Steel Reserve is nasty shit and is only marginally stronger than other shit beers… but it’s there and nobody else is going to drink it.
dammit. I’ll chance it. General Akcbar, take the helm. We’re going in…
It is an entity.
It’s like the ring dude. It controls you.
LMFAO. in the panthenon of ugly vehicles, few if any are so remembered…or reviled…as the El Camino. I wonder. Is there anyone who can do ANYTHING to make one of those look decent? I don’t think so. Still, at least it isn’t the Cube. :wasted: :tdown: THOSE things fell straight off the ugly tree and into oncoming traffic. Downhill. Both ways.
But the El Camino has the looks of a muscle car with the space of a pick-up! It’s the best of both worlds.
You all fucked up, this is the ugliest car in existence.

Man, El Caminos, Steel Reserve, I’m starting to believe SRK is 1/2 white.
All that’s left is a few mullets and people that grew up in trailers.
That second part in the above sentence applies to me.
Shameless Dem Kankers reference for trailers-sake.
(Hmmm…there appears to be a relatively near-by fire according the news. All the more reason to go outside finally…)
Still haven’t gone for my walk yet, unfortunately, so I figure I might as well answer Amazing Funbags because…Kusanagi commands me to.
I’m aware a Prince Albert isn’t a tongue-piercing, though the cleanness issue applies to tongue-piercings even more.
I was asking if she had asked him to get a tongue-piercing if she asked him to get a Prince Albert because, you know, cunnilingus. [/spelling it out]
All of them, thus far. I’m just not an alcohol-person, I think, which is funny because I apparently have a higher tolerance for not getting shit-faced than everyone else I know even when drinking quickly (because I’m not used to drinking). I think I’ve only liked one thing I’ve drank and I can’t remember what it was; even then it was more like “this is okay/not horrible” rather than “this tastes good”.
Perhaps my pallet is just too refined.
dons monocle
The marriage ring or the One True Ring?
Same difference, I suppose.
Too bad Smeagol gets laid more than most married men.
Thank the almighty skywizard for evolution threads
My skywizard appears in the form of a ghostly Grant Morrison, like Obi-Wan Kenobi on Hoth.
I was just happy for him, because from I know of him he’s not the kind of guy to subject himself to such a thing if it were not in his own best interests.
Marriage of itself isn’t cool - finding somebody worthwhile is.
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout gets me buzzed after only one.
That’s 151 caliber liquor buzzing, for me.
El Caminos are the mullets of the automobile world: having one automatically makes you a redneck (or mexican), and the only one who likes it is the guy who owns it.
Glad mine doesn’t, I’d be confused as shit all the time if so. if Final Crises is the bible lord have mercy on my soul…
If your skywizard writer is Grant Morrison, then my skywizard artist is J.H Williams III, at least in terms of covers.
Just look at this shit.
Undecided with interiors. Probably between Paolo Rivera and Francisco Francavilla

Francavilla (didn’t want to search for panels)
A very fluid and “creamy” style would have to go to the colorist Dean White and artist Jerome Opena.
Yo, on the real, 4chan has a lot of good shit to be found on it, you just gotta have a thick skin., ignore almost everyone, and never ever venture into /b/ for any reason what so ever.
Yes there is.
They want people to be sick.
Because the food, drug, and health care industries are owned by the same group of people.
It is the same reason why medicine doesn’t cure anything, anymore, in America.
They want people to exist at a tolerable level of pain, for as long as possible, bilking them for as long as they can.
Dude, fuck everything about that site.
As a general warning to those that have not been, people aren’t kidding when they say shit about 4chan.
You know when your friends exagerrate about shit they see?
4chan is that without the exaggeration.
Grant Morrison kinda lost a couple pegs after I couldn’t finish his book.
I get it, you took drugs sometimes when you wrote and Arkham Asylum sold a lot. Shut the fuck up about it. (of course I did jump all around and skim like every chapter, so I basically read it all, I’ll probably power through the last half at the end of the month)
James Jean is the best at covers, Steve Epting would be my current choice for artist because I love his recent work. Why you so good at mainstream superhero art Steve Epting? I guess I might have to pick prime Kentaro Miura if I had to choose from ALL artists because his art is insane but my book would never been on time and would make everyone sad.
If I could somehow combine All Star Superman Frank Quietly and current Kentaro Miura and give them Mark Bagley’s work rate I would spend so much money on whatever they did.
Mark Waid is a really underrated writer too. He wrote the best FF run and apparently just (is?) destroyed DD. Kingdom Come doesn’t get enough mention for how great that is either. It’s just as good as the Dark Knight Returns.
And what the fuck, Black people (and basically any person looking to get drunk fast) drink Steel Reserve/whatever nasty ass 40 you wanna slam.
I have never been to 4chan.
I never shall.
It is like AIDS, in that I do not require firsthand experience with it to know that it is not something to seek out.