SRK D&D Game start! The town of Marast: At The Quill & Dagger Inn

H8in’. Are you guys on the TS now?

Yepperz. :tup:

I replied.

Oh fuck. I need the TS info and shit again. Forgot I reformatted and have none of the stuff.

LOL Hey @Neesa :rofl:

Fuck all ya’ll. I’m getting TS right now.

Rock B, just how big is your .gif folder? And how do you get to the ones you need so fucking fast?

In the most monotone voice ever.

How I imagine our D&D games.

Good session, guys. Let’s see if we can get deeper into the caves this next time. :tup:

Next session Neesa is going to have to cast Hold Gag Reflex on her throat so she can get this +12 Sword of Penetration to hit that magic g-spot on her tonsil.

Also Rockb jumps on more backs…

And that other guy does stuff too whoever the fuck he is…


How can I LOL and Agree together? My head hurts. :rofl:


IDK, our party seems fairly competent in combat.
We just sort of bumble about when there isn’t a clearly defined thing to hit.

I’m hoping to get you guys headed in a much more clear direction during the next session, story wise. The encounters will be a lot less random also. :tup:

@Manx disregard that last pm, I have something else in mind to achieve that desired flavor I am going for. Should be pretty cool.

It just occurred to me, Thursday I will be driving to Final Round.
Probably not the best time for me to get a game in.

That’s cool man. We can get by without your leaping attacks for one session. :smile:

Na, bruh. Your ass jumped in like a nigga at a watermelon eating contest. :rofl:

Rock just doesn’t want to face the fact that a teenage white girl is harder than his literal black panther.

I’m playing a character that doesn’t have the sense to not go in first.
I was feeling pretty good sitting on 20+ AC until the goblin smacked me with a 27.

Doesn’t matter, Sara will continue to be the most ignorant motherfucker with her rapier. I’m 14 and indestructible.