SRK Body Transformation Before/After pics


lol, you did a hadoken motion after the SRK. (unless thatā€™s what you meant to do).


HAā€¦ DOUUUUUUUKEN! I realized after I did it that it wasnā€™t a SRK lawlā€¦ itā€™s alright, LETS DO IT UP BOYS!!! GO FOR BROKE!!


Hmmm, before we really get into just want to sayā€¦ whoever wins, I just hope people get some good habits while doing this and get into better shape and are on the path to mastery in this area of their lifeā€¦ but obviously there will be only one winner, and that will be me :slight_smile:

Your avatar will be you after I winā€¦

Just kidding, I hope everyone does well.

Will post up my pics in 6 months Before & Afterā€¦I sent my pics to Biggzy alreadyā€¦
Current Stat of Before Pic**
Weight - 231lb
Height - 5ā€™10
BF% - Dont know
Goal for 6 month Challenge**

  • Get down to 185
  • Be able to bench my weight (185lb)
  • Win SRK Transformation Body Challenge

Goal after challenge

  • Continue w/ exercise daily
  • Be able to eat whatever i want & still maintain
  • Look great naked

End of week 2 update. The change is not very noticeable because I only lost 2lbs (was only able to work out 3 days due to injury:shake:). Now at 178 from 185:woot:

I think Iā€™m going to stick with this format from now on(previous week, current week, before pic).

edit: no, Iā€™m not pale in the photo, lol. Light coming through the window isnā€™t as strong this morning as it was the other 2 days.(webcam hue thrown off)

why donā€™t you do a before pic, previous week, current?

shit gets confusing when you jump around in time like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to have the current week in between previous and the before pic.That way you can compare the changes from both weeky and overall.:wgrin:

If I did before/prev/current, youā€™d see the same damn before pic at the start, making nearly all the pics look the same at first glance cuz the first image will never show any change.:rofl:

good luck to all of you guys

Well fuckaduck I forgot all about the picturesā€¦apparently theyā€™re, needed. At the mercy of the court Iā€™d like to still get in on this officially because Iā€™ve discovered a very exciting routine that I can do (see GD thread). If I can squeeze on in here with pics tomorrow that would be PEACHY.

I dont mindā€¦but in the end its up to Bigz

Yeah thats cool with me. Alot of people are either late with their pics or just forgot about it.

Yeah it doesnā€™t bother me as long as you have your username & date Sonthemallā€¦Hey Biggzy do you think we should do a role call/check off list to see whoā€™s still eligible? I mean some of the pics on here is not following the rulesā€¦

shabooya roll call!

I donā€™t mind as long as they are pics of you and not someone else and you saying itā€™s you with your GFsā€¦

I kid I kid. :wink:

ok managed to get a digi cam ahead of time.

iā€™m loathe to post pics of myself now after the stomach raping i had last week because it cost me about 2 months worth of muscle. since iā€™m fasting iā€™ve flattened out even more and the late night eating is slowly putting a smooth layer of flab over my abs. Oh well its only for about 2.5 weeks or so and then iā€™m back into the routine.

currently working out on an empty somach and no water all day is pretty fucking shit, but it builds character, or something.

My Goals, to get back the muscle i lost and shed the fat from my lower stomach! Weak points, back thickness and upper chest!

Good lord Mullah, youā€™re still in great shape. Keep it up :tup:

thanks bro. Looking at your pics a couple of minutes ago it looks like youā€™ve got a good amount of muscle under the fat. More muscle than iā€™m carrying thats for sure.
If you can lose the flab without losing that muscle you will be pretty stacked. Its not hard to do, but in order not to lose muscle you have to be careful not to deplete yourself of carbs which is a mistake most people, including me, make.

i like to keep my carb intake the same as normal before a workout (8PM) after which i just eat protein/salad/whey shake.

Diet wise i like to start the day with porrage, eat clean proteins, no currys etc :frowning: and white or brown rice, not fried. basically nothing with oil or fat in it allows me to keep my carb levels moderate to high pre workout so i have energy but dont put on fat. Itā€™s a very simple approach. oh and 3 shakes a day :slight_smile:

I lift weights 5 times a week. if i want to lose bodyfat iā€™ll do cardio 3-5 times a week directly after a workout. due to hormone levels +depleted glycogen stores cardio after a workout burns the most fat and increased test production during a workout lessens muscle loss. i think cardio in the morning burns asm uch fat as your glyc stores are depleted after sleeping but unless youā€™re on steroids i think it burns too much muscle, maybe its just me.

When i finish fasting iā€™ll get back onto the clean eating diet but iā€™ll cut cardio to twice a week as i need to be putting on size, i should still lose al il bodyfat each week. But right now my diet each night is all over the place, just had some apple pie after taking those pics, :frowning: lol

Thanks. Yeah I really want to concentrate on losing this fat. Iā€™m playing ALOT of hockey so Iā€™m anxious to see what kind of results Iā€™ll be getting in a couple of months.

Your all a bunch of fat nerds

and Mullah stop posting pics from 2 years ago