Looks like there’s a glitch in the matrix.
To think that there are young people who haven’t even seen the Matrix at all. Just heard of it.
Feel so old.
woah wtf lol
and to think those special effects wont blow their minds
Ah, white man’s weakness, cheap beer. I also have said weakness, so long as it isn’t PBR. At least Steel Reserve is enourmous enough to get the job done.
Quoted for truth.
eat a dick there are no midnight showings in my area! :mad:
I made that mistake once.
Never again.
American beer < *.
Except maybe Heineken.
Isn’t this contradictory to the “white people love craft beers” stereotype?
Note: This white person loves craft beers.
I watched the trailer for Watch Dogs. I got hyped, then remembered that Ubisoft did the exact same thing with Assassin’s Creed, and that game was a massive letdown. It was good, but it wasn’t as good as the unveiling made it look.
You mean micro-brews?
Supposedly, then again I’m Irish and German among many other ethnicities, so I have that working against me.
You can both drink cheap and drink nicely. The biggest offender is drinking micro-brews/craft beers too much, because honestly, it’s just mad expensive in the long run, especially if you do it at a bar.
This has now become a beer thread.
On the cheap.
On the nice, sadly 9.99 a six pack.
This is a seasonal, so I don’t remember how much it costs.
German-Irish-Dutch here. Though I have little connection to my ancestral roots aside from growing up on bland food and belatedly learning how to cook, eat, and drink stuff that actually has a taste.
Enlish, French, Irish, Welsh, German, Cherokee, Blackfoot. And yes, I’m, caucasian, but my older relatives that I mostly never met, were obviously Native American. The exception to this being my grandfather on my mom’s side, he was the only I saw on a semi-regular basis that was obviously Native American, and I met his siblings once or twice, but mostly just saw pictures of them. On my dad’s side it’s his father’s grandmother that was Blackfoot I believe.
This fucks with me. ^
Can someone clear something up for me?
Are pilseners the happy medium between lagers and ales? Furthermore, are all light beers pilseners or are all pilseners light beers, are there exceptions?
Never had stout…wanna try.
I’m mostly British. So I guess that’s why Newcastle has a soft spot in my heart…
Havatchu, instead of writing a 2,000 word thingy I’ll just put the TL;DR version of it since its what people want to read;
GD is that part where the community gets to be human. Not all people who have accounts post in the game forum section; not posting in those sections does not mean they don’t play the current games. Because of this killing GD takes people away from the site.
This place catches members when they get burned out. GD is kinda like the injury reserve for SRK members tired of dealing with nonsense in the game forums. If they really want to save bandwidth, get rid of comic books, image mish mash, fan fiction, and a bunch of little ass sub-forums that get less play than an ugly bitch. Either way killing GD means killing people that do go back to playing the games after they are done feeling burned out.
All of the problems with SRK lie with the upper management that is to force a culture to change. Whenever you do that, shit gets really wacky really fucking fast. For example, the Ilongot are a head hunting people. An outside force tried to get them to stop. This lead to some members turning to Christianity because one of their main coping mechanism was gone. Head hunting ain’t exactly one of the most stellar things to have going for you as a group of people. But it is beyond dumb to think that you can force a group to change how they behave overnight.
Shit is the way it is because they wasted time doing random shit with the front page instead of educating new members on how SRK functions. Its whatever with those dudes though. Throwing a tournament and dealing with the strangeness of people are two completely different things. Throwing tournaments = easiest shit ever compared to understanding a group of people.
Edit: The whole marriage thing was to keep things easy in case push comes to shove with my now wife’s operation. Nobody cares how long you’ve been with somebody if you are just a boyfriend. But you throw that husband shit around and suddenly doctors are all ears. Don’t know why people are so happy that we got married.
I find this disturbingly accurate in how GD deals with people with dumb questions/threads and trolls.
Nice explanation, I enjoyed it.
I love this song.
G00dy, clear this up for me. Are any of the following bands “uncool” to metal heads?
Behemoth, Gorgoroth, Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir.
I’m pretty sure Bodom and Borgir fall in the category of being “too popular” or “too accessible to be cool” Same with In Flames and Queensryche right?
I see Bodom as the Van Halen (in no way a bad thing) of darker metal, I honestly can’t think of another power metal band off the top of my head.
I knew Havatchu was a fellow Ohioan when I saw the Great Lakes beers. Christmas Ale > literally everything. GL:CA is the very apex of human advancement. Personal teleporters, time travel, that drug from that Limitless movie I didn’t see will all seem dim compared to the great light that is CHRISTMAS ALE!
But since it’s only available for like 4 days out of a year most of the time I drink their Edmund Fitzgerald…
Except for the Ilongot the headhunting happened as a way to cope with extreme grief. If you would like to read more google Renato Rosaldo “Grief and a Headhunter’s Rage.” He is also famous because his wife died on the field (which turned out to be an important part of him understanding the people but…damn…).
I honestly don’t like Christmas Ale
It tastes like the ornaments on the cart on the label to me.
Sorry broseph. Edmund Fitz it’s pretty good though.
Conway’s is pretty good as well. Just a little better than Elliot Ness probably. Not sure if I’ve had Commodore Perry yet.
I’m sad to say I like Oktoberfest (only because it’s a seasonal) more that Dortmunder.
Must try Nosferatu.
Eh. I think it’s the best thing ever, I could be wrong… Never had Conway’s though been meaning to try it. Next time I buy beer I’ll go for it.
Does anybody think Val posted the same messages on the first page just to fuck with people who were in the last thread? …you know trolling and whatnot…
Remember when Ronin use to close stupid religious argument threads?