nice.

*someone should make a Left 4 Dead (hint hint, Valve— SPIN-OFF potential right here!) type game with vampires instead of the zombies…hell yeah I’d buy that… regular vamps would be common enemies that swarm in… the “Specials” would be the more intelligent vamps that have cool special powers.

Heh heh… someone from Tech Talk sent me this as a late birthday gift:



I’m so glad I showed that to you what feels like ages ago, but was really the start of the year IIRC.

You also converted me to shimapan as well. Choice.

That shirt is fucking awesome.

I really need to play RE4 and Odin Sphere again.

I’m kinda shocked how well I can do Waluigi’s voice.

I should have been more open and “lol random!” in High School drama instead of being shy =/

Waluigi’s face is basically just a troll face.

That’s why he’s an awesome character.

I wish Nintendo would actually include him in a Wario game or give him SOME backstory =/

We all know that won’t happen, he’ just a foil for Wario on the Luigi side.

These however, would be awesome to get backstory on, even though SMB2 was completely stolen from another company.

And the ones with the black masks too.

Couldn’t find a better one, sorry.

I feel like I just smoked crystal meth after looking at that picture.

And no, I don’t really know what that’s like.

Nintendo needs to do more with Wario. Wario is way better then Mario. I mean proper Wario Games, where you travel across the kingdom stealing everyones money in a quest to become the richest mother fucker on earth.

True that dude, those games were WAY more fun then the Super Mario Land games for Game Boy. Didn’t they just turn Super Mario Land 3 into Wario Land because everyone knew how badass he was for taking Mario’s shit in Land 2?

Wario Land games were amazing.

Wasn’t that nearly EVERY Wario game so far? I played Wario Land: SHAKE IT!!! and it was a pretty sweet game, until the Pirate chick jacked his trasure, what a cunt.

Dude, best part were his bitchin’ hats!

The gator hat that shot fire from it’s nose!

It was probably supposed to be a dragon, but fuck you, I thought it was a gator as a kid, and it will remain so.

He don’t just stomp neither, he shoulder rams.

I haven’t played Shake It. The last one i played was the one on Gamecube. After that they started using him in those minigame-a-thon games.

You guys should watch Donnell Rawlings “new” stand-up. I STILL see dudes on here quoting shit from Chappelle Show, so I know you guys will find this hilarious:


His Michael Jackson bit at around 16 mins or so gets me every time. His whole standup is hilarious, though.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this before, with girlfriend and parents right now, so I’ll watch later.