SRK Lounge: Can we please lay off the Maxxvatars?

Game has one of the BEST endings ever.


Wario don’t give a shit 'bout no bitch.

I think he keeps the W’s on his hands to leave his initials after each and every one of his bitch slaps.

Just so they remember.

Greatest ending of all time.

My brother showed this to me just now:

1:28-1:32 for a similarly hilarious prank.


The guy in the white shirt was obviously Wario in disguise.

Was gonna go see Prometheus, but on my way out the door I got paged. My roommate seriously looked like he was going to cry, and left without saying a word.

Something wrong with that dude.

The redheaded broad in the purple pants on the latest Wendy’s commercial…HOT.

*it seems like in any job where you answer calls… the toughest, most bizarre ones always happen right at the end of the day, y’know? Say the end of your shift is 5 pm… you know that call that came in at 4:46 is some strange shit that makes absolutely no sense, and is something you’ll have to ask a manager about…either that or it’s a dude that doesn’t even speak English. It’s every damn time. I felt sorry for this one though, since it’s one of the extremely rare cases where he’s actually a reasonable guy that was and is trying to honestly do the right, responsible thing and get back to working asap…he just happens to have a very odd case thanks to the ridiculous amount of rules and procedures involved with claims, re-activation and entering certain things into the system, yadda yadda. The whole thing is a mess, and on a daily basis I’d love to go back in time to punch the face of those people who invented the concept.

Oh and here’s an interesting bit of food for thought (can’t remember if I posted this before… I had it in mind a few days ago)— at least here, you actually get paid more on a claim than a full-time work-schedule of minimum wage pay. Here, minimum wage is (the federal min.wage)7.25…that x 40 = 290 in a week, before tax. If you set up for the max benefit amount, the lie and say you have 4 kids, that would give you 325 per week before tax. So, in the short-term, a UI claim here actually beats a minimum wage job…and that may explain a bit of that scenario where you have people choosing to just relax for awhile instead of seriously looking for a new job. Oh yeah, and keep in mind that this is one of the “low”-paying states in terms of that benefit. Also keep in mind that you often don’t even get that full # of hours every time with the minimum wage shit, so on average, that might’ve been a generous estimation by going with “40 hours” or even 37 or so. So yes, it actually does work out that way— the government is paying people to not work for awhile. Bust your ass on some depressing shit of a job for low pay… or sit at home and do nothing…and actually get paid more? You can see how a lot of people would be pleased to stick with Option B for however long it lasts. (*which in the last FOUR years has been a long ass time.)…unless of course they have real hope and confidence in getting something that is way above minimum wage.

*Alex Simwise— they need to get her fine ass back on G4…or better yet, she needs to get famous and more importantly…continue being scantily clad and/or naked on camera.

…you got…paged? They still make those?

Yeah. I get messages sent to my cell phone, and a pager, in case I don’t have cell service or something.

Back up plans rule.

Probably cheaper than a second phone as well.

Either way, the company pays my cell phone bill and they provide the pager. /shrug

I just found it funny how he was so quick to flip out on the fat dude. I wonder how that gif would of went had someone else been sitting there lmao.

are there any energy drinks that dont make you HUNGRY AS FUCK :oops: !?

Shit I thought I was the only one.

ordered a large pizza and might eat the whole thing by myself…meatlover’s special no homo…:eek:

Man, fuck lightning. I just turned off the tv to be safe. If I want to watch a show about Nazis and UFOs on a Friday night, I ought

(From now on, when I accidentally hit the insert photo button on Tapatalk, I’m picking one at random)

…to fucking be able to.

I find it amusing how we were talking about beer earlier and now there are beer ads all over the site.

We should start a discussion on pink double sided dildos.

double space your thoughts all you want. everybody in the lounge knows you’re afraid.

yeah, i’m not watching that Donnell Rawlings special. i saw him bomb on NBC. most embarrassing thing i ever saw

never had a drop of beer.

It kinda is a crazy cult. Relationship is still the same except that she has my last name (this is a good thing). Other than that its whatever.

People are putting more stress on this site with random pictures and imbedded video in the character forum than GD does with its threads. GD isn’t all that fast; its just a bit faster than the rest of SRK. SRK could be streamed down to:

Trading Outlet
Regional Matchmaking

And that shit would make more sense than the current set up. Most of the dudes in this place can’t read. Therefore maintaining the Domination 101 threads is kinda dumb. Either way those sub-forums mentioned above are the only ones SRK really needs to exist. TT could easily have the bugs and glitches thread inside of it but it is nicer for it to have its own subforum. What would help lower the nonsense is mods actively deleting threads without mercy ESPECIALLY inside the character threads. Those threads have so many junk topics that they need to be cleaned out for the sake of the site’s sanity. Its whatever though; they may know how to run a tournament but they are headless chickens when dealing with something cultural.

This dude Tataki is trying to go in on me in random threads. That dude is stupid. How stupid you may ask? He is the Spudly of FGD.

Well I’ve got 24 hours of youth left. Gonna spend them the way I spent the other 99.9% of my 20’s.

Doing jack shit.

Tomorrow begins a new journey. One of worrying about my looks and if I’ll ever settle down only to watch porn during sports games.

In another 10 years, prostate exams. I CANNOT WAIT!

Also I weep while I not wait. WHERE DID MY LIFE GO!

I think I now know what being VSlash feels like.