I don’t need beer to pwn bitches…least beer in me. She can drink all she likes tho.
beer isn’t necessary but makes the experience that much more enjoyable.
I just smoke a couple bowls and have plenty of fun.
I’m actually pretty sad Pertho got married. I would say why but it’s super mean.
So I’ll just leave you guys hanging, that way I can still manage to be a little bit of an asshole. The preferred kind of asshole.
(I don’t drink or care about porn, so there’s not much for me to talk about; lucky you.
Isn’t Steel Reserve supposed to be absolutely horrible, lowest of the low beer though?)
Hunh. That evolution thread took off way more explosively than I took, especially since regulate’s potentially-trolling Islamic beheading thread seems to be having a quite more mature/civil religious discussion. I’m tempted to go comment in the evolution one again, but I can’t bring myself to care right now.
Sometimes I think that TL;DR versions are still too long for people’s (current) attention spans. I could very easily see people still being lazy about comprehending even if the computer read posts aloud or mentally projected them into your mind.
Anyway, hypocritically excising a bit:
As the lazy mod of fan fiction, I somewhat agree that you can kill it, but only if you’re literally killing everything else you just said and more, especially since FanFiction.net did some idiotic overhaul ala Youtube sometime recently and livejournal is notoriously fickle. Ill-typed stories aren’t hurting anyone with how little traffic that area of the site has always gotten anyway.
That said, as much as I used to post in Image Mishmash, which I haven’t even visited really for the past four or even five years probably, that seems like without a doubt that it’s the largest drain on the site “resource”-wise (since that’s usually the flawed argument for killing General Discussion).
Or at least it was until they allowed people to embed videos everywhere and without limit; that decision still vexes me, but whatever.
Agree with your other points.
What Radiantsilvergun3 said.
People are “happy” you’re married because it reaffirms their societal brainwashing that tells that them every happy couple gets married because only married couples are legitimate. That stupid tautology is furthered because of the train of thought that if a couple is happy that isn’t married, they’re on either on the road to marriage & “being real” or they’re not and will eventually break up because they refuse to “get serious”. Opposite this is that the many, many married people having problems are always at fault rather than marriage itself or, rather, the fact that they got married in the first place when they didn’t really have to; it’s always been bitterly ironic that this is one of the few instances where Americans seem to finally believe in personal responsibility (just not for women in too many instances).
Marriage being condescending doesn’t stop just at single people; it pretty much encompasses everyone who is unmarried, as seen with the current “same sex marriage” bullshit where much of the argument for its “sacredness” is that it’s “special” and its “specialness” because it’s “sacredness”. [/quotation mark abuse]
I’ll stop before I go on a (further) rant.
Note to self: Next time you see jae hoon, bug him about whether he’s read the Singled Out book yet.
cobra is worse than steel reserve, i’d also say old english is as well but i mean honestly malt liquor is bad by conception. but at least it’s above thunderbolt.
My girl suggested that I get a Prince Albert.
I told her ass I would get a clip on.
(I think that I’ll go for a walk earlier today and then post in the movie thread when I come back.)
I really also need to look for a fucking (German) non-disposable razor when I come back because I’m rather tired of having this stupid mustache and other facial hair, especially since apparently even when left alone, my sideburns are complete shit like my shitty “beard”.
Missed this earlier.
Males “suddenly” turned into attention whores the instant that social networks became popular. Hell, probably even before that if those damn “camera-phones” were around and popular before myspace–remember that?–considering how many idiots take pictures of their abs and/or genitalia to send to people.
I see. I’ve known about malt liquor being trash for a while, but I’ve never heard of Cobra. I’ll have to get it for someone else as a joke just to be an asshole.
Never understood the appeal of a Prince Albert or how the hell you keep it clean. (Or why it’s called that.)
She hasn’t asked you to get a tongue-piercing?
And they always are wearing hats -_-
And it’s not a tongue piercing bro XD
i have found during my research/studies (lol) that each brand of malt liquor i try seems to have a flavor similar to what i would consider their names to taste like. while i haven’t personally tasted steel, 211 SR/high grav tastes exactly like what i would expect. it’s the same with old english (it’s something one might use to shine shoes) and while i have tasted king cobra i don’t really have anything to compare it to so i’ll say it tastes like what one would imagine a real king cobra might taste like.
cobra is easily the worst of the bunch, that shit is gross and you can get a 6 pack (16 ounce/pint) for like 2 dollars and change. i haven’t seen any recently but 40’s of that piss used to run less than a dollar. they may still.
The amount of good breweries to bad ones in America is severely lopsided in favor of good ones, but the amount of people who still drink Bud, Coors, and Miller is staggering. I have a friend who brings beer over for training sessions before tournaments, and dude always brings Bud Light. It makes me sad. Next time it happens I’m tossing them in the garbage and sending him to the beer store down the street and making him bring back some Fat Tire or Flying Dog.
That said, I’m so broke these days that I’m relegated to Southpaw. -_-
Snake tastes like chicken but on a skeleton that reminds you of fish…
Edit: Ooh Fat Tire was one of the ones i hated back when I was trying Beer.
Aw man. it just HAD to be 4chan, didn’t it? dare I go there?
I wholeheartedly recommend:
Yeah…also /d/ if you’re feeling adventurous.
Working on 4 new products for my site to fill the front page. I’m thinking Monitors, Keyboards and Mice, Additional Storage, and a full on custom option that lets you construct a machine from all available options.
Maybe instead of keyboards and mice, I should do “peripherals” and have keyboards, mice, headsets, and speakers all in one place. Or should they all have their own individual option? Hmmmmm…
Good luck.
</bad guy from Taken voice>
Steel Reserve is great.
Firstly, it gets you intoxicated very quickly. Liquor quickly. A Steel buzz is distinctly different from that of other beers, to me.
Moving on. Has anyone ever offered you a beer that you hated upon trying? After you’ve “acquired a taste” for S/R, that will never again be an issue. What are they going to hand you that will offend your pallet, then? Okay, Genesee Cream Ale, but that is unlikely.
The Steel Reserve fraternity. Men of means, with fixed addresses that enjoy Steel. We know, it’s trashy. And it is almost objectively awful. But we appreciate the humor in drinking it.
White trash guilty pleasures. Like gas station hot dogs, or thinking El Caminos are fuckin’ sick.
All of GD.
To discriminate would be against the cause.
That’s fine and dandy, but what bugs me is that Pabst is both hipster and skater beer nowadays.
I have no idea why.
It is without a doubt the worst beer I have ever tasted, and I once drank an 80 year old beer fermented in an attic.
Let me rephrase, I hate it when people** don’t even try beer** and stick to girly drinks because they could be missing out on something they like.
Posting in this thread
Love my avatar, makes it easy to tell what threads I’ve already posted in
Because of all the moaning and groaning, I decided to write a mostly serious essay on how to post on SRK (or on forums in general, really).
I think we should have something like that stickied on all the forums, because there does seem to be a lack of cohesive instruction.
I spent pretty much the entire day working on that. Man “working” in government is great.