Yup, wait, do you mean destroyed DD in a good way or bad way?
I love DD, I haven’t read it in forever though.
Anyone here read Moon Knight lately? I got the first five, but the plot was much, much too slow.
I wonder what the HIV of the internet would be then?
It’s because most people think grapes taste better.
The good way. You just posted art from his run.
And no Rock, James Jean is the best. Probably because of how much freedom he had in the Fables covers.
Gabriele paints a pretty picture, but he never constantly surprises you with new ways to say “Buy this comic!”
Yes. I like my eyes the way they are, not stabbed out of my face like Oedipus.
On another note, alternative covers in comics are shameless.
June 9, 2012, 2:31am
Also: Just got back from Prometheus.
Much better than I expected it to be.
Would pay theater prices to watch again.
June 9, 2012, 2:33am
Steven seagal has a tv series
It is exactly what you think it is
June 9, 2012, 2:36am
A fat ex-wife beater, in a wife beater, flying around on Crouching Tiger wires?
Yes. I like my eyes the way they are, not stabbed out of my face like Oedipus.
On another note, alternative covers in comics are shameless.
Touches own face My eyes are fine man, dunno what to tell you about that.
haven’t been to /b/ in at least 2 years. the other areas of 4chan are so much better than that place. still, can’t be scared to go places on the internet.
I concur, Gabriele Dell’Otto is pretty damn amazing… at everything.
June 9, 2012, 2:39am
Who is scared?
I am not scared of 4Chan.
Or AIDS, even.
I am not scared to fuck other dudes in the ass, either.
It just that I have zero inclination.
I have zero attraction to males, slow immune system decay and eventual physical death, or my soul’s destruction from peering into the spiritual event horizon that is 4chan.
Chinese KOFXIII Competitors Xiaohai and Dakou Heading to EVO 2012.
First comment;
SovietGrammar: "t his year EVO gonna be hard for Mexicans"
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial]This name looks oh so familiar. [/FONT][/SIZE]
Fucking LOL
We’ll just have to agree that your opinion is stupid. Also he kinda retired from covers right after he really started doing fashion stuff.
I searched him briefly, the dude is weird.
There was also an image of a nude woman seemingly underwater, inside of an enourmous condom.
Maybe she is just penis sized.
It’s a lose lose either way.
Heh, this is a real radio station, apparently: http://radiostation.org/kock-101-3-fm-the-rooster-in-walsenburg-colorado/ THE ROOSTER!
*and HELL yeah I just found some new pics of my Jersey Shore honey Deena Cortese…it looks like she’s slimmed down a little bit…which is just fine by me.
Why is the only girl that gushes over me borderline retarded? =/
I have an 86 Camino. Yall niggas can suck my moderately sized caucasian dick
never thought id say this but…it feels good to be back in GA. Greenville, SC…hopefully we wont meet again. Atleast this yr.
June 9, 2012, 3:25am
isn’t steel reserve malt liquor? and if you’re drinking malt liquor, you should be drinking 4loko or joose. that said, beer snobs are the worst and i don’t give a fuck what anybody says blue moon and bud light wheat are fucking delicious.