SRK Body Transformation Before/After pics

Height: 5’7"
Weight: 170 lbs
BF%: dunno yet

Target weight: 150lbs
Target Body type: toned/cutted/slim
Workouts: P90, 10min workout, ab ripper

i have like a pear shaped mid section, so right now im more focused on cardio for fat burn, then weights.

ok here’s my attempt…

im looking to gain some weight cause im really skinny right now

good luck to everyone…

So i need to lose some gut … and get some SIX PAKS … also need volume at back, chest & biceps … :stuck_out_tongue:

I need a haircut too lol … see ya in 6 months :smiley:

Here’s me, in all my glory. Can you tell I don’t take off my shirt much? :rofl:

Height: 6’1"
Weight: 249lbs
BF%: :wonder:
Goal: Smexy

Also, :rofl: at people hiding their faces. Don’t be bitches.

Pics uploaded to post #9.

Good luck, guys.

For rcaido.

I’m at work and this is the first time I saw this thread, so I’ll take some more recent pictures, but I wanted to get a post in on the deadline.

Height: 6 feet
Weight: Not sure. The only scales I have access to don’t go over 400, and I tip them bitches like they’re keeping my coffee hot.
BF%: All of it.
Goal: to see my cockles without the use of technology.

Game plan: Lots of cherry coke and online third strike.

Here is my entry.

I am currently 161 and my goal is to gain more mass and lose BF. Not sure of my current BF though, might update later.

SRK we da best! (Yes that’s Remy).

Here are my before pics:

5’5" around 155 pounds.

another before. More accurate.

Height: 5’10

I use to be 180 a few years back. I was unhappy with the way I look and it affected my moods a lot. I changed my diet and became active. I’m feel a lot better now knowing I’m going in the right direction.

So bigzy lost 15 lbs a year, then.

On average. But I lost the majority of my weight the first year which was like 35 lbs. I was at 215lbs for a while. Then got down to 195lbs, started playing hockey again and am at 185lbs. Fuck this cold though. I haven’t been to the gym since Friday and I’m starting to feel like shit.

placeholdalaz, imma up later this week when i have a camera hope its ok.

At first, I thought about not posting any updated pics until a few months in to show a big change, but then I realized that if I try to posted more frequently, I’ll be much more motivated and much less likely to take it easy or slow down.

So here is a before after of my first week. I lost 5lbs, pretty much all water weight, so it’s gonna be much harder from now on:

These are from earlier today. Don’t mind the idiot faces. I was really tired when wifey decided to shoot:
edit: btw, got a haircut today, lol.

Keep up the good work, 5lbs may seem small, and it might just be water, but it’s still better than nothing ^^

thanks Fenrir. I don’t think 5lbs is small. For my starting weight (185), I think it’s a huge number actually. It’s just that from this point on, it’ll be way harder to lose 5lbs in one week again, especially considering that I’m building muscle at the same time.

Regardless, I’ll be happy with any loss of fat, no matter how small the amount.

Good shit Alfa, damn you can already notice a difference. Keep it up!

A little late of the pics, but anyway…

After injuries and etc… 10+ months of not working out equals this (pics included) plus being out the Marines for the past 4 months, not having to do anything doesn’t help either, cuz now I’m just lazy and eat whatever, but I want to get back into shape. It doesn’t feel good when pants you buys a few months back begins to feel tight around the waist… :tdown:

189 lbs
22% BF (nope… don’t like the sound of that)

Goal: 170lbs+
11% BF

I just want to get back in shape and ‘feel’ healthier. I know I haven’t been living a healthy lifestyle these past few months after I got out and want to get back into a steady routine.

Good luck to everyone. I don’t care about the prize, just seeing many people wanting to lose/gain weight/work out motivated me to get off my lazy ass again. Thanks SRK

Good job alfa…keep it up.