I hear there’s a cracked version of the Torchlight 2 beta out for anyone to try. Pretty cool. I’m gonna spilt my time between Diablo III, Torchlight 2, Path of Exile then later on Dragon’s Dogma+Dark Souls DLC when that hits consoles. Action RPG’s=rewarding crack.
I’ll just wait for the full game to come out. I played it for a few minutes months ago and it seems to have everything I like in action RPG’s. That and, it’s free. YEEEEEEE!
Since Justin Bieber(I don’t know if this has any truth to it at all, it just sounds like a funny reply to me.)
I remember you posting that before, you pervy momo.
Yeah, the pervier you get the less your porn of choice starts looking like porn. It’s random shit that only makes sense to you. I came as soon as he started wiping the hair boogers on her chin. :tdown:
P.S. I STILL owe you feet pics. I have not forgotten. I am merely lazy. :tup:
i don’t even know what that is (haven’t googled yet) but that sounds mighty wretched.
edit: ah, it’s another term for dick… that one’s new to me.
edit #2: i don’t want to double post so i’ll use this edit to ask my question. if/when gd gets shut down, where will everyone go? i don’t necessarily want a prediction for where everyone is going from each person. where would you go if you were to sit down tomorrow, come to your internet dwelling, and saw that gd was no longer here?